England says children raped by muslim gangs consented, BARF INSIDE!!!

Pixelated Porn

Apr 26, 2016
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Cliffs: England said that children as young as 12 that were raped by muslim gangs are not due compensation because they consented!!! This is the most fucking disgusting shit I have read for a long time and Bret Easton Ellis is my favorite novelist.

It just sickens me.


Roughly 700 children as young as 12 who were sexually abused have been refused compensation by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority in Great Britain since 2012; roughly 30 were denied compensation because it was deemed that they “consented.”

On Tuesday a group of charities urged justice secretary David Lidington to change the guidelines, which have allowed children as young as 12 to be refused payouts of up to £44,000. The charities said that some young teenagers who had been raped by multiple people were refused compensation.

British law states that children under 16 cannot be deemed to have consented, unless they are over 13 and the perpetrator could reasonably have thought they were over 16.

One girl who was raped and sexually assaulted by a gang of older men when she was 14 was denied compensation by CICA on the grounds that “she had not been the victim of non-consensual sexual acts.” In another case, a 12-year-old girl was refused compensation after being sexually assaulted by a 21-year-old man who later pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13, because she had gone into the woods "voluntarily."


"One girl who was raped and sexually assaulted by a gang of older men when she was 14"

You start getting into gang rape it starts to sound like this

A new investigation by the Daily Express has found that the massive Rotherham child sex exploitation ring whose discovery rocked England two years ago is not only still in operation, but is as strong as ever. Reports from social workers, police, residents, and abuse victims all said the same thing: It’s still happening on an “industrial scale.”

In 2014, an independent inquiry led by Alexis Jay, a former senior social worker, found that men of Pakistani origin had groomed at least 1,400 young girls for sexual exploitation over the previous 16 years. These girls, as young as 12, were variously raped, abducted, tortured, and forced into prostitution. Keep in mind, this happened—and is still happening—in the heart of England, not some far-flung banana republic.

Lets not forget this!
Britain’s Senior Child Protection Officer: Stop Arresting Pedophiles For Kiddie Porn

Oh, what what are children learning in BRITISH GOVERNMENT FUNDED MUSLIM SCHOOLS???

British Government Takes Over Muslim School Whose Books Approve Of Men Raping Their Wives

So, in this one thread we have 1) government official pedo apologist 2) gangs of pakistani muslims raping children 3) Brits says that 12 year old raped girls consented

24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;
25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
Fuck this planet

I just don't get it. That is just some fucked up repugnant shit.

It is like you see someone pour antifreeze into a glass and serve it to you. It may taste sweet, but the person who served it knows it is killing you, and maybe you even know you are drinking antifreeze but think to yourself "this might be mountain dew, it has to be, who would serve someone poison?"
Sounds like they have everything figured out over there. Price of living in a diverse country.
I am not surprised by this. I am surprised they even track stats on it. The English police fully support Islamic crime and terrorism. Weird to see them even release any information it.
I'm more surprised that they risked being called islamophobic to report on it
I am not surprised by this. I am surprised they even track stats on it. The English police fully support Islamic crime and terrorism. Weird to see them even release any information it.

They cite a group of CHARITIES fucking CHARITIES??? As not wanting to give the victims compensation. Fucking Gross.
"The group of charities, which also includes Liberty and the National Working Group"

From the British link

One case highlighted by Victim Support involved a 12-year-old girl who was plied with alcohol, led into the woods and sexually assaulted by a 21-year-old man.

Despite the fact that the man pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13, the victim was denied compensation.

This was because she had gone into the woods "voluntarily", had not been a victim of violence, she emerged “happily” from the woods and that she had recently had sexual relations with another child around her own age.

In another case a girl who was raped and sexually assaulted at the age of 14 by a gang of men aged over 30 was denied compensation because "she had not been the victim of non-consensual sexual acts".

In another case cited by Barnardo's, a boy who was groomed online from the age of 13 and sexually exploited by 23 men, 21 of whom were found guilty of offences including grooming and sexual assault, was refused compensation because "on balance of probabilities the evidence suggests that [the child] consented in fact to the sexual contact with the individuals concerned.”
Englishman, arise a do what must be done. It is clear that your government does not give a rat's ass about you or your children. You must settle the issue yourselves. Take up arms, take back your home.
This is the most fucking disgusting shit I have read for a long time and Bret Easton Ellis is my favorite novelist.

12 year olds, by law, can't consent to much of anything anywhere. So wtf, over?
Now, if this was a bunch of young teen boys with older female teachers all the guys would say, "Of course they consented! It was the greatest day of their lives up to that point!"
Now, if this was a bunch of young teen boys with older female teachers all the guys would say, "Of course they consented! It was the greatest day of their lives up to that point!"
Way to be a piece of shit.
Lol nowhere in that article did they disclose religious background.

Nice #nothingburgerwithfries
Hmmm, linked article doesn't contain the level of specificity the OP suggests.
Cliffs: England said that children as young as 12 that were raped by muslim gangs are not due compensation because they consented!!! This is the most fucking disgusting shit I have read for a long time and Bret Easton Ellis is my favorite novelist.

It just sickens me.


Roughly 700 children as young as 12 who were sexually abused have been refused compensation by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority in Great Britain since 2012; roughly 30 were denied compensation because it was deemed that they “consented.”

On Tuesday a group of charities urged justice secretary David Lidington to change the guidelines, which have allowed children as young as 12 to be refused payouts of up to £44,000. The charities said that some young teenagers who had been raped by multiple people were refused compensation.

British law states that children under 16 cannot be deemed to have consented, unless they are over 13 and the perpetrator could reasonably have thought they were over 16.

One girl who was raped and sexually assaulted by a gang of older men when she was 14 was denied compensation by CICA on the grounds that “she had not been the victim of non-consensual sexual acts.” In another case, a 12-year-old girl was refused compensation after being sexually assaulted by a 21-year-old man who later pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13, because she had gone into the woods "voluntarily."


"One girl who was raped and sexually assaulted by a gang of older men when she was 14"

You start getting into gang rape it starts to sound like this

A new investigation by the Daily Express has found that the massive Rotherham child sex exploitation ring whose discovery rocked England two years ago is not only still in operation, but is as strong as ever. Reports from social workers, police, residents, and abuse victims all said the same thing: It’s still happening on an “industrial scale.”

In 2014, an independent inquiry led by Alexis Jay, a former senior social worker, found that men of Pakistani origin had groomed at least 1,400 young girls for sexual exploitation over the previous 16 years. These girls, as young as 12, were variously raped, abducted, tortured, and forced into prostitution. Keep in mind, this happened—and is still happening—in the heart of England, not some far-flung banana republic.

Lets not forget this!
Britain’s Senior Child Protection Officer: Stop Arresting Pedophiles For Kiddie Porn

Oh, what what are children learning in BRITISH GOVERNMENT FUNDED MUSLIM SCHOOLS???

British Government Takes Over Muslim School Whose Books Approve Of Men Raping Their Wives

So, in this one thread we have 1) government official pedo apologist 2) gangs of pakistani muslims raping children 3) Brits says that 12 year old raped girls consented

24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;
25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.
