Social College students' average IQ has plunged

I'd imagine there is a range of IQs across the different types of degrees being sought. Meaning that some degrees will likely have students with lower IQs than others.


Don't hurt me... Just searched College trends and saw these two pop up together... lol

Yes, I know... Correlation doesn't equate to Causation
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I went to college in 2006 and it was fucking shocking to me how anti intellectual the whole undergrad experience was.

It was just high school all over again.

I imagine the drop in standards for professors is as big a factor as the drop in admissions requirements for students.

The 'old white man professors' that everyone hates were so much more knowledgable and open to debate than the younger hip professors. The female profs especially would act like wounded girlfriends if they got challenged in anything.

IDK where you went to school, or what you studied but that was nothing like my experience.

My undergrad was Electromechanical Engineering, and minors in math and physics. I took every TA and tutoring session available for the tough physics and math classes, and still struggled. We had some seriously bright and talented folks in these programs.


Don't hurt me... Just searched College trends and saw these two pop up together... lol

Yes... Correlation doesn't equate to Causation

This is part of the reason. Every dumb girl goes to post-secondary these days. Although more dumb guys go to University than before as well. The higher IQ male dominated majors also tend to have the most right wing graduates. With the exception of Business I guess. The most left wing majors are utterly female dominated and barely above average IQ.
Health professionals, social work and education so low is pretty bad lol.

It should be pointed out that the scores from that study are inflated due to self-sampling bias (it relied on volunteers). But this bias affects every degree program. Math and physics majors have the highest average IQs and the most female dominated degree programs typically have the lowest. This has been determined in multiple nations. I think math and physics majors score the highest on basically every aptitude test. Economics majors are another who score high who weren't listed next to their point.
The female profs especially would act like wounded girlfriends if they got challenged in anything.

I dealt with this. Had a young, petite middle eastern teacher who we all definitely wood. Her first assignment in our English class was a 5 page essay about how we became literate. I was like wtf? So she tells us that she moved to America when she was 7 and had to learn a new language. A guy raises his hand and said he moved to American from Russia when he was a kid and had to learn English as well. A few more students raised their hands and said the same.

I raised my hand and said what about people who were born here that only speak one language? She said well then write about the one language you know. I told her I can't remember becoming literate in English because I was a kid and have no distinct memory of becoming literate and she basically said that's not her problem if I can't remember.

Wound up writing about becoming "literate" in math. I basically copied the plot to Stand and Deliver and wrote a totally fictional story about a teacher going out of his way to teach me math so I could pass the class and go on to win the math championship. Dumb bitch gave me an A lol
These schools are run as businesses now, trying to maximize profit. They will flood first year acceptance and fail 70% of the kids just to fleece their parents bank accounts. On top of that as more and more people get degrees the standard drops.

I had an old man prof who was from a different Era. If any of us didn't do 100% prep for the lecture he would scream for them to leave and slam the door. There were about 60 kids in the class and only about 5 made it to the final exam. Times have changed. That guy even had a scar on his face from a sword fight.
The dudes quit going to college at a greater rate.... and now this is the result?

Makes sense.

Explains everything from her own perspective. Goes on to rationalize she ranked that guy as having the lowest iq in the group because he only considers his own perspective. That's some varsity-level lack of self-awareness right there.
I was in history. I'm sure it's very different and I'm sure you went to a much better and more expensive school than I did.

Bro, I started out a local community college, used a transfer scholarship to a state school (which reduced my entire tuition to exactly the same as the community college) and graduated debt free lol.

I made sure my learnin' was cheap as fuck 😂

The kids trying to attend college today are so fucked. I thought tuition was shit when I attended, but these kids are getting fucked 7 ways from Sunday now.

Any college kid that I've ever spoken to that's asked me about school...I give them all the same advice: Don't go to that shitty expensive private college because your degree is worth exactly the same pretty much no matter where you attend (with few exceptions)

Also, in the history field, you are probably correct as those professors tend to skew older anyway. However, I will say that the best professor I ever had was a history teacher in his early 50s.
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Bro, I started out a local community college, used a transfer scholarship to a state school (which reduced my entire tuition to exactly the same as the community college) and graduated debt free lol.

I made sure my learnin' was cheap as fuck 😂

The kids trying to attend college today are so fucked. I thought tuition was shit when I attended, but these kids are getting fucked 7 ways from Sunday now.

Any college kid that I've ever spoken to that's asked me about school...I give them all the same advice: Don't go to that shitty expensive private college because your degree is worth exactly the same pretty much no matter where you attend (with few exceptions)

^^^ I did this too.

I worked through the Junior College to pay for U.C. San Diego and even worked while at UCSD, which was a great idea. I was an intern at a law firm and realized I did not want to be a lawyer after all. I graduated with no debt, but my Mother did pay for some of my college on her poker winnings. She is a hell of a player.
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Chem trails , crop circles and human meat in fast food.

you know most of the people coming into education have ten second tiktok attention spans, right? these people will never do good on standardized testing the way we know it.

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