Anyone have wisdom teeth pulled lately?


Filthy Pensioner
Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2009
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As stated in the title, my left wisdom tooth was impacted, I never had any issues until just recently and we had the maxillofacialsurgeon pull both top wisdom teeth.

I'm 43 y.o, and the pain I'm in right now is awful, the extraction was on Thursday, I've been eating oxycodone around the clock and it's barely tolerable. Out of curiosity how much longer will the acute pain be at its worst? I figured the acute surgical pain would have subsided some by now, I had back surgery nearly a year ago and this is a much more terrible pain in every sense. Any experiences, input, or suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks... Ben
I had one pulled a few years back and the acute pain subsided within 12 hours or so. There might be an infection of some kind, it's hard to say. I guess see if the pain goes away by the end of the second day, or a third day if you can tolerate it. If it still hurts bad go see a dentist.

Gargle with warm salt water, it might help if there's an infection.
Avoided the dentist for over a decade so in my early thirties I got a horrible toothache. Went to get it checked out and it was my wisdom teeth on my left side. The bottom one came out ok, but the top one I think it broke or something while they were pulling it out. It was fucking awful. However, the worst pain was over in a couple of days. I only missed a day of work and didn't break into my Oxy. So it doesn't sound as bad as your's but it's still awful.
I had one pulled a few years back and the acute pain subsided within 12 hours or so. There might be an infection of some kind, it's hard to say. I guess see if the pain goes away by the end of the second day, or a third day if you can tolerate it. If it still hurts bad go see a dentist.

Gargle with warm salt water, it might help if there's an infection.
Oh yeah, I second this, the salt water rinses help too.
I had five (yes I'm a weirdo and had an extra one) pulled about 10 years ago. The bad pain only lasted for a couple of days from what I remember.

Just be sure to keep the holes in your gums nice and clean and don't let any food particles get in there. For one it will make your breath smell awful and two it could cause an infection leading to more pain and dental trips. Like others have said, wash your mouth out with salt water and take it easy on solid food for a few days.
As stated in the title, my left wisdom tooth was impacted, I never had any issues until just recently and we had the maxillofacialsurgeon pull both top wisdom teeth.

I'm 43 y.o, and the pain I'm in right now is awful, the extraction was on Thursday, I've been eating oxycodone around the clock and it's barely tolerable. Out of curiosity how much longer will the acute pain be at its worst? I figured the acute surgical pain would have subsided some by now, I had back surgery nearly a year ago and this is a much more terrible pain in every sense. Any experiences, input, or suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks... Ben

It's been several years since I had all four of mine pulled simultaneously but I didn't have a lot of pain afterward. It was very mild pain and I only took a few of my vicodin. It was fairly smooth sailing.

Maybe the guy who did yours wasn't very good? If the pain keeps up this bad past maybe Sunday then I'd definitely either go back to him and let him know, or just go to the hospital.
Damn guys this really sucks, I'm feeling like s complete pussy, but this pain is really unbearable.... I tried the salt rinse, it didnt seem to do very much good.
I had to get a wisdom tooth out 5 or so years ago. I knew it was messed up and was going to get it looked at, just an opinion.

Doctor said yeah that will have to come out.

So I thought great now I have to think about this for a while.

Then he looked at his watch and was like " I have time, let's pull it out right now!!"

I'm like fuck ok and BAM took it out, froze my face with needles etc, got the pliers.

It was painless and fine.

It was best of all that I didn't have to anticipate anything, it just happened by surprise lol
Thought I had to get four removed recently.

Got X-rays and doc says actually I only have one, and it is coming through perfectly so just leave it.

Rare case of leaving the dentist in a good mood.
Toothache is the worst pain. Having teeth that are causing you agony removed is such a huge relief.

I had my wisdom teeth out along with others several years back. I had it done free on the NHS at a dental hospital and had student dentists removing the teeth.
Didn't really hurt, the worst part was feeling the sensation of them pulling the teeth - literally leaning back with their body weight and pulling on the tooth. Pretty grim.

