intermitant fasting

Cool. This person told me take them before and after lifting then every 2 hours on lifting days during fast to keep protein synthesis going. Sounds like bro science just like people that say you need protein within 30 minutes of your workout

If I was selling you something, then I would say 9 scoops, every hour hahaha. But seriously every 2 hours is a bit much.
Just wanted to say that after doing IF for about 7 weeks I just weighed in for a tournament at the lowest weight class I've ever competed in, after the most painless cut I've ever done. In fact, I only did the day before weigh in because my team mate was doing a hard water cut and I was driving him there for his own safety. Thanks IF!

That said, if I typically don't eat until about 4pm and I'm competing around noon, should I eat before? I do typically eat before training, but I don't train until 5:30pm, typically (thought I do roll fasted on Saturdays).
This just aired in the UK a few nights ago. I say under.

I just recently watched that. It was well done. The effects of the 5:2 eating plan on the hosts blood analysis was interesting, particularly the reduction in his IGF-1.

I'm sorry though, I've seen videos of people who follow the CRON diet and they just look sickly to me.
I just recently watched that. It was well done. The effects of the 5:2 eating plan on the hosts blood analysis was interesting, particularly the reduction in his IGF-1.

I'm sorry though, I've seen videos of people who follow the CRON diet and they just look sickly to me.

I just watched it and it was a good program but it never explained if he was making up the calories on his feeding day like I think the woman said they were supposed to (175% calories on feeding day) or if he was just eating normally on the other days. So in effect it could have just been the calorie restriction and calorie cycling giving him the results.

Would be nice to know how effective his 5:2 is vs 1-2 days a week of 24 hour fasting or standard 16/8 - 20/4 hours daily fasting. If his way gives sa, more than half the benefits seen from every day fasting, it would be a lot easier for regular people to follow than leangains or eat stop eat and more beneficial long term.
Just did a 19-hour fast tonight, ate all the calories in one meal.

So, I have question. I've been fasting for a loooong time, I've been loving it and I've seen nothing but great results except for some strength loss in squats. I am thinking about fasting every day 16-18 hours but without working out. Will I still get the hormonal benefits of IF. My primary reason of doing IF was because of its benefits, as I am already very lean. This is how I've planned it; 16-18 hour fast, a small breakfast with eggs and potatoes then train and finally eat the biggest meal of the day post workout. How does it sound ?

Thanks in advance :)
If you're already very lean, healthy, have normal immune activity, etc, you likely won't see many benefits from fasting everyday. You may be better off with the occasional fast instead and just training normally. It is hard to say for sure though without knowing what your lifestyle and food intake is like though. That's up to you to find out by experimenting.
If you're already very lean, healthy, have normal immune activity, etc, you likely won't see many benefits from fasting everyday. You may be better off with the occasional fast instead and just training normally. It is hard to say for sure though without knowing what your lifestyle and food intake is like though. That's up to you to find out by experimenting.

First of all thank you very much for the answer. The reason why I want to fast everyday is because school is starting as of tomorrow, and it will make my life a lot easier, as I won't have to be concerned about making lunch and I don't eat out. Say, I have my last meal at 10/11 pm then I fast until 4 pm the next day.
First of all thank you very much for the answer. The reason why I want to fast everyday is because school is starting as of tomorrow, and it will make my life a lot easier, as I won't have to be concerned about making lunch and I don't eat out. Say, I have my last meal at 10/11 pm then I fast until 4 pm the next day.

Okay, that is similar to my reasoning for still fasting occasionally. Convenience is motivating.

My advice is to pay attention to your body temperature (particularly your extremities) to see if they get unusually cold and your energy levels, particularly your energy levels after eating. Both of those will act as pretty good indicators of how you're reacting to the fasting protocol.
My advice is to pay attention to your body temperature (particularly your extremities) to see if they get unusually cold and your energy levels, particularly your energy levels after eating. Both of those will act as pretty good indicators of how you're reacting to the fasting protocol.

Can you expand on this? Particularly the body temp. part as some days I'll notice that at the end of the work day (and end of my fast) I'll start feeling cold but I can never be sure someone in my office didn't jack up the a/c. Some days other people will complain it's cold in there but occasionally it'll just be me.
Can you expand on this? Particularly the body temp. part as some days I'll notice that at the end of the work day (and end of my fast) I'll start feeling cold but I can never be sure someone in my office didn't jack up the a/c. Some days other people will complain it's cold in there but occasionally it'll just be me.

