Crying is not socially acceptable?

The last time legit tears came out of my eyes:

Watching a Chris Benoit tribute video (before news broke of what he did)

The last couple scenes of Lost (the scene where Locke forgave Ben touched me)
I find it funny that people are so scared to admit they have shed a tear before.
in my opinion, if you don't cry, you ARE a pussy. i say that, because it really does take bravery to be true to yourself and show the world who you are. hiding your true emotions almost seems like you're too concerned with what others will think of you.
Haven't cried in about a decade when my youngest was born. It doesn't accomplish anything, so i dont do it often.

Actually, teared up a bit when my friend died last feb. Forgot about that
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in my opinion, if you don't cry, you ARE a pussy. i say that, because it really does take bravery to be true to yourself and show the world who you are. hiding your true emotions almost seems like you're too concerned with what others will think of you.
Yeah but when your watching a tv show or a movie and it happens,i hate it. Even if im alone,im like wtf. It only started happening in my mid thirties. Da fucks goin on
Yeah but when your watching a tv show or a movie and it happens,i hate it. Even if im alone,im like wtf. It only started happening in my mid thirties. Da fucks goin on
Drinking too much corporate milk or you're fat. High estrogen levels.
I haven't balled since I was a teen, but yeah, I get the odd tear, when my kids were born, when I got married, some films have got me close.

My emotions are not out of control but neither are they inaccessible.
Drinking too much corporate milk or you're fat. High estrogen levels.
Corporate milk?? Mostly drinks w coffee. :: breaks machine and has a jog ::
I cry all the time
Men don’t cry, I haven’t cried since I was 11. Don’t plan on crying anytime soon.
Don't be a pussy, it's fine to cry and often very cathartic. I feel better after a little cry. It's generally things relating to my kids that can get me crying but sometimes a song will remind me of a deceased family member like my brother or mother and I'll get a little tear going. I'm happy to be in touch with my feelings and actually am proud of being a little vulnerable.

I never want to fully be a grown up and consider maintaining my vulnerabilities as keeping part of me young.
The only thing that truly brings tears out for me is when I get way too drunk on whiskey and think about something sad or my regrets in life. It brings the emotions out.

I didn’t cry watching my father die or at his funeral. Strangely enough I cried about it 3 years later. It must have just been building up inside me and I just mentally had to let it out.
I cried out of joy when Caitlyn Jenner revealed he/she was getting the full sex change. Now I can bang
The girls from babymetal and their classmates when one will graduate and leave.

I work in reality TV and interview hundreds of guys from all walks.

A majority will cry before the season is over. People are so busy and there’s so many distractions in life it’s totally possible to avoid talking about or thinking deeply about the things that make you emotional. In most cases you can ask pretty straightforward questions and follow-ups about a guy’s past relationships, losses, regrets and it’ll be the first time someone’s asked them about it.

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