Crazy contradicting beliefs that liberals have

Thread about what pwenty asserts all liberals believe...

-we need to raise wages for workers
-we need to flood the labor market with more immigrants to keep wages down

-we need a high minimum wage
-illegal immigrant labor is good because they work for less than minimum wage

-police are racist and corrupt
-only police should have guns

After saying that, he actually is dumb enough to say...

youre both partisan hacks


It makes one wonder...

if you will ever get tired of getting embarrassed in here

Because you'll never need more than the garbage you post to highlight how much garbage you post. :)
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My personal favorite:
Killing criminals in inhumane!
Abortion is a right!






che said these things about blacks, killed gays and @Trotsky tried to convince us that he was a "good guy"
Obama: Trump's Rigged Election Comments are 'Ridiculous'

Hahahahaha, this is your ace in the sleeve?

Is that why supply-side economics has worked so well in the United States? Oh, that's right, there isn't a credible economist in the English speaking world that still lends any credence to SSE because it's reductionist dogma that preys on dolts like you.

How many fucking studies need to be made showing that immigrant influx does nothing to lower native wages, that low-skill labor has an inherent ceiling to market-drive wage growth, that immigrants increase labor demand (and consumer demand) in excess of what additional nonimmigrants can, and that deluded low-middle class whites won't worst lower-caste jobs before you understand that "econ 101" (which you clearly have a tenuous grasp on) doesn't accommodate for classist aversions to labor forms and that the economic stimulus of immigration (and the retention of labor that might otherwise price itself out of existence) frustrates the persistence of employment?

Maybe take a class in excess of "econ 101" before swinging your economically illiterate pencil dick in the wind.

Yes, centrists and self-absorbed illiterates like you.

Seriously, you're useless. And in 20 years, you will be just as moronic as you are now, because you're more comfortable believing your simple, counterfactual fantasy, than humbling yourself to engage real knowledge. Go fuck yourself.

So you believe that refugees into Europe will benefit the EU economy? Would Puerto Rico's economy improve if they took in, lets say, 10k in Refugees from Syria?

BTW, why did Lev Davidovich Bronshtein, go by a fake name?
>obama tried to make fun of romney for considering russia a threat
>now democrats wont stop about how russia is a threat
Meryl Streep gives standing ovation to Polanski who druged and anally raped a 13 yr old girl but stands up to trump in behalf of the elegal aliens.

I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but transgenderism is real/gender is a social construct is pretty contradictory.
Now snarky jokes aside, something leftists on Sherdog definitely are very ill-informed and confused about is politics in Europe.
Naming nations that don't have a single-payer system as examples for a high-performing single payer system, calling nations with more economic freedom than the US socialized, repeating myths about how the European right would be the left in the US etc et pp
It's really bad and I don't say this to take a potshot at them.
Right now I am watching 2001 A Space Odyssey and taking a break from it. And right now I am reading all of your posts in Hal 9000's voice.
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but transgenderism is real/gender is a social construct is pretty contradictory.

>there is systematic oppression of genders that needs to be defeated
>people can change genders whenever they want
I love these retaliatory partisan threads. Always shittier than the partisan thread before it.

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