Reliance on free fatty acids for energy reduces blood flow, and the peripheries are the first to suffer. That's why IF has been shown to increase mitochondrial density, because the cells adapt to become more efficient with less oxygen. But it gets to a point where you've reduced your reliance on glycolitic metabolism so much that blood flow gets so low that the cells can't adapt any further, and you get cold. When that starts happening, the cells undergo too much stress and bad things happen (peripheral insulin resistance, mild inflammatory response, you just feel like shit, etc.).
For those with a lot of IF experience, would you say a fast shorter than 16 hrs has any benefit? I just started playing around with IF a week ago. On the weekends I can do a 16/8 split but on weekdays it's hard to do more than 14/10 or 15/9. I usually have to take my lunch break at 1pm at the latest so I need to get a big meal there and I get off work at 6pm have snack and hit the gym and it's usually at least 8pm when I get home so starting my fast any earlier than 10pm is unrealistic to be able to eat enough calories. So I usually do 10pm-12/1pm during the week.
Overall it's been a great benefit just because I get an extra 30-60 mins sleep each day not waking up and eating breakfast before work and I'm not overly hungry in the morning I just used to force myself to eat breakfast.
Okay, that is similar to my reasoning for still fasting occasionally. Convenience is motivating.

My advice is to pay attention to your body temperature (particularly your extremities) to see if they get unusually cold and your energy levels, particularly your energy levels after eating. Both of those will act as pretty good indicators of how you're reacting to the fasting protocol.

Well, so far, I haven't had any body temp. issues.
I have had no issues w/ body temp either.
read up on this and read that some people do weight training fasted in the morning, just wondering what is the difference between training fasted in the morning vs training later on in the day and then having a big meal afterwards
I'm 27.5 hours into a 30 hour fast.

I find that it's easier to do longer fasts when I eat my last meal at lunch.
I have been doing IF for about 1 month now. It's hard to tell how much fat I have lost because my weight fluctuate like crazy depending on when I weigh myself, when I fast, etc.

However, in the mirror I can clearly see I have dropped a lot of bodyfat.

While eating I have been eating whatever I want, I didn't turn down any food. If I wanted it, it would eat it. But I stuck to 2 24 hour fasts per week.

Starting yesterday I started to count calories so I am interested to see what happens now.

Yesterday morning I was 215.6, this morning I was 212.6.

My hope is to get down to under 200lbs which is a weight I haven't seen since highschool.

I will continued BJJ as well as weight training and some form of cardio a couple times per day.

Yesterday woke up and weighed myself after fasting from 2pm the previous day. 207lbs.

Ate breakfast:
- 1 egg + 1 cup egg whites
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 1 banana
- Coffee + milk
- 1 L water

I ended my fast early because I did BJJ competition training at 8:30 pm the night before and was gassed and wanted to hit up BJJ at lunch.

Went to BJJ and when I came home I was 205lbs.

This morning after eating all day yesterday, 207 lbs.

IF has been amazing for me. I didn't think I would ever be in the 190's again, but it's less than 10 lbs away and I haven't even hit cardio for more than 2 x 20mins per week
Yesterday woke up and weighed myself after fasting from 2pm the previous day. 207lbs.

Ate breakfast:
- 1 egg + 1 cup egg whites
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 1 banana
- Coffee + milk
- 1 L water

I ended my fast early because I did BJJ competition training at 8:30 pm the night before and was gassed and wanted to hit up BJJ at lunch.

Went to BJJ and when I came home I was 205lbs.

This morning after eating all day yesterday, 207 lbs.

IF has been amazing for me. I didn't think I would ever be in the 190's again, but it's less than 10 lbs away and I haven't even hit cardio for more than 2 x 20mins per week

Thats awesome man. I'm sure you can hit that by September for sure!
I start the summer in the mid 220's bouncing between 220-226

IF has been the easiest way to drop bf for me.

I tried Low Carb, but I got tired of the diet limitations and I gained a lot of it back.

With IF I get to eat normal meals and fasting is easy. Most people have no idea that I do it.
Anyone doing 14 or 15 hour fasts. Some people have told me if its not 16 hr min it does nothing but I have seen other people saying 14 hr is good especially for beginners
Anyone doing 14 or 15 hour fasts. Some people have told me if its not 16 hr min it does nothing but I have seen other people saying 14 hr is good especially for beginners

A 14 to 15 hour fast is incredibly easy. I mean, if your last meal is at 7pm, a 14 hour fast means you don't eat until 9am. Doesn't seem long enough but I have nothing to back that up.
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