Elections Kari Lake pulling ahead

This is it!

it is now isn't it? i'll have to jot that one down. note to self: not all voting machines are perfect. and i almost forgot, after clapping diaper don's cheeks dozens of times in the 2020 post-election ligitation lawsuits, and another half dozen times in georgia right before the senate runoffs, good ole marc elias is going on down to mohave county and slapping some republicans around some more. if mohave county doesnt want to certify their results for an election where their republican candidates won by 75% of the vote, than marc elias and his team of voting rights and pro-democracy lawyers are going to walk all over those losers in court, and force them to certify their counties election for the republican candidates who won, and thats just the way it is going to work. aint nobodies votes getting thrown out or dismissed, and the chuds will just have to accept democracy.

though if i was OANN i would try to steer clear of doing any reporting that might have the slightest hint towards any type of election machines. these people are walking on eggshells already after all of the defaming lies and bullshit they put out there last year to promote election denialism and cheeto benito's lies, and now they are already going to have to answer to it in court.

they should focus more on suggesting ways to ignore elections altogether and overthrow democracy, because thats what its came down to now that the maga movement has fizzled out, they are relying on inexperienced tv celebrities, pathological liars with obvious brain damage, and other joke candidates and raunchy people to do their job, they have no platform, policies, or principals, they hold true to no values, they are raunchy and rotten to the core, they are not popular, and pretty soon it wont even matter how they redistrict competitive states, or how people vote, or how the votes get counted, they won't be able to win any more of their big elections by votes, and they are starting to realise it. most people can see the party for what it is now that the masks have came off, and its just not very popular or likeable.
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I love how these guys are happy to attack me and/or sources, but cannot actually comment on the facts of what is being reporte. You guys are such losers, LOL
Wow, attorney now saying it even more wide spread than the report that stated it was more wide spread than initially reported

They should not have let the Cyber Ninja fuck the old ones up.
Imagine selling to your taxpayers, I am bringing in a guy named Cyber Ninja, no really that is his name, he is going to expose all your personal information, and then we are going to pay for all his private jet trips. Oh yeah he will be about 3 months late delivering results and then the results he delivered were the same results we told you 5 recounts ago. Don't forget he said he had proof of the steal a week after the elections were over.
No wonder Lake, lost, she was pushing the election fraud bullshit after 6 fucking recounts.
Keep it going though, it worked out great for Masters and Lake.
Pro tip, not every candidate you like is going to win, so it is easier to accept the lose instead of going full conspiracy every time someone you like takes an L.
Lake like Trump is a shitty candidate who cant win moderates. Sure the motivate the base, but you need more than the base to win anything other than a gerrymandered district. The GOP for some reason can't grasp that concept.
I love how these guys are happy to attack me and/or sources, but cannot actually comment on the facts of what is being reporte. You guys are such losers, LOL

losers like kari lake and blake masters, or a loser like donald trump? please define!

and do you think kari lake and blake masters will lose arizona more times in one election than donald trump did back in 2020? the record stands at 7. i dont know of anybody who's ever lost an election that many times in just one election. not even obama!

this time will they be bringing in the cyber ninjas, the best buy geek squad, or the fraud power rangers to perform the most transparent audit in the history of audits just to end up finding a bunch more votes for the democrats and then riding into the sunset with all of your tax money?

you mention the word facts. lets be honest, you're not here to discuss facts. you cant even spell that word. you come here to post bullshit from alex jones and the king of fake news pizzagate guy, who you dearly champion for alongside of mike lindell, mtg, diaper don, and all the rest of those loons who have spent the last few years taking you for a ride

you aint here for facts. the moment facts get presented, YOU DISAPPEAR!!!! thats been ever so obvious ever since the 2020 election. facts? lol who are you kidding. you're here to discuss fairy tales, fantasies, and fanfiction and promote your election denialism all because youre mad that those loser candidates you champion for have lost their respective elections. we know your game. youll herp out all this nonsense and conspiracies, one by one they fall flat on their face, and then you try to ignore it and play it off like you were never duped by the last 50+ conspiracies, while pivoting off to the next big nothing burger. youre game is stale bread, and you are not fooling anybody.

and let me tell you one thing, and if you want to keep on with this, im gonna dangle it in your face all over the place after all the votes get counted and the elections get called for their rightful winners....and i know this is going to be tough to swallow and its gonna tear up your chuddy little heart, but youre just going to have to learn to cope and accept it. are you ready for it? good, here it is. Aint nobody gonna throw out democracy just for kari lake and blake masters. believe that.

but while we're here talking about facts, heres some facts for you: It's now been 748 days since the "stolen" election, which Diaper Don lost 306-232 to Sleepy Joe. Diaper Don's post-election litigation record currently stands at 1-65, there have now been precisely 0 allegations of any type of fraud that were made on Diaper Don's behalf throughout any court in the land, and there have now been exactly 0 allegations of any type of fraud that were proven on Diaper Don's behalf in any court in the land.

sorry maga muffin, facts arent subject to your feelings. and after the little boy who cried fraud blew his little fraud whistle everywhere outside of a courtroom back in 2020, and never once tried to even allege fraud but still cries about a stolen election to this very day, nobody is buying your shit anymore pal. the gig is up. its nothing more than a maga virtue signal now. your masks are off and you have shown your hand. your attempt to ignore the results of elections that you lost and subvert democracy failed in every which way and people can see it for what it is now. but be sure to get those donations in anyways. america aint gonna save itself!

good luck on your quest to find that fraud and stop the steal. make sure the crackhead pillow salesman brings the evidence to court this time hey?
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I love how these guys are happy to attack me and/or sources, but cannot actually comment on the facts of what is being reporte. You guys are such losers, LOL

The facts are that some of the printers in Maricopa malfunctioned and they're trying to figure out why. Which is good. But those votes were still counted.

Why you're a complete joke is all the bullshit CT commentary that you immediately latch on to and proudly post in threads like this only to have all of them fall apart immediately. This is deja vu from the 2020 election but you've clearly learned nothing from repeatedly embarrassing yourself in all those threads, because here you are doing the exact same thing again.
The facts are that some of the printers in Maricopa malfunctioned and they're trying to figure out why. Which is good. But those votes were still counted.

Why you're a complete joke is all the bullshit CT commentary that you immediately latch on to and proudly post in threads like this only to have all of them fall apart immediately. This is deja vu from the 2020 election but you've clearly learned nothing from repeatedly embarrassing yourself in all those threads, because here you are doing the exact same thing again.

its still real to him dammit!

its gonna be a sad day for the maga muppets when the elections get certified for mark kelly and katie hobbs. which they in fact will, because aint nobody gonna sell their souls and throw out democracy over kari lake and blake masters lol. they dont owe any favors to those two fine pieces of maga trash

but of course as always the chuds will still be grasping at straws and theyll come up with a cute little conspiracy as to why the arizona elections still got certