Crime Elon Musk says Biden flying 320K ‘unvetted’ migrants into the US sets stage ‘for something far worse than 9/11’

The whole reason for the large number of illegal entries is because of how strict the process already is. The more difficult you make it, the more people will enter through unofficial means.

Immigrants commit less crime than American citizens do, and they contribute more to the economy than they take out. They are objectively a net benefit for society. At some point the anti immigration crowd have to admit that their position isn't about what's objectively best for the country, it's just about racism and hating people with a different skin color and culture. That's it.

Hey @Lucas1980 <45><Lmaoo>

Isn't it so crazy how objective reality exists?! And you can easily access data to that objective reality?! Isn't that INSANE bro???

I have no doubt that the process of legal immigration is strict - I think we can all agree that it should be.

But the process of illegally coming and then staying is not strict enough. Many think that needs to be tightened up. I think that is the point.

I also agree that the vast majority of immigrants are normal, hardworking people just wanting to better their lives. I personally have no qualms with that at all. I want this country to have all of the legal immigrants - don't care where they are from. I know that is not always a speedy process for the person or family just wanting a better life - but countries have borders and a legal process for a reason. They should be respected.
Oh noes...more of THOSE people!!
Call them what you want but they're Illegals who are committing a criminal act by breaking into our country
It literally is not a criminal act. There you go again inventing your own reality because racism.

"I'm not racist but I just love inventing my own reality that X activity is a criminal offense, even though it literally is a civil offense, because I don't like the skin color of the people doing it"
......And I'm not a "Wacist" at all and I love your ignorant assumptions. But hey you're a Queen and that's what Queens do.
You are a racist. You're a right wing, reactionary, racist.
It literally is not a criminal act. There you go again inventing your own reality because racism.

"I'm not racist but I just love inventing my own reality that X activity is a criminal offense, even though it literally is a civil offense, because I don't like the skin color of the people doing it"

You are a racist. You're a right wing, reactionary, racist.
You really need a seat on the view and I love watching you come unglued in these threads..I'm actually laughing at you.
It's was the democrats that pushed that in an exchange to secure the border.

Regan (and any republican)was stupid to agree to the deal and believe the democrats would actually do anything to secure the border.

Which is why any bill now need to secure the border as the first step before anything else.

The is purely fan fiction, Reagan was President for years after the law was signed.

It wasn't a deal, it was a law, and the law included provisions to increase security but more importantly punish people that hire illegals which still is rarely enforced today.
I think an issue that hasn't been talked about is what's been smuggled into the country.
You really need a seat on the view and I love watching you come unglued in these threads..I'm actually laughing at you.
I'm laughing at you engaging in the typical reactionary activity of inventing your own reality.

"X thing is illegal! It's a criminal offense"
Under US law it's literally a civil offense

"They're criminals! They're draining the country!"
They objectively commit less crime than citizens and contribute more to the economy than they take out.

Yeah, I'm coming unglued by repeatedly reminding you of the facts. More inventing your own reality chump.
Yep...those unvetted Illegal people
Ohhhhh. Your issue is just that they're unvetted?! Damn this has all been a big misunderstanding then man. I'm sorry. You're not a racist.

So you're completely in favor of dramatically expanding funding for more immigration officers, processing facilities, and things of that nature, so that we can lawfully process, vet and document these people right?

Ohhhhh. Your issue is just that they're unvetted?! Damn this has all been a big misunderstanding then man. I'm sorry. You're not a racist.

So you're completely in favor of dramatically expanding funding for more immigration officers, processing facilities, and things of that nature, so that we can lawfully process, vet and document these people right?

If that's what it takes to ensure the safety of Americas border and along with that I'm for strict enforcement and punishment of anyone then who doesn't follow the legal procedures....but before we can accomplish that we must deport all illegals and close the borders.
Imagine being the richest guy on earth and this is how you spend your time.
That's way more in line with what I would be doing for sure. Way cooler than making myself a public spectacle and reposting fox news propaganda on Twitter, I mean X. lmao
Weird then how the last mass granting of amnesty for illegal migrants was a Republican President.
You're not even American.


Interesting how there was absolutely 0 attempt at any coherent argument here except laughing emojis and deflection.
Damn those honest blue collar workers all across America

More like I walked into a gas station the night before last and overheard two of the workers talking about the election and one of them was saying that Washington D.C. was on international soil lol

Red State education at its finest. Would also bet my life savings on that lady being a pill head.
I have no doubt that the process of legal immigration is strict - I think we can all agree that it should be.
I mean, I don't think we do all agree on that. Libertarians used to be all about the free movement of people back in the day. But since the right has become increasingly racially motivated and agitated, they've kind of dropped that. I think eventually, in an ideal world, there will be no borders. Obviously when the world is in a state where there's so much disparity between some parts of the world and others, you need a managed immigration system, process and borders.
But the process of illegally coming and then staying is not strict enough. Many think that needs to be tightened up. I think that is the point.
I also agree that the vast majority of immigrants are normal, hardworking people just wanting to better their lives. I personally have no qualms with that at all. I want this country to have all of the legal immigrants - don't care where they are from. I know that is not always a speedy process for the person or family just wanting a better life - but countries have borders and a legal process for a reason. They should be respected.
But this is just idealism though, isn't it? Like you can have these ideals about what you want, or what should be, but ultimately, it is material conditions that will determine outcomes. And these anti-immigrant people have absolutely zero interest in addressing the material conditions that are driving the flow of people to the north. They just want a band-aid solution to address the symptoms - a ruthless militarized border that basically just machine guns anyone trying to enter.
More like I walked into a gas station the night before last and overheard two of the workers talking about the election and one of them was saying that Washington D.C. was on international soil lol

Red State education at its finest. Would also bet my life savings on that lady being a pill head.
Cool story man....
They just want a band-aid solution to address the symptoms - a ruthless militarized border that basically just machine guns anyone trying to enter.
Nothing wrong with an actual solution that would stop the problem at hand promptly.
Oh noes...more of THOSE people!!
You think letting in other countries criminals and gang members is smart? Please stop the virtue signaling. No country should be letting in a 3rd worlds countries criminals and gang members. Families? Absolutely, if they qualify for asylum and checkout. Single males with criminal records? GTFOH. They have turned NYC into a crime zone. They are finding body parts in the burbs related to MS-13. How is this even remotely even a thought? If you are a rapist in Venezuela, why should we let them in? If you have MS-13 tattooed on your face, why would anyone think you would be a nice contribution to our country? Stop the bullshit man, backround checks aren't just smart, they are necessary. Something on a large scale will happen. Biden said it himself in 2008. Sanctuary cities turn into crime ridden hell holes.

Tell Riley Lakins family that mass immigration with no background checks is healthy.
It was indeed. Glad you enjoyed.

Maybe you can get your GED like them one day
Lame...You've never posted anything on this Forum of relevance or anything that can be construed as remotely clever......But You be You dude.

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