do u give money to the homeless?

I am definitely a mark if you have the right sob-story. I seem to have an ability to pretend they aren't buying drugs with it, there are some legitimately broken people out there and I would hate to see them forgotten because of some people exploiting the system. I do believe money is merely a band-aid though.
. that's enough and so i don't give to the homeless. a good percentage of these homeless people are actually meth/heroine addicts. i could tell just by looking at them.

A good percentage of them probably became meth addicts because they were homeless of course rather than the other way around.
Never money. If I have a take home box from somewhere I just ate I give it away sometimes. I deal with these people at work all the time and the majority are the most useless and rude ‘people’ you can meet.
I usually offer them food when they ask for money, because I want to help, but I don’t want to be a enabler to what caused them to ask me money in the first place.