GamerGate News & Discussion v4: The Patriarchy Edition

I like this one better:
Stormfront or SJW?

Joss Whedon: 'Quiet Misogyny' Within Industry Prevents Growth Of Female Superheroes

For someone who's female characters begin and end with them throwing spin kicks in tight clothing, Joss Whedon sure loves pointing out that quiet misogyny.

He doesn't say anything too insane in the article, he may actually have a point but his anti-GG stance show that he's attacking the wrong people. Especially with gems like this:

'If you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them, at the cultural level, any reflection of themselves.'

It's funny you say that Joss.
I still love Joss Whedon's work. I think he's an excellent writer.

But he's gotten all sorts of recognition from feminists groups (well deserved) so it has definitely affected his opinion from reasonable to "never criticize."

More people need to recognize the difference between feminism and intersectional feminism. The latter is masquerading as the former.

Can someone tweet Milo to investigate this?

Seems like school was happy to listen and believe.
Although, I'd guess they did it to cover up their fuckup.

Last I saw the AGGro had nothing to do with it. That was merely coincidence. Who knows if anything will change. We just know it would have been proof of GG misogyny if the genders and stances had been reversed.
Almost time for a new thread.

Law & Order: SVU is doing an episode that appears to be based on GamerGate.

Video game developer Raina Punjabi (guest star Mouzam Makkar) solidifies the launch of her first game amid a stream of online insults, intimidation and death threats from the male-dominated gaming community. When a female employee is assaulted at a gamer convention, Detective Tutuola (Ice-T) investigates the crime but Raina refuses to delay the launch, and the cops must "level up" to protect her.

Yeah, Joss is a great writer (one of my favorites, tbh), but a bit of an idiot when it comes to these things. He suffers from what a lot of white male "progressive" writers suffer from, which is an insane characterization of every other male in an attempt to prove how much of an ally they are.

Of the comics I read (I only read 5 or 6), about 50% of them contain a gay black male in an otherwise all-white cast. Instead of just admitting that, as white men who grew up around white people, their imagination tends to skew white, they insert one background person to fill all diversity quota then spend the rest of their time attacking other white males for not being as enlightened as they are. Jon Scalzi is the same way.

I'm currently in school for writing and I'm, of course, the only black person in the program. These people spend all day on Twitter and Tumblr talking shit about racist, misogynistic conservatives, then send me their work to read and it's literally 100% rich, white people. I don't see a problem with rich, white people writing about rich, white people, but their blindness to their own hypocrisy just makes me shake my head.
I still love Joss Whedon's work. I think he's an excellent writer.

No way. The dude's a one-note hack.

I've been keeping up with this thread for a while, and this is what gets me to post. :icon_lol:
Yeah, Joss is a great writer (one of my favorites, tbh), but a bit of an idiot when it comes to these things. He suffers from what a lot of white male "progressive" writers suffer from, which is an insane characterization of every other male in an attempt to prove how much of an ally they are.
Exactly. I don't even mind if he writes complicated characters, but sometimes there does seem to be way too strong of an urge to be seen as a "good ally."
No way. The dude's a one-note hack.

I've been keeping up with this thread for a while, and this is what gets me to post. :icon_lol:

:icon_lol:. I remember watching the (ironically enough) Jaynestown episode for the first time when watching Firefly and really appreciating the creativity of that particular episode, and the series in general.

To be fair, I haven't given any care at all to watching Buffy or Angel. Seems like someone gave me a season of Angel to watch many years ago, but it wasn't my thing. I'm mostly basing my interpretation of his work on Firefly.
No way. The dude's a one-note hack.

I've been keeping up with this thread for a while, and this is what gets me to post. :icon_lol:

:) Definitely is not a great writer but he is good, and far for great as a director but good enough for the type of material he is known for.
:) Definitely is not a great writer but he is good, and far for great as a director but good enough for the type of material he is known for.

Pretty much my exact thoughts on him as a film maker.

For a feminist he can pretty much only write one kind of woman and it would have been highly criticised by the Sarkeesians of the world had he not been famous and on their good side.

Bill Burr guesting on Bill Maher, he talks about SJW's reacting to his comedy.
"Manufactured strategic outrage" - Burr is spot on
Jon Scalzi is the same way.

That's really disappointing, I love "Old Man's War".

Bill Burr guesting on Bill Maher, he talks about SJW's reacting to his comedy.

Bill Burr is tied with Patrice O'Neal as my favorite comedian of all-time. One of the first things that drew me to Bill Burr was his ranting against SJW type ideologies in movies.

"Manufactured strategic outrage" - Burr is spot on

Forgive the title, this is Patrice O'Neal getting the Anita Sarkeesian of his time to laugh at a joke involving sexual violence against women on national television as she was lamenting that type of humor for enforcing negativity against women. At 3:30, he calls her out for the manufactured outrage. I believe this was his last appearance on Fox News.


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