Izzy mocked Alex’s sons…

It's the context of the situation that I don't think you're picking up on.

And even if you're right and those kids are already as stone-hearted as their old man and weren't one bit phased by Israel's actions, it's still just such an unbelievably fucked way for an adult to act towards children. It's honestly something that a fictitious character like Kenny fucking Powers would do. Excpet this isn't comedy. It's real fucking life (and potentially death).

But you're the one who said context of the moment didn't matter. If we agree it does, then I think that if they are the poor children who are scarred by the moment, then they shouldn't have been there.

If your position is that "Hey Alex can be a shitty dad and Izzy can still be a shitty adult", then sure. I think that's fair.

But again - if the kid wants to come to the arena where a KO is a certain possibility, talk shit when his dad does it to others, then hey, I don't feel sympathetic even if they are kids. This isn't a 6 year child who doesn't understand what's going on, right? These kids are middle schoolers. As someone with two nephews this age who are absolutely capable of (and do) talking shit and I could totally imagine them being in this position -> they'd be salty but they certainly wouldn't be scarred for life the way you are framing this.

But truly, it seems your point is less about the impact and really just "Adults should generally take the high road vs kids". l am probably forced to generally agree because I understand where you are coming from, but it just feels a bit more pearl clutching than actual damage in this case, imo. I mean, he flopped over one time. The kids will be fine, and if they aren't and end up scarred from this, it will because they shouldn't have been there in the first place - not because of a stupid taunt lol.
Also know that you risk your life everytime you enter the cage. How many fighters suffer from head trauma end up with issues. It shaves few years of life, not quite death but close.

Bruh, I know. You risk your life just sparring and end up with issues just from training. Ask Chris Holdsworth about that.

My point is Alex's kids aren't like normal people's kids. They've grown up being exposed to adult men being knocked out brutally. If they were like 5 or something I could see how they would misunderstand, but at their age and having experienced what they have, they would have known exactly what was going on.
Bruh, I know. You risk your life just sparring and end up with issues just from training. Ask Chris Holdsworth about that.

My point is Alex's kids aren't like normal people's kids. They've grown up being exposed to adult men being knocked out brutally. If they were like 5 or something I could see how they would misunderstand, but at their age and having experienced what they have, they would have known exactly what was going on.

How would you know how they are ... Do you think Alex exposes them to violence and makes them survive for food in a jungle ? Naw, I'm sure they got normal lives like all of us. That's why he was sobbing like a normal kid would.

If that really is Alex's son then the answer to your question is YES...I did enjoy that part.

If you dish it..gotta take it as well, kid knew what he was doing all those years ago.
Izzy carried that hate towards Alex's kids for years and and it all just came out when finally managed to get a win against Alex

Must feel like a big man talking shit towards children despite been 1-3 vs Alex
maybe he should have won the fight instead of getting brutally KO’d imo
is the funniest shit I’ve seen in some time

I would have loved to see the look on the kids face!
Maybe in the coming days they will show that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How would you know how they are ... Do you think Alex exposes them to violence and makes them survive for food in a jungle ? Naw, I'm sure they got normal lives like all of us. That's why he was sobbing like a normal kid would.

Bro, just stop and listen to yourself.

I know for a fact Alex exposes them to violence, and so do you. The proof is literally that he takes them to his fights which are full of violence. There is video evidence of this haha. They were in literally in the crowd tonight and years ago when Izzy got KOd. They've been to plenty of his other fights as well.

You say you're sure they got normal lives like all of us, but what, that's what a normal kid's life is like to you? Growing up watching their dad body dudes from ringside?

When you bring your kid to a live event, you assume the risk that he/she will see some gnarly things like you being laid out cold. I was always a fan of the guys who kept their families away from the sport.
They deleted that one. We were havin so much fun in there!

You were on a roll in that thread. Some of the best trigger work I've ever seen on this Karate forum hahaha.
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It's on camera. Kid is crying uncontrollably after seeing his father, his idol, his guide in life, lying cold and lifeless on the floor. Then Israel comes along and points at him ..... Does the dead drop to rub it in even more.

Did you enjoy that part ?

Oh the humanity!
That was pretty funny. Izzy seemed super locked in for this one. Good stuff.
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You were on a roll in that thread. Some of the best trigger work I've ever seen on this Karate forum hahaha.
Bro, just stop and listen to yourself.

I know for a fact Alex exposes them to violence, and so do you. The proof is literally that he takes them to his fights which are full of violence. There is video evidence of this haha. They were in literally in the crowd tonight and years ago when Izzy got KOd. They've been to plenty of his other fights as well.

You say you're sure they got normal lives like all of us, but what, that's what a normal kid's life is like to you? Growing up watching their dad body dudes from ringside?


Oh wow Alex took him to two fights that we have evidence for and
Oh the humanity!


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