2 new Fridges for AirForce 1 to cost $24 million

I do finds it fascinating that immediately after Trump took office, all of a sudden a lot of Americans began to care about a lot of things that they used to scoff at (or simply weren't interested enough to even read about it before), particularly on how much the U.S government costs to operate: security details, air transportation, equipment procurement, all that good stuffs with sky-high price tags that everyone just automatically accepted before, but our wonderful MSM are just slowly discovering what good rage-bait they could be for the previously less-informed.

Bitching about government cost/waste is not new. Here are articles about costs under Obama from both L and C sources.

Remember the $200 million dollar per day Obama trip to India that was made up by Bachmann and tore through conservative and MSM media that turned out to be complete BS?


Here is HuffPo talking about Obama's $100 M Africa trip


Also, DHS came under a lot of criticism for buying a 100 year supply of ammunition to get a volume discount.

Also here is WaPo discussion the DoD $435 hammer. They explain why the accounting works out that way, but at least are discussing it.

Apply the fractional rate of value we are getting from the $24million spent here and you might think that an $824.6 billion military budget equates a bit more closely to $80billion in value received.