2 showers a day too much?

Once a day, mostly in the evening after work and/or training. If I'm not going anywhere in the weekend I might skip a day. Give my skin some rest; it gets dry very quickly.
before work
during work (work has a shower for some reason)
immediately after getting home
5 minutes before going out for dinner
bring shampoo and wash hair in the mens bathroom sink while at dinner
post-dinner, take off my shirt, stand in the rain with a dove bar for at least 5 minutes and re-wash my armpits/neck
pre-bed bath (1-2 hour soak in epsom salts - get a good pore rinse)
If I wake up to pee in the middle of the night I'll do another soak in the tub, but this one 3-4 hours or until I have to wake up for my pre-work shower

Is this you?
1 a day is fine.. 2 a day is OK.. more than 2 is OCD craziness.
No it's fine. I wouldn't shampoo your hair twice a day though.
shower when you need to. i mean at least once a day (morning) but if you were sweating or something during the day, take a quick shower before bed.
before work
during work (work has a shower for some reason)
immediately after getting home
5 minutes before going out for dinner
bring shampoo and wash hair in the mens bathroom sink while at dinner
post-dinner, take off my shirt, stand in the rain with a dove bar for at least 5 minutes and re-wash my armpits/neck
pre-bed bath (1-2 hour soak in epsom salts - get a good pore rinse)
If I wake up to pee in the middle of the night I'll do another soak in the tub, but this one 3-4 hours or until I have to wake up for my pre-work shower
Oh yeah and flushable wipes for your ass you stinky motherfuckers.
Every night on work days. Every morning on weekends and always after making teh sex.
twice per day.

nothing better than getting into bed clean.
2 workouts a day? Wtf you some pro or got tons of free time? Or want to be pro?

I sometimes take 2x shower. Like if I do morning or day workout and then go do something around city and say I walk a lot and it hot outside I shower again.

There’s a really fancy and expensive gym at my office and I get to use it free. I did 1000 miles running outside last year so I’m going to do less running (not none) and more weights this year. The UK is a cold and unpleasant place to do those kinds of miles. I want to get back to pussy indoor training.
No wonder why all you guys are going bald..

Those showers are costing your hair in return.

I only shower twice a day if I had a long ass sweaty work day, or worked out that day
I have this OCD thing where I can't leave the house without showering or go to bed without showering.

Anyone else do this?

Showering before bed is a must. Who goes to bed dirty after working all day or working out. It's what separates us from all other animals.
I have this OCD thing where I can't leave the house without showering or go to bed without showering.

Anyone else do this?
I have to shower before I go to sleep. I dont necessarily shower every morning but sometimes I take two or three showers a day depending on how many times I worked out that day.

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