Anyone having a s**t week


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
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Wondering if anyones suffering with me. Having one of the worst weeks of my life but also a great learning experience

What about sherbros? You guys hanging in there?
No details? This is like not posting a gif/picture when it's clearly required.
No details? This is like not posting a gif/picture when it's clearly required.
I started to but then I realized everyone would call me poor.

Sigh....fuck it. I keep 95% of my net worth in an investment portfolio, rarely keep much cash in my checking account.

Had a ton of bills hit all at once, made some bad financial purchases, and well you can see where this is going.

Credit card is maxed out and it will be a few days before I get paid or can get a check mailed from selling off some stock. So, I'm literally counting quarters to see if I can afford food until I get paid or my check gets here.

Really just a series of lazy and bad decisions. Will never happen again, this isnt fun. Cant imagine living like this all the time. So stressful
Luckily is just money, and you can always learn from this.
just an FYI, that's why it's recommended a person keeps 5-10% of Retirement funds in just cash or equivolents, as it's much more liquid than selling stocks and waiting the 72 hours or whatnot

It's basically an Emergency Savings, just kept in a retirement account

Hope things work out for you tho, seriously. Scrounging for food is a tough situation
That sucks. Rough days ahead but you’ll get through this.
Ya one of my best friends disappeared.. He had a huge gambling and possible drug problem. I'm really hoping he fled to another country and didn't get wacked or locked up. Everything is disconnected. He vanished from his apartment.
Ended my shift yesterday morning, had sechs, showered, got a haircut, went to buy stuff at the grocery, bought some pastries and coffee for breakfast on my way home and successfully reinstalled warframe all before 10:30 am.

Can't complain.

I started to but then I realized everyone would call me poor.

Sigh....fuck it. I keep 95% of my net worth in an investment portfolio, rarely keep much cash in my checking account.

Had a ton of bills hit all at once, made some bad financial purchases, and well you can see where this is going.

Credit card is maxed out and it will be a few days before I get paid or can get a check mailed from selling off some stock. So, I'm literally counting quarters to see if I can afford food until I get paid or my check gets here.

Really just a series of lazy and bad decisions. Will never happen again, this isnt fun. Cant imagine living like this all the time. So stressful

Rough bro. Trust me, I have very comparable problems to you atm. But never forget, if all your problems are first world problems, you're still living better than most people are.

Food isn't necessarily a first world problem, but you have money stored away. live and learn, I'm sure you'll get by.

By the way, maybe it's a good time to try fasting anyway. It's healthy and you can do like 3-5 day fasts. Energy and focus is increased during this time and also it helps the body to heal diseases and bad cells n shit I believe.

Also try scamming mcdonalds. I used to live off that when I was a teen. Just call them and be like "I came through your drive through and when I got home I realized you gave me someone elses order" , make up a story about having kids too and maybe get a few meals free. Sometimes they'll check the register but often they'll just say "Come on down and give them my name and get what u want"
You got food banks over there? That might help out for that few days then you could return the favour..
Kind of crappy. Mostly due to rainy ass weather.

Also ate some turkey that didn't taste great and consequently got the runs.

The only thing that'll make me feel better is unjustly calling someone a rapist. Got to do that IRL, not here.
Its only Tuesday dawg. So far so good. Got in a good leg workout yesterday. We'll see about the rest of the week tho.
It’s been pretty bland and boring. I do have an interview this week for a job which is good since I haven’t worked in over a year since being laid off.
I almost lost my legs this week at work to a 3500lbs steel block, I got lucky and it pinched me out instead of crushing me so I walked away with swollen and purple legs but I still got them and they work...

Unfortunately it was my fault it happened and I feel like a total idiot it happened and everyone knows about it, I'm also new here and a supervisor... so fuck...
I started to but then I realized everyone would call me poor.

Sigh....fuck it. I keep 95% of my net worth in an investment portfolio, rarely keep much cash in my checking account.

Had a ton of bills hit all at once, made some bad financial purchases, and well you can see where this is going.

Credit card is maxed out and it will be a few days before I get paid or can get a check mailed from selling off some stock. So, I'm literally counting quarters to see if I can afford food until I get paid or my check gets here.

Really just a series of lazy and bad decisions. Will never happen again, this isnt fun. Cant imagine living like this all the time. So stressful

Don't you have any family? I couldn't live with myself if I knew a close member was going to sleep hungry. Best of luck to you
Ya one of my best friends disappeared.. He had a huge gambling and possible drug problem. I'm really hoping he fled to another country and didn't get wacked or locked up. Everything is disconnected. He vanished from his apartment.
Jesus, man. I hope he's ok.

And TS, don't worry about disclosing that. We have all been there at one point.

I had the worst job interview I have ever had on Friday. Shit was awful.
Lost the girl of my dreams
Life has no meaning anymore
Keeping my fingers crossed for next week
Don't you have any family? I couldn't live with myself if I knew a close member was going to sleep hungry. Best of luck to you
Trying my hardest not to ask family. Just dont want to embarrass myself

Some jackass didn’t secure the load on his truck and a piece of sheet metal flew off and hit my car going about 75 on the freeway this morning.

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