Elections Academic "Science" has been contaminated for a long time now in the US

Still on flat Earth, eh' guys?

Not that I'm averse to stupid debates, but seriously now. Flat Earth? We're still doing this in 2023? I think they figured this shit out centuries ago with crude primitive methods, let alone the shit we have today. it's been decided. There's nothing you can tell a flat-Earther that is going to change their minds. The ironclad scientific evidence is out there(no, not theories. Evidence). You may as well be arguing against people who think it rains Skittles.

Let it go.

The global elites WANT you to think they figured it out...wait did I say global?
No. Stop being stupid.

This is what you believe:

This is what you believe:


Be careful out there. You might just walk off of the edge of Earth, if you're not paying attention. Our ancestors warned us about that...until they were corrected a few centuries ago, and started building and designing things in a round Earth kind of way.
Be careful out there. You might just walk off of the edge of Earth, if you're not paying attention. Our ancestors warned us about that...until they were corrected a few centuries ago...

Same to you globetard. Wouldnt want you to slip off the side of the ball one day
Its funny how you actually believe the gif I posted where as you have to lie about what I believe

What you posted is just a model that demonstrates the concept that everything is always in motion.

You literally believe in a divinely designed flat planet. Only one of those is a ridiculous concept. You cant even articulate why that graphic is "insane"...you just keep posting it over and over like it's some kind of dunk.
What you posted is just a model that demonstrates the concept that everything is always in motion.

You literally believe in a divinely designed flat planet. Only one of those is a ridiculous concept. You cant even articulate why that graphic is "insane"...you just keep posting it over and over like it's some kind of dunk.

Its a model of an earth spinning on its axis at 1000mph, circling the sun at 67000 mph, and flying through endless space 800,000mph. None of which we can see, detect, experience, or observe. Its absolutely ridiculous. Its actually retarded.
I tried that as kid with "moon shoes". Didn't work. Damn gravity!

Ahh gravity, that magical force that no one can define. Strong enough to bend space and time. Even tho that makes no sense at all.

Face it. You're in a cult. Like I was explaining to @Voodoo_Child906 the creators of the globe theory were literally occultists. Congrats youve been initiated.
Its a model of an earth spinning on its axis at 1000mph, circling the sun at 67000 mph, and flying through endless space 800,000mph. None of which we can see, detect, experience, or observe. Its absolutely ridiculous. Its actually retarded.

We can absolutely detect it.

"Everything I dont understand is retarded."

Ahh gravity, that magical force that no one can define. Strong enough to bend space and time. Even tho that makes no sense at all.

Face it. You're in a cult. Like I was explaining to @Voodoo_Child906 the creators of the globe theory were literally occultists. Congrats youve been initiated.


"Anyone who disagrees with me is evil."

Man you religious goons never disappoint
holy shit I thought yous guys were joking around... this motherfucker is really a flat Earther?

he called me a degenerate the other day. I thanked him jokingly. now , it's a pretty fucking huge honor.
holy shit I thought yous guys were joking around... this motherfucker is really a flat Earther?

he called me a degenerate the other day. I thanked him jokingly. now , it's a pretty fucking huge honor.

You were speculating whether or not a woman had a hairy bush. I mean... what else should I call you?
Do you agree that heliocentrism, even if true, still requires us to ignore our own direct senses, experience, and observations?

I love how you continue to use this statement as if it's a point in your favor, when in reality it not only doesn't make sense, but it's totally irrelevant.

If a blind person were studying nature, what would they be able to teach you about how the world looks? If a deaf person were studying nature, how would they be able to teach you about how the world sounds? There exists more to reality than what you can sense with your eyes and ears. You are denying this basic fact. We know human hearing is limited in the frequencies it can detect because we can detect extreme frequencies with tools. We know certain other animals can detect them as well, because we observe their reactions to them (or in some cases, they utilize them for communication or navigation). We know human sight is limited in the frequencies it can detect, because we can detect other parts of the light spectrum with tools. We know radio waves exist even though we can't see or hear or smell them. We know magnetism exists—not because we "sense" magnetic fields, but because we observe the effects they have. We discovered that microorganisms exist well before we had the means to image them. But that's just "trust me bro" science, right? So you must still believe in miasmas because you can't actually see bacteria and viruses, right?

You seem to put so much faith in human senses, and yet you completely ignore humanity's greatest gift, which is its intelligence. You do this for...no particular reason. I find it amusing, because a lot of people who think like you also happen to be religious. Their religion often tells them that human beings are different than animals. Above them. And yet you deny them that. You would clip the proverbial wings of humanity, because intelligence and what it brings us frightens and confuses you. You would choose instead to view people as a set of eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth. A creature of primordial instinct and nothing else.

You also reject your own "direct senses and observations", because if you've ever watched the Sun rise and set, or the Earth's shadow fall on the moon, you'd see that the Earth not only is obviously not flat, but couldn't possibly be flat. Because if it were flat, the entirety of the planet would experience daylight and nighttime all at once. We know this because this is how sunlight works—it's omnidirectional, like a lightbulb. If it were unidirectional like a flashlight, as claimed by flat-earthers, how could you ever observe an illuminated moon at night? How could the Earth ever cast a shadow on the moon unless the Sun were behind the Earth? How could portions of the Earth be in perpetual daylight or nighttime during the solstices with the proposed flat-Earth solar path?

But do you know why I have no respect for you? Because you're a fraud. You don't actually believe the things you espouse to be true. You believe in some science and technology; just not all of it. You draw a line in the sand, except its an arbitrary line that moves whenever you find it convenient. The screen you're looking at right now is made up of technology you can't see, and (I hazard to guess) don't even remotely comprehend. But I don't see you posting on here saying transistors and logic gates don't exist. You don't see the radio waves that are transmitting the bullshit you spew onto the Internet, but you don't come on here saying how radio waves and transmitters and receivers don't exist.

In actual fact, your entire belief system is based off one thing—your individual ignorance. Anything you understand, you believe is real. Anything you don't understand, you believe is fake. Anything you don't understand but rely on, you make an exception for. That's not special, and it's not really even a belief system—it's just basic arrogance. And it's an unfortunate case of arrogance, because you've paired it with a tremendous level of stupidity.

The pathetic part is that you talk about "trust me bro" science, but when pressed about the specifics of flat-earth stupidity, you make an appeal to authority (actually there's an ice wall around the Earth, I've just never seen it, et cetera...). Or you straight up refuse to answer the questions (What part of Antarctica is in perpetual daylight during the summer solstice again?). You don't "trust" the entirety of humanity's collective scientific community...instead you just trust some retard on YouTube who can't prove his observations.

It's absolutely no different from any other conspiracy theory. It appeals to you because you feel inadequate. You don't understand science, and your ego can't handle it. So instead of admitting you're not as well-equipped intellectually, you simply disbelieve in science. Problem solved, and your ego stays intact. Believing in flat-earth, just like believing the anti-vax and anti-climate change bullshit, gives you the chance to stick it to all those actual smart people.

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