I think I got myself into trouble, girl problem

This is gonna turn out like an Adam Sandler movie bro. Where the stupid jackass with a good heart prevails in the end. Have faith in love at 1st sight bro.


Oh well, keep us updated.

Good luck and be careful.

If you can do any good for her with a true heart, you'll be rewarded.
I thought I was alcoholic but I can drink and then, tell myself I don't want beer.

Not an Alkie. An alcoholic is a person who tries to deny their bodies alcohol after a drink and they get irritated until.they eventually drink

Not a sufferer thank the fuck christ
Delusions of grandeur.
Heroin? Seriously ? What's next? Krokodil? Terrible choice ts, she'll bite your private off.
The nicest thing I can say is....


"Can I bum a smoke off you dude?"


And that's the end, why the fuck would anyone buy some homeless scrubber they've never met before a full pack? Never mind letting her shoot up and have a shower, you're painting a picture that your life is beyond shitty.
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The most exciting thing about getting tangled up with a chick like this and letting her shoot up in the shower, is when you next hear a knock on the door, you don't know if it's going to be Live PD or the chick returning
The most exciting thing about getting tangled up with a chick like this and letting her shoot up in the shower, is when you next hear a knock on the door, you don't know if it's going to be Live PD or the chick returning
Naw, he’s gonna here the back door being kicked in by Debo’s boys coming to take his shit after she tells her girl friend about the new mark she found

Debo and his boys gonna get thirsty for that easy mark and run over there first.

He’ll be lucky if all they do is rob him and not push his shit in for good measure while they take his shit.

Should have fucked her in the shower homie. You had your chance

Hope you got dead bolts son.
Why didn't you offer to drive your home to her friends house for her, if it's cold outside? Now there's a change she'll get to her friends home and think "fuck it, it's too cold outside to wander back to that schmucks house so he can spend 7 minutes trying to find the hole, and then jizz on my leg".

You've blown it.

Oh she’s coming back. She’s bringing her boyfriend and his shotgun and they’re going to rob this motherfucker.
I know it's a dated reference but - Still a better love story than Twilight
Make sure you have Mike Ehrmantraut on speed dial