Opinion It is not bigoted to want a homogenized American culture.

? You might want to check your version of history....


The Haida and Tlingit, who lived along Alaska's southeast coast, were traditionally known as fierce warriors and slave-traders, raiding as far as California.[13][14] In their society, slavery was hereditary after slaves were taken as prisoners of war[13][14]—children of slaves were fated to be slaves themselves.[15] Among a few Pacific Northwest tribes, as many as one-fourth of the population were slaves.[13][14] They were typically captured by raids on enemy tribes, or purchased on inter-tribal slave markets. Slaves would sometimes be killed in potlatches, to signify the owners' contempt for property.

potlatch involves giving away or destroying wealth or valuable items in order to demonstrate a leader's wealth and power]

I don't know how you can possibly claim they didn't do chattel slavery......

Chattel slavery means that one person has total ownership of another. There are two basic forms of chattel, domestic chattel, with menial household duties and productive chattel, working in the fields or mines.

If you're born into slavery and your children are born into slavery... its chattel slavery...

Also yes plenty of tribes were wiped off the map by other tribes..........

The Iroquois wiped out the Petun, Neutral, Erie & Susquehannock & primarily caused the Fort Ancients, Mascouten & Manahoac tribes to disappear through their actions during the Beaver Wars. It's up for debate whether the Shawnee or the Iroquois wiped out the Monongahela Culture, since neither tribe seems to remember the nation's existence, today, but archaeology seems to side with the Shawnee theory. The Iroquois also wiped out most of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians just before the French settled Quebec for unknown reasons. The Creek Confederacy wiped out many tribes in Georgia & Florida. The Migmaaq took out the last of the Beothuk.

The Iroquois effectively destroyed several large tribal confederacies, including the Mohicans, Huron (Wyandot), Neutral, Erie, Susquehannock (Conestoga), and northern Algonquins, with the extreme brutality and exterminatory nature of the mode of warfare practised by the Iroquois causing some historians to label these wars as acts of genocide committed by the Iroquois Confederacy.[4] They became dominant in the region and enlarged their territory, realigning the American tribal geography. The Iroquois gained control of the New England frontier and Ohio River valley lands as hunting ground from about 1670 onward.

I'm aware of what chattel slavery is, and it was not a widespread practice on the same scale. Two tribes practicing chattel slavery in one specific geographical area (both those tribes were close to each other and were engaged in bitter Wars as well as struggles for dominance in the fur trade) doesnt make it a broad practice among Native Nations. A few other tribes engaged in chattel slavery after learning it from the Europeans.

And yes, there was bitter tribal conflict that resulted in near genocidal activities by some tribes...as a direct result of European influence. Prior to the decimation of animal populations for fur trading, this wasnt a common practice.

Many in fact did take lifetime chattel slaves, in other tribes slavery was different.

No, not many. In a few.
Homogenized culture is what the CCP is aiming for in China. Their "cultural revolution" never ended. The CCP is constantly on the attack trying to erase any traditions or individual culture local people might have in that country. Look at what they're doing to the Uyghurs. That's not what you want for the USA.

USA already has it's own distinct culture. You make great films and TV and music and pornography, you drive your cars everywhere, and participate in pretty much every sport including a bunch of extra ones you invented. You all have guns but then act all surprised when people get shot. You eat impressive amounts of tasty food and get amazingly fat.

America easily has the best culture out of all the British spin-off countries.

I love these threads because they are always based on a complete misunderstanding of America's foundational principles.

America was designed specifically not be homogenized. They didn't want homogeneity. They celebrated differences and wanted people to keep their individual differences culturally...so long as they all followed the law.

A "nation of laws". It meant follow whatever culture you want, so long as you follow the law of the land.
Is that why they put into place the naturalisation act of 1790, just 7 years after the war of independence ended, in order to ban all non whites from becoming citizens?
I feel like after the industrial revolution, the west just had a different theme almost every decade, and the culture just kind of swayed with the generations

Let me kno if this is a retarded thought
I read somewhere that 97 percent of the population there is Japanese because it's so hard for any foreigner to get citizenship outside of marrying a Japanese person. But if their birth rate stays in the shitter they may have to change that soon.

They changed it a while back.
South Korea's not far behind.
That's great. It will help drag them into the 21st century when it comes to things like racism and how women and LGBTQ folk are treated.

It's a slow process of change, but it is already happening.
Like I posted before though, I think we're already well on the path to global culture, with national or ethnic subcultures which are unlikely to remain geographically confined.
Is that why they put into place the naturalisation act of 1790, just 7 years after the war of independence ended, in order to ban all non whites from becoming citizens?
No, it's not why. THe naturalization act was about race, not because of culture. Europeans had different cultures, spoke different languages, etc.

It shouldn't need to be said but apparently it does: Culture isn't the same as race.

Kind of hurts the "it's not bigoted" argument if someone argues that different cultures means different racial groups.
If it makes you feel any better, there's already a homogenisation of global culture caused by a globalised market, global consumerism, global communications and global transportation.
Watch what happens as machine translation becomes accurate and instantaneous.
The printing press is given a lot of credit for the formation of modern nation-states, so what trajectory do you imagine for the information age?

- We had that class a couple of months ago in my Foreign Affairs course.
Were losing the small things that makes us charming and diferent.

I got thinking that i am aslo guilty of that, seeing how manny threads i do about Afghanistan.
The greatest human accomplishment of all time was putting a man on the moon. To see how we got there, we need to look at the culture that dominated the landscape the previous 50 years. I say we return to that culture. It was patriarchal, rigid in demands to allegiance to the country and Constitution, very nuclear family based, and very unaccommodating to cultures which were antithetical to the standard. Japan today is like this, and their country is flourishing with little crime. No reason we can't do this in America despite being of different racial background. One country, one culture, many races.

It was such a great accomplishment we forgot how to do it
I don't care what race... we are all Texan here. We fight each other here and there.... but you better believe when someone wearing a Red OU shirt walks down 6th street ... we become 6k+ strong on one guy ;)
- We had that class a couple of months ago in my Foreign Affairs course.
Were losing the small things that makes us charming and diferent.

I got thinking that i am aslo guilty of that, seeing how manny threads i do about Afghanistan.

Just the way it is.
I mean I'm here chatting with you about politics on a forum about MMA from my home in Oz with you in Brazil. We're already in a global culture, and members of a global subculture, just by participating on this forum. The last barriers of language are falling to machine translation.
Unless you're prepared to go neo-luddite, it's inevitable.
People no doubt felt the same when the printing press standardised regional dialects into a common language, and combined with improved transportation that opened up national markets.
Yes it was a left 60s idea that people should be treated by the way they conducted their life's not by their race or where they came from. That people should come together and make a better life.

Now it's about separation.
no... it was an idea floated around in the 1700's ffs.

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