I didn't really have any pain at all after. But the pain of toothache before was unbearable.
Pulled one of mine not too long ago. They stuck 2 needles in my gum and then got to work. I didn't feel any pain during the procedure and rather surprisingly I didn't really feel any pain afterwards either. I took one pain pill because they told me to, but I don't think I really needed it. I didn't take any more medication after that. I was bleeding for about a day or two and after that it was over.
had to gt one removed 7 years ago cause it was impacted, opted to have all 4 taken out at once to prevent any future hassle

i dont remember the really bad pain lasting all that long, less than a day

ts, this far out and looking like that, might be time to get rechecked
I've been one of the lucky ones. My wisdom teeth grew awkwardly so I never had to have them pulled. They don't cause any problems at all.
A couple of questions and I'll see if I can help somewhat.

Are you a smoker? And were you put out for the extraction?

If you're a smoker, chances increase that you may get dry socket, although it may happen regardless even if you don't smoke. But if you do smoke, your chances just increased huge.

Dry socket will hurt like a mutha. If that's the case, the oral surgeon will probably clean out your socket some more and put a sedative paste in the socket which will help a lot.

Reason I ask if you were put out for it gives me an indication of difficulty of the extraction. Wisdom teeth are so all-over-the-map with regards to placement and difficulty to getting out. Some are extremely easy and take literally 5 seconds, and others are extremely difficult. Simple ones your general dentist will usually tackle.

The difficult ones, the surgeon will most likely put you out because he/she will be going to town on you to get those suckers out. You will have your gums cut, and pulled back, your bone surrounding the tooth will be drilled, the tooth may have to be separated into several parts. And this all happens close to nerves and blood vessels. Then when it's all out, the bone is smoothed with a file, irrigated with saline, and the gums are repositioned and stitched. Then you wait to see how you heal. And with those difficult ones, you'll definitely have swelling.

I'm assuming you don't have any bleeding problems just pain?

With that, you're definitely swollen so I would place you on an antibiotic to be sure. You could be swollen from infection as well as from the trauma of having the wizzy out. The salt rinse helps with encouraging drainage of the infection, and to speed up healing. Won't take the pain away per se.

Your surgeon will have an emergency number to call if you call his office. It's usually his cell phone. Leave him a message and tell him you can send him that pic as well. He may just immediately place you on an antibiotic.

Also, consider some Advil as well. You're on oxycodone, but it doesn't have anti-inflammatory properties which will also help. You can take both at the same time.

Sorry for the wall of text. Hope it helps somewhat.

And hopefully your surgeon was like Jen Aniston in Horrible Bosses

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I had all 4 removed. Parents wouldn't let me fill my pain pill prescription. I remember the pain was fairly bad for about two days. I was able to play in a baseball game the day after their being removed. It's just a tolerance issue assuming the surgery went smoothly.
Never have but they're not all the way in and I think there's no room for them either so eventually they'll have to get pulled.
Lol you only had one pulled? I had all four done at once. Yip the pain was unbearable but it will subside. Just don't slurp or suck for a few days. You definitely don't want to get a dry socket.
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out in 1990.

For the rest of that day, and the entire next day, I was on painkillers. So, I don't remember too much about it, other than I was in pretty bad pain. I kinda remember the sockets (which were sutured I guess) throbbing. After a couple of days, I was fine though.

If it still hurts tomorrow, maybe you should call your dentist (or oral surgeon).

Not sure about synergistic effects with Oxycontin or whatever, but can you try taking some Ibuprofen (or some other NSAID) as well?
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I still got all 4. The top two came out, albeit on kind of an outwards angle but they're fine for the most part. Bottom right still hasn't come out at all and it hasn't given me any problems yet. It's the bottom left one that's a bitch.

I'll be fine for a few months at a time, then that dirty bastard will start pushing out so my gum around it swells then the top ones start to irritate it because of the slight angle you bite your swollen cheek/gum when eating and it swells more and gets worse and it's just a vicious cycle. So I end up eating like nothing for a week until it goes away then I'm fine again for a few more months.

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