Anyone else bombing out of their New Years Resolution?

Mine's going well. I had to go through hell to get sober for new year, so I won't be fucking it up. Day 4, feeling good.
How not to bitch out of your new year resolution:

Do not confuse resolutions with wishes. Wishes are wishy washy non-specific mind rambling rant about what you want. Resolution's dictionary definition is "a firm decision to do or not to do something." Now, to make a firm decision, one need this decision to be concrete and actionable. Using the most popular resolution as an example, weight loss, an actual resolution is to lose specific amount of weight by a target date, and laying out diet and exercise plan to achieve that. If you are still at the "oh, I want to be fitter" stage, than call it what it is, a new year wish. If you actually thought out a step by step plan, your chance of success will significantly go up.
I didn't make a resolution per se. I just kept quiet and see what happens. Scientifically, people who speak about their goals never accomplish them. However people who keep it to themselves, have a higher chance of accomplishing them. I just kept my shit to myself.
My resolutions are to have less empathy, study more, and not work any overtime(worked over 1000 hours OT in 2017). I am doing pretty good so far. I also want to read 26 books this year.
Trying keto. So far so good. I'm already in pretty good shape but just wanted to try something different and maybe drop 10lbs and get off the wheat and carbs. No tired, not too hungry and no real carb cravings so far.
Finished another hour of road work. Calves are sore, legs are getting better
Bombed out . Slept ALL day New Years Day with massive hangover . Didn’t do jack Shit . Said I was gonna hit BJJ class more . Missed all week . Going terribly so far . But there is hope .
All I want to do is relocate.
One more hour in the books. Half a mile further than yesterday too
Didn't really make a resolution, but I decided to stop drinking soda right around new year's. I stole a sip from the fiances the other day and that's been it so far
Ran again. 6 days now, close to 35 miles. Slow and easy
Bump. Mods ready to rename this doctortacos humble running brag thread? 6.2 miles in an hour run tonight. The streak continues
I quit diet soda a month ago on thursday, after drinking crazy amounts of it for 10 years. No setbacks yet
1 week done, 51 to go. Already feeling better for it.
My resolution is to quit drinking. Not because it’s a new year, but because it’s destroying my life and my relationship. I’m drunk.

Good luck man. I'm on day 12 of sobriety. Though a stint in the ER going through withdrawals and then finding you lab work showing a messed up liver and pancrease will open your eyes a bit!! heh.

You can do it if you want to do it. For the longest time I wanted to want to quit, but I truely didn't want to quit. I just liked the idea of quitting. Now I'm committed to 30 days, actually to the end of January before I have anything to drink. I feel 10x better in the mornings than I used to. I feel 5x more boring and bored at night b/c I'm not buzzed....heh, but that's the small trade off for now.

My relationships have already improved and my health feels better too.

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