Mayweather vs Cotto, Alvarez vs Mosley 5/5 PPV

The problem is that some people are insecure and feel threatened when they see other people or sports have success. lol I totally agree with you.

Even Dana White loves boxing so what does that say about Boxing vs MMA?

A fight fan is a fight fan plain and simple, hell I don't watch alot of k-1/it's Showtime but I will if it's more available to watch. Even though I do have a hard time believing Badr Hari will ever be a force in Boxing.
Goodluck in jail gayweather, another puerto rican will probably make you bleed again.

MMA will never be anything but a niche sport for white farmers in Iowa.

Lesnar was the biggest draw and now hes gone.
Even Dana White loves boxing so what does that say about Boxing vs MMA?

A fight fan is a fight fan plain and simple, hell I don't watch alot of k-1/it's Showtime but I will if it's more available to watch. Even though I do have a hard time believing Badr Hari will ever be a force in Boxing.

I think he already quit and went back to K1, since they're gonna have a new tournament. Smart, he'd get killed in boxing by a legitimate guy or get dq'd for going apeshit.
MMA will never be anything but a niche sport for white farmers in Iowa.

Lesnar was the biggest draw and now hes gone.

I know tons of black, latin, samoan and asian people that love MMA.

Not a white sport imo.
I think he already quit and went back to K1, since they're gonna have a new tournament. Smart, he'd get killed in boxing by a legitimate guy or get dq'd for going apeshit.

I think he'd get crushed by a journeyman
I know next to nothing about boxing and my cousin and I watched the fight. We both thought Cotto edged it out.
Alvarez vs Mosley was a great fight excellent win for Alvarez and Mosley is a legend. Cotto vs Mayweather was a great fight too Cotto put on a very good effort but Mayweather is amazing great win for him
I think he already quit and went back to K1, since they're gonna have a new tournament. Smart, he'd get killed in boxing by a legitimate guy or get dq'd for going apeshit.

Yep he's back in K1 because they have a new tournament with a 1 million dollar+ bonus prize plus winnings from each fight.

So basically the offer was to tempting...He may stay in kickboxing permanently if the money keeps being good.
So are we all in agreement that Floyds walk out posse was the most eclectic and WTF inducing we've seen in a long time.

Triple H + Justin Beiber + 50 cent + Yuriorkis Gamboa
If it weren't for Jon Jones, the same could be said for MMA, except with Lesnar and GSP. After both got sidelined (and Lesnar now retiring), the PPV numbers dropped significantly. Jones is basically saving MMA right now, which is why the UFC is pushing him so hard. Andy, Aldo, JDS, Bendo, and Cruz can't sell cards on their own.

Thing is UFC is not all about US PPV money. They are making bank in Brazil as well, go check the TUF Brazil, no shortage of product placement on every inch of space. Boxing doesn't really have that. They also have the Canadian market, Australia and doing fine in Europe.

Boxing Pay more to the fighters because there is no Boxing as a company, boxing is just about the fighters themselves, they are their own company. They don't have a company that markets, builds, maps, promotes, films, organizes, lobbys, distribute etc. much like NFL, NBA, F1, Nascar etc. That's why comparing salaries directly doesn't make sense.
Thing is UFC is not all about US PPV money. They are making bank in Brazil as well, go check the TUF Brazil, no shortage of product placement on every inch of space. Boxing doesn't really have that. They also have the Canadian market, Australia and doing fine in Europe.

Boxing Pay more to the fighters because there is no Boxing as a company, boxing is just about the fighters themselves, they are their own company. They don't have a company that markets, builds, maps, promotes, films, organizes, lobbys, distribute etc. much like NFL, NBA, F1, Nascar etc. That's why comparing salaries directly doesn't make sense.

Not true at all. All the UFC is is a promotion. Just like top Rank or Golden Boy.
Thing is UFC is not all about US PPV money. They are making bank in Brazil as well, go check the TUF Brazil, no shortage of product placement on every inch of space. Boxing doesn't really have that. They also have the Canadian market, Australia and doing fine in Europe.

