Media BSD says he was completely dehydrated in Poirier fight, Dustin responds

Do you think that played a factor last weekend?

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He needs to hire the Waterboy

I thought it was antibiotics

This may come as a shock to some of the RN's/MD's here on Sherdog, but taking broad spectrum antibiotics to treat an existing infection can have several side effects, including diarrhea --> electrolyte imbalance / dehydration. It can also make you, in general, feel like absolute ass.

I don't think benoit is doing himself any favors attempting to explain any mitigating factors here, especially in translations. But I'm not surprised he had a suboptimal performance given the circumstances. He was also performing well in spite of, anyway.

Hopefully he lives and learns from every aspect he can in this scenario: antibiotic therapy so close to a fight, weight management difficulties on antibiotic therapy, and attempting to be so transparent post-fight. Best to just keep mum and come back stronger next time, sharing these details only with Dana and UFC match makers.

He's making worse. Dude you lost, if you had a infection say before the fight, not afterwards when you got ko'd. Now this dehydration bollocks, rapidly losing respect for this man.

I agree with this dork with a new account.
I have no doubt that the infection and antibiotics made harder a weight cut that is already consequential.

But there is a deeper problem with BSD, he carries a shitload of injuries for a guy his age. He needs to review his training philosophy.
The culture in french army (despite the white flag memes) especially special forces, is to always force through pain and injuries. It's fine for the army because they retire most guys after 5-10 years but they age at 3x the normal rate and lots of them are crippled at 40.