If you got paid $1,000,000 to fight a UFC fighter, who would fight and who would not fight?

Not really surprised at the answers but am a little surprised at the number who say they would fight Naganou. If your under 200lbs you would probably sustain legit brain damage. Worth it for a million? Probably not, a million isnt going to last you the next 50 years of your life.
For 1 million I'd fight anyone in the UFC and win. I'd just come on to Sherdog in advance of the fight for advice. You can't lose with the perfect game plan.

I type at least 80 wpm, but with not much practice I could get that up to 100+
I trained bjj and kickboxing for 2 years, 9 years ago.
I've seen almost every UFC fight.

Lets do this.
It took me 18 extremely hard years of sacrifice to make my first million.
Trust me, $1,000,000 for a fight is a steal.
I believe you, and I trust you greatly. I'm only here to bear witness to your grandeur.

Dude if i was gonna lie I'd at least say i hit three plates on the bench, which is 315.

Been lifting semi serious (not professionally, but as my main hobby) for little over three years now, do mostly powerlifting stuff, and have said it here before.

Not really sure why you're being a dick here.

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