In light of school shootings,cliques, and bullying would you Home school?

lol says you and I think that you are a very strange fellow as well based on any number of posts also you're mad which is funny

Im not mad at all, I just find it funny you think the world needs more super religious folks. We don't
The Socialization that kids are getting at Public schools where if your not in the "in" crowd or one of the "cool kids" and you don't have the best clothes or 300 dollar sneakers, and the cliques, and bullying, type of socialization kids can do without imo.

all school shooters over the past 25 years have not been home schoolers. And I can most likely presume that most kids that have committed suicide for being socially unacceptable to their peers weren't home schooled either.

that's food for thought people

accept jesus get saved.

True, but they're gonna deal with those asshats for the rest of their lives, might as well get them used to them now than to have a rude awakening.

Coddling my child from those dipshits will do them no favors.
So instead of teaching your kids strong critical thinking skills so the can actively engage with and question what society teaches, your plan is to shelter them so they never have to hear a message you don’t agree with?
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
So teach him critical thinking.

Don’t teach him to only be comfortable in environments where he can feel safe passively accepting everything around him. The point of education is to prepare a kid for the real world, and unless you plan on joining a Mennonite community or something, the real world isn’t a place where everyone has the same religious values.

If you teach your kid solid values at home, why do you think he’d be incapable of being exposed to other views without being “corrupted” by them?
So teach him critical thinking and to question what he is taught.

Don’t teach him to only be comfortable in environments where he can feel safe passively accepting everything around him. The point of education is to prepare a kid for the real world, and unless you plan on joining a Mennonite community of something, the real world isn’t a place where everyone has the same religious values.

If you teach your kid solid values at home, why do you think he’d be incapable of being exposed to other views without being “corrupted” by them?
Sorry son....While your kids are learning about trannies and self esteem. Mine will learn reading, writing and arithmetic, along with some skills applicable to the real world.
Sorry son....While your kids are learning about trannies and self esteem. Mine will learn reading, writing and arithmetic, along with some skills applicable to the real world.
What skills would those be? Staying home and listening to mommy?

Well, the Stories of Adam and Eve et al.

Are they about science and exacts of geology or about the nature of Mankind and our journey to know God?

The former argument may lead to peril, especially as A. If God tried to make a parable to explain all of history and evolutionary reality to stone-age men, that would probably be a problem for any honest thinker. B. The substance can not be separated from the stories.

No Iliad, no Baal, no Assyrian tales of glory, or about the exploits of Gilgamesh.

This was a study of mankind, and how we are, how we change, how our hearts work, and who and what the power of God might be.

When He asked Elijah on the mountain, almost with a hint of irony and exasperation, "Why are you here?" He already knew, and said so, and had in mind things that could be seen in the past in Abraham and in the future that was far off.

Promises kept, objectively and philosophically.
One benefit of educating your children at home is that if a school shooting does occur the fatalities will be limited to immediate family members.

One negative aspect of home school is people will think you're weird when you brag about banging your teacher
No way. There would be way more bullies targeting my kids for being homeschooled. For example, my cats would make fun of them.
True, but they're gonna deal with those asshats for the rest of their lives, might as well get them used to them now than to have a rude awakening.

Coddling my child from those dipshits will do them no favors.

reasonable response I guess we just differ on parenting philosophy.

I am the opposite I'm going to shelter my kids from persona and things and ideas that I deem harmful until I expose them to those things at a time of my choosing in a controlled manner.

protect and let a kid have their innocence for as long as possible not arresting their emotional and personality development just shielding them form things society says is ok that I say is wrong . is it reality yeah kinda but I thing one can form or insulate one from what others deem reality...
reasonable response I guess we just differ on parenting philosophy.

I am the opposite I'm going to shelter my kids from persona and things and ideas that I deem harmful until I expose them to those things at a time of my choosing in a controlled manner.

protect and let a kid have their innocence for as long as possible not arresting their emotional and personality development just shielding them form things society says is ok that I say is wrong . is it reality yeah kinda but I thing one can form or insulate one from what others deem reality...

You have to let them kids take their lumps to see what their made of. You run a greater chance of stumping their growth by protecting them than by letting them fly.

Understand the instinct to protect but innocence and ignorance are quite related. The fear of public schools sounds crazy to me; so I don't understand that part.
You wouldn't want one of your children to turn out gay.

You've been psychologically conditioned over a long period of time to unconsciously accept that twisted narrative as being "ok" to the point you're telling me you wouldn't mind a gay child.

