Islam completely debunked in under 9 minutes.

David Wood is really one of the best at dismantling Islam. I suggest looking at some of the material on his channel.


-The Qur'an says Allah inspired the Bible to "guide"
-Muhammad gives permission to judge based on the laws of the bible
-The Bible contradicts Islam and the Qur'an
-Modern day Muslims claim the Bible is corrupted
-The Qur'an states none can change Allah's words
-Mohamed believed the Bible was correct during his time
-If the Bible is corrupted why would Allah say it is correct

Thus, if the Bible is corrupt and wrong so is the Qur'an and if the Bible was corrupted that means Islam and the Qur'an is wrong. Either way Islam is wrong. Note: the video does a better job at explaining it all.

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.”
No one's claiming all the records just disappeared. First off, as I mentioned in the post you quoted according to the bible god sent hail strong enough to smash trees upon Egypt. This hell could have easily destroyed many tablets, to add to that Egypt was conquered and fought many wars and went through many kings throughout the generations these records could have easily been lost. You act as if they have records perfectly stored in filing cabinets where no one can get to them. One king may value record keeping, another may not, one may seek to destroy the history of a previous king in order to easily build his own legacy or control the masses.

I never claimed that the Jews built the pyramids, I personally don't know who built them, I do however know there are many hypothesis out there which range drastically in opinion. People can't even agree on the color of the Egyptians let alone who exactly built the pyramids or what their use or purpose was for.

I do suggest listening to the audio book of Exodus it's on youtube, I'll post it below. That being said, the Jews did not just wander about entire time. They fought in wars and battles, defeated a few nations and settled in some of their territory, this happened because they were faithless to God and did not heed His word. You also have to realize the Israelites had already tried to enter into the land once and been defeated, without the lord on their side they stood no chance of winning.

A. You would have to prove this epic hailstorm happened. No such records exist. Egyptians held records in despositores within stone structures. Tablets held within stone structures that are then sealed do not succumb to destruction from hailsotrm, no matter how long it supposedly happened. Kings did not keep records, the men whose jobs were to record building plans, trade shipments, royal lineages, political records, census records etc etc did. Kings did not attempt to erase all of the history fromt he time of the king that came before them. They would destroy any and all iconography of this King's Glory and status as a God.

B. Archaeologists have discovered rafts of records from the majority of the pyramids. Pious Jews, hoping to prove their stories, alongside christians willing to do the same, have a pretty good idea of when they thinkt he Jews were in Egypt. No such records of the time detail Jews being in Israel. The historical records contradict the Bible directly.
But they still believed in witches, right? Witches dont exist, and this book is supposed to be perfect in all it's parts....
A witch is a person who practices magic and casts spells and do things like voodoo. And yes, admitted witches do still exist, just do a simple youtube search for voodoo doctors and witches.
A witch is a person who practices magic and casts spells and do things like voodoo. And yes, admitted witches do still exist, just do a simple youtube search for voodoo doctors and witches.

It's fantasy. Astrology, sorcerers, witchcraft, curses are all fiction.

It's the 21st century and you're talking about spells. Spells!!!!
Oh man... How would it be... A dream come true...
A world where flat earthers and religious people just all go to a cliff... holding hands... AND JUMP!...
What a world.... A world where only people with a significant above average iq are allowed to breed... And all the others are going out of existence... What a beautiful beautiful world... :)