"Fight until the ref stops it" and other dumb parroted lines

Toad Rogan

Aug 21, 2016
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Every time there is unnecessary follow up on unconscious fighters all the low IQ shertards repeat this phrase ad nauseam as if it's some justification for punching a clearly unconscious fighter. Just because you're not technically breaking the rules doesn't mean you aren't a scumbag for doing this shit. And just because people think this shit is unnecessary doesn't mean they should "watch soccer" or are pussies or whatever dumb tough guy virtue signaling the first 10 responses in this thread will be.

It's as bad as the stupid fucking "don't let it go to the judges" and "to be the champ you gotta beat the champ" excuses for shitty decisions.

You're an idiot and what's wrong with MMA fans if you think Masvidal is more "real" for this:


than these guys:




Alot of boxing fans always bring this issue up. I don't think it looks good for the sport at times but with the rules it's the way it will always be. There have also been fights were people have been out and came back to continue. Like Askren/Lawler. You've got to force the ref to stop it.
Any poosey can beat on an unconscious body. Only real men do walkaway KO's.

It is a dirtbag move.

Just hard to regulate any better.

Would be hard to say if the winning fighter “clearly” knows his opponent is out.

Also, you must realize half of the guys that are going to call you a pussy for saying it would never step into the octagon themselves.
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People come back all the time. Go watch Bens last fight.. He was out cold for a second. Walk away "ko's" may look badass but it's not the smartest move if your looking for a W
Rockhold also got hit a couple of times after he was out. The lesson learned is not to trash talk your opponents or else face the consequences.
First gif guy talked alot shit thus got hit until ref was pulled off.

Struve, sterling, munoz,monowa did not talk alot shit before the fight thus the opponents respected them enough to not hit after they were out.

Moral of the story, don't talk shit....and own up to the consequences.

Also some fighters have come back from being "kod", its possible.
You land a flying knee in the first couple seconds of the fight against an undefeated fighter with a record of 19-0. Realistically, who expected this flush KO to happen? Do you blame Masvidal for landing an extra two punches to cement the victory? Askren came back from Lawler's bombs in his previous fight and WON.
Time to stop watching combat sports and start watching soccer, TS.
You land a flying knee in the first couple seconds of the fight against an undefeated fighter with a record of 19-0. Realistically, who expected this flush KO to happen? Do you blame Masvidal for landing an extra two punches to cement the victory? Askren came back from Lawler's bombs in his previous fight and WON.

I think Masvidal knew he was out after the knee. Those two added punches is because he hates Askren.

It is a dirtbag move.

Just hard to regulate any better.

Would be hard to say if the other fighter “clearly” knows his opponent is out.

Also, you must realize half of the guys that are going to call you a pussy for saying it would never step into the octagon themselves.

Yeah, I don't think they could or should try to implement a rule about it and it's going to be part of the sport. I just think the fans that celebrate it and pretend to be tough for liking it are pathetic.
If Askren stands up and somehow wins you wont pay Masvidals win money so i dont think he cares.
It was 5 fucking seconds bud, there’s this thing called adrenaline
The walk off KOs are way more badass than punching an unconscious fighter, agreed.
We've seen fighters go down like they are out and then recover. Kongo vs Barry, and Diaz vs Daley. A Silva tried to showboat when he knocked Bisping down instead of finish him, and it cost him the fight.

Bottom line is protect yourself at all times and fight until the ref says stop, that is MMA 101.
Anderson walked off vs Bisping

Then he lost the fight

You fight until the ref stops it.

Masvidal hit him a total of 3 times and the fight lasted 5 seconds. Please calm the fuck down.
if You don’t wanna get punched while you’re unconscious then don’t let someone put you unconscious