When we both know that's not really you talking. That's what pop culture and the programming of the masses through social engineering vehicles like entrainment have led you to say.


Many proponents of homeschooling ITT really dont seem to have an original thought. Or can think freely to really ponder their point of view in comparison to what they've been inculcated into believing is the new normal, or cool, socially acceptable or right.

Try the Teachings of Jesus Christ guys.

It will resonate as truth. The teachings of your College philosophy professor is structured for you to think in contrast or in counter to every thing Jesus taught.

That's the main reason I will home school or stretch myself financially to Private Christian school my kids. At a Christian academy that does not teach things like homosexual lifestyle familiarization and evolution.

Bro, really think about the totality of the circumstances both social and educational that surrounds public education in America. and I challenge you not to eventually come to my conclusions when you have a kid.

I have a daughter. I'd have no problem with her being gay. You see, the thing is, a great number of my friends and customers are gay. They are truly wonderful people and do great things for society. I am, as a whole, less impressed with many of the church-goers I know.

I have no problem with colleges teaching things that may contradict Christianity. Kids in Christian households get formally taught Christianity every Sunday and usually Wednesdays here in the South. College is the opportunity to broaden one's knowledge. Challenging students to truly think and understand can only reinforce the belief of true believer. FWIW, my degree is in comparative religion. I came away thinking that the religion as an institution is both good (charity, community) and bad (cause for war and cover for raping children).
In Australia home schooled kids doing news worthy strange shit is vastly more common than the non existent school shootings.

Home school kids are weird, haven't met any I would call normal.

A bit OT, but some time ago I listened to a radio story about a girl living on a sheep ranch in Australia "going to school" via short wave radio with other kids in the same situation. Anyway, I though it was a cool and a creative solution to the fact that most parents would be crappy teachers.
Main reasons I wouldn't home school are:

1. I have to work
2. Kids wouldn't really pay attention
3. Our public schools are top notch
4. I want the kids out of the house to learn
5. I'm hoping reasonable gun control can occur

Tim Tebow is dumber than a bag of rocks the last time I checked and has money because of his athletic talent. Tyler Hansbourough is in the same boat. Dude couldn't read Chicken Little.

These are all fair points and you made the argument about Tim Tebow that I was about to make. The only thing I disagree is point number 2. I believe it depends on your kids but I didn't pay attention at all in school, I payed a lot more attention reading books by myself. I spent most of my school days sleeping, reading or socializing. I got disciplined a lot of times for sleeping and talking in classes but I couldn't control myself.
I've read a bit about homeschooling in the US and there are alternatives to the usual weird survivalist couple teaching their kids about guns and god. You can enroll your kid in a multitude of handpicked classes in schools and colleges and give them a diversified education experience in addition to the home teaching itself and in contrast to following a single school curriculum.

School is not the only place a child can interact with other people. There are plenty of social groups, clubs, camps and volunteer opportunities where a child can engage in various types of social interaction that are both positive and negative.
That's true, but it's not the same thing. Everybody is nice at these groups, for example, during my youth I only dealt with nasty children in school. Interacting with kids at church, for example, 1 hour during sunday is not the same as basically living with other children 8 plus hours a day (I had classes usually from 7am to 5pm, envy me).
quote from Charles freemason Darwin

"To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”

By adding freemason to his name I'm attempting to bridge the connection between him Lucifer aka " illuminated one" aka "the knowledge bringer" which high level Masons worship as the light bringer or the god of this world.

Which imo lends itself to the great deception spoken of by Jesus to his disciples that would cause a great falling away and would be so profound that even the elect would be deceived, I believe Darwin's "theories" will one day be proven true through some kind of deception. Possibly in the form of some ancient alien seeding b.s. or the holy grail of evolutionists an extremely well hoaxed discovery of a Transitional fossil. in some quarry somewhere.

Either your lack of a good science and history education is showing or are intentionally being deceitful. That quote is the beginning of a much larger point.
No, because this isn't a problem in my country.

Additionally, all the home schooled kids i knew growing up were very socially strange and behind the times.
Homeschooling is what you make of it . . . some parents are committed to it and do what it takes to socialize their kids and others don't and end up failing.

There are many more home school groups where kids can join sports teams and other social events and receive a very similar experience to what they would in a public school.

I think it's a great idea to do it early on, but eventually think the kids need to be exposed to other types of learning.

Both of my daughters attended public schools and are doing just fine . . . I have 3 nieces who are currently being home schooled. They're involved in a local home school group and play sports through their local YMCA or Boys and Girls Club.
Would never consider home schooling.

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