Crime Canada to Impose House Arrest on Individuals Who May Commit Future Hate Crimes


Silver Belt
Dec 13, 2013
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Pre-crime Minority Report dystopian level shit right here. Imposing criminal penalty for acts that you may or may not commit in the future, no conviction needed.
Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already. The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Mr. Virani, who is Attorney-General as well as Justice Minister, said it is important that any peace bond be “calibrated carefully,” saying it would have to meet a high threshold to apply. But he said the new power, which would require the attorney-general’s approval as well as a judge’s, could prove “very, very important” to restrain the behaviour of someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups. If “there’s a genuine fear of an escalation, then an individual or group could come forward and seek a peace bond against them and to prevent them from doing certain things.”

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

is it retroactive?


Depends how high the threshold is, if it's targeted at people posting manifestos etc then I don't necessarily have an issue with it.

Obviously it shouldn't apply to anyone who's just a bit racist.
jesus christ...

You missed the

"someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups."

"The bill also would make online platforms swiftly take down child sexual-abuse material, as well as sexual content posted without consent."

"bill includes various safeguards to allow the human-rights commission to throw out frivolous complaints, including a kind of “summary dismissal mechanism” if a complaint does not hit the threshold for hatred or if someone files a complaint in bad faith. Costs could also be issued."
You missed the

"someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups."

they're hateful scum, but better living in a country where a few scumbags exist vs making life intolerable for everyone else.

"The bill also would make online platforms swiftly take down child sexual-abuse material, as well as sexual content posted without consent."

good policies, but they already have laws for these. this is just an excuse for control. "if you don't support this communist bill, you don't care about children".

"bill includes various safeguards to allow the human-rights commission to throw out frivolous complaints, including a kind of “summary dismissal mechanism” if a complaint does not hit the threshold for hatred or if someone files a complaint in bad faith. Costs could also be issued."

the human rights commissions are woke. in practice this means making it easier to boot out legitimate complaints if the complainant doesn't come from the "correct class"...straight, white, male, christian, etc.
they're hateful scum, but better living in a country where a few scumbags exist vs making life intolerable for everyone else.

good policies, but they already have laws for these. this is just an excuse for control. "if you don't support this communist bill, you don't care about children".

the human rights commissions are woke. in practice this means making it easier to boot out legitimate complaints if the complainant doesn't come from the "correct class"...straight, white, male, christian, etc.
My life will not be affected by this one iota
Not a fan. Both governments in canada are going after the net. Cons want ID to be shown before you beat off.

Place is going down the gutter.
He claims to not be effected until someone who disagrees with his beliefs gets into power and turns the hate speech laws around
"people that openly claim not to be affected at all by things are just hatefully exhibiting their privilege, and reinforce hateful stereotypes about unfavored classes in Canada that are affected by things."

and that's how the moron goes to prison.
people that don't understand authoritarianism always believe they can avoid its effects and reach by being servile. everybody under Stalin thought the same.
You missed the

"someone with a track record of hateful behaviour who may be targeting certain people or groups."

"The bill also would make online platforms swiftly take down child sexual-abuse material, as well as sexual content posted without consent."

"bill includes various safeguards to allow the human-rights commission to throw out frivolous complaints, including a kind of “summary dismissal mechanism” if a complaint does not hit the threshold for hatred or if someone files a complaint in bad faith. Costs could also be issued."
Jullian Assange was accused and sued for rape...

"They" can and WILL create any "evidence" of supposed/alleged "past" wrongdoings for any non-consenting individual.

This "bill" targets the essence of presumption of innocence.

P.s. What they should really do is elevate the punishment for actually committed crimes, for example:

  • Child SA = castration;
  • Rape = castration;
  • Premeditated murder = both hands cut off/lynching.
  • Theft of above "arbitrary amount of money" = death by anal snu-snu by donkeys*;
  • Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera***.

That would very effectively and efficiently prevent most of recidivism.

* - Applicable to most bankers in 2008.
Well, to most top bankers and many billionairs.

*** - those who pronounce it "ex cetera" should be pissed on and shit on by hippos. Daily.
We need to make a list of these people

So if someone publishes an online manifesto about how white people need to die and how they'd plan to eliminate them we should just go "yeah, cool" until they actually do something?
canada's NPC culture refelexed in it's politics