Antifa no longer feels safe behind their masks

1 - Criminal acts by the owner of a company invalidate anything it reports.

2 - Are you suggesting that white people aren't protected by hate crime laws? That's your opinion and not true.

3 - You have to count Trump supporters disrupting lib rallies since they are in the same group as the Neo Nazis.

1. Embezzlement and spending business funds on hookers shows a lack of integrity and poor business ethics. I don't want investment advice from Bernie Madoff and I also don't want fact checking from a ethically bankrupt leftist organization.

2. White people are protected at a much smaller % unless they happen to check another box like gay or trans. Don't be dense.

3. This is the point where I'm done talking to you. I'm willingly to talk to people that are somewhat objective but your arguments lack nuance and are too absolute. The equivalent would be like me calling all leftists terrorists. Trump supporters go to their own rallys and by and large have been peaceful compared to their counterparts. Good day.
1. Embezzlement and spending business funds on hookers shows a lack of integrity and poor business ethics. I don't want investment advice from Bernie Madoff and I also don't want fact checking from a ethically bankrupt leftist organization.

2. White people are protected at a much smaller % unless they happen to check another box like gay or trans. Don't be dense.

3. This is the point where I'm done talking to you. I'm willingly to talk to people that are somewhat objective but your arguments lack nuance and are too absolute. The equivalent would be like me calling all leftists terrorists. Trump supporters go to their own rallys and by and large have been peaceful compared to their counterparts. Good day.

1 - I'm going to archive this post and then throw it in your face anytime you post an article.

2 - You're being dense. White people are protected just fine. The fact that there are less cases of hate crimes against whites explains why there are fewer instances of hate crimes against whites.

3 - Trump supporters are mostly white supremacists. You have to be dumb as fuck to need to hear "not all X" anytime someone says something. The people that go to Trump rallies are basically just Nazi-light and glad that someone is letting them get off on some fake moral high ground so that they can indulge in their tribalism without being called out as racist.
1 - I'm going to archive this post and then throw it in your face anytime you post an article.

2 - You're being dense. White people are protected just fine. The fact that there are less cases of hate crimes against whites explains why there are fewer instances of hate crimes against whites.

3 - Trump supporters are mostly white supremacists. You have to be dumb as fuck to need to hear "not all X" anytime someone says something. The people that go to Trump rallies are basically just Nazi-light and glad that someone is letting them get off on some fake moral high ground so that they can indulge in their tribalism without being called out as racist.

You're going from bad to worse here.
Get rid of the fascists and the antifa will go away. Strange how that works.

You mean the college students who wanted to attend Milos speech, or the random white guy wearing the wrong hat? Or Dave Rubin? Or anyone who doesn't agree that white people are all racist white supremacists? Or the people who don't believe in 73 new genders? Or those who think that if a girl has a dick, that she's not really a girl?

Cause if you ask me, Antifa are fascists by any other name. Worse actually, and they deserve to be lit on fire.
Cmon be nice to Antifa guys, Autistics have it hard day to day.
can we just fence off a big fields and let these pussies bang
Get rid of the fascists and the antifa will go away. Strange how that works.
Is this how simpletons think these days? These two groups have existed since the beginning of human history. The cause they fight for may have changed, but the dynamic hasn't. The only thing strange is how naive you are.

Whare are the fascists here in Germany G20?

great rule of thumb is;

if you need to hide your identity while you are doing's probably not a great idea to be doing that something.

If you wear a mask while you do something:
1. You're afraid to be seen doing what you're doing, likely because you know what you are doing is wrong, and are afraid of the consequences.
2. You don't really believe in what you are doing, or else you'd be proud to show your face and stand up for what you believe in.

1 - I'm going to archive this post and then throw it in your face anytime you post an article.

2 - You're being dense. White people are protected just fine. The fact that there are less cases of hate crimes against whites explains why there are fewer instances of hate crimes against whites.

3 - Trump supporters are mostly white supremacists. You have to be dumb as fuck to need to hear "not all X" anytime someone says something. The people that go to Trump rallies are basically just Nazi-light and glad that someone is letting them get off on some fake moral high ground so that they can indulge in their tribalism without being called out as racist.

So people all over the country and roughly half of the votiners last year are white supremacists? Okay......... <YeahOKJen>
1 - I'm going to archive this post and then throw it in your face anytime you post an article.

2 - You're being dense. White people are protected just fine. The fact that there are less cases of hate crimes against whites explains why there are fewer instances of hate crimes against whites.

3 - Trump supporters are mostly white supremacists. You have to be dumb as fuck to need to hear "not all X" anytime someone says something. The people that go to Trump rallies are basically just Nazi-light and glad that someone is letting them get off on some fake moral high ground so that they can indulge in their tribalism without being called out as racist.

You're insane. White people are dragged from cars and beaten in Detroit hoods monthly. Just because your brain doesnt function at a level.that allows to realize those are hate crimes, don't spread your stupidity to others. The math says it's at least 50x more likely a black hurts a white than the reverse. It's so bad, in fact, that a reasonable white person like myself that voted for Obama because screw racism, wants to see SOME damn resistance to the abuse of whites in this country AND the entire West by people who don't seem to know how to act too often.. SOME fighting back.
Get rid of the fascists and the antifa will go away. Strange how that works.
I'm not sure of your meaning, but yes, if antifa disappeared then there wouldn't be any fascists at these demonstrations. They're closer to the definition of fascist than those they oppose.
I hope a patriotic movement is funded to combat these losers

There are several... the problem is, most seem to consist of brainless conspiracy hicks walking around with automatic rifles. They're a facepalm, all show with little substance
3 - Trump supporters are mostly white supremacists.
Since many of them are the same people that voted Obama two terms, would you say they're now white supremacists after having to deal with 8 years of race-baiting?
Brown shirts posted info on the internet in the 1940s?

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