Boxing Pay more to the fighters because there is no Boxing as a company, boxing is just about the fighters themselves, they are their own company. They don't have a company that markets, builds, maps, promotes, films, organizes, lobbys, distribute etc. much like NFL, NBA, F1, Nascar etc. That's why comparing salaries directly doesn't make sense.

The point of bringing up the purses is to show that a sport isn't dead if it can dish out these huge paydays. It's not to show which is better or whatever.
Why did this turn in to a UFC/MMA vs Boxing discussion?

We should be celebrating Canelo's victory here
ROFLCOPTERS... roll out !!! There's delusional & there's this guy.

Where do we start?

Really? How many Boxing events has a deal with Fox or any primetime network?

- Fox just PAID for the rights to Golden Boy Promotion boxing events, and will have those boxing events telecast in primetime on good nights of the week, while the UFC is left to rot late on Friday nights & with weekend re-run's. Fox has decided to do this, because quite frankly, TUF & the UFC's ratings have bombed. As far as the sports themselves are concerned, you can find boxing fight clips and highlights from title fights around the world in the sport news on every major network's nightly news shows and reports. You don't see ANY of that coverage for the UFC.

Who other than Mayweather or Pacquiao can actually sell ppvs? When's the last time a boxer was so mainstream they're starring in their own movies like Haywire, or The expendables? How many action figures of boxers do you see when you walk into a Toys R us? How many boxers are plasterd on Beer cans? How many clothing designs pertained to boxing are selling out all over the world like Tapout? If your answer to these questions are none, then please STFU.

Once Mayweather and Pacquiao are gone, so is your sport.

B-Hop was just paid $100K in his last bout by Golden Palace, to put their logo on his shorts for 1 fight. Klitschko just earned a cool 1million Euro's for putting Mercedes-Benz on his shorts and walk-out gear in his bout against Chisora. No MMA fighter will earn that sort of coin on a per-fight basis from sponsors for a decade, if ever. As for selling PPV's, the UFC have managed to do not one, but THREE PPV's in the last 12months that had buy-rates lower than events the former owners of the UFC managed when they were blacked out on cable.

Why would boxers with high-end HUGE sponsorship deals be interested in low-rent nobody companies? Boxers don't need to take three months out of their lives to be a bit-part role in an action movie to make money, when they earn 10 times that payment from high end sponsors they already have? The UFC own more than half the small companies that the UFC fighters are sponsored by. The rest are lucky to get a bit here & there from the event sponsors. As much as it may hurt to hear, commercially speaking, Comparing boxing to MMA is like comparing the NBA to the WNBA. The UFC have never out-done a major boxing PPV, the events are watched by less people than boxing events, MMA has lesser coverage in the media, lower TV ratings, is not supported by the mainstream media, is not even legal in all states in America, is not an organised amateur sport in every country in the world, will likely not return to the Olympics even in it's amateur Pancrase format. The biggest UFC PPV's of the year still create virtually no buzz or positive media coverage outside of the MMA blogosphere and websites. Boxing on the other hand still creates publicity and hype beyond anything the UFC could imagine.
Not true at all. All the UFC is is a promotion. Just like top Rank or Golden Boy.

Really? where is Golden boy's TUF? How many people does Golden boy employes? Do they build arenas handle complex logistics with cameras and call the fights? Do they distribute their own product? Do they lobby and work with governemnt and sports comissions around the world? Do they have doctors and a whole staff that provides support to fighters? Do they have rings girls? Do they have their own site and multimedia marketing on all available venues ou there? These are just out of my head. The fact is the UFC is a company like CNN for example, it is a sport company that handles nearly all that it takes to have the UFC as you see it. Golden boy is not even 5% of the work it takes ot make a fight like we saw tonight.
Really? where is Golden boy's TUF? How many people does Golden boy employes? Do they build arenas handle complex logistics with cameras and call the fights? Do they distribute their own product? Do they lobby and work with governemnt and sports comissions around the world? Do they have doctors and a whole staff that provides support to fighters? Do they have rings girls? Do they have their own site and multimedia marketing on all available venues ou there? These are just out of my head. The fact is the UFC is a company like CNN for example, is is a sport companies that handles nearly all that it takes to have the UFC as it is.


Yes to all of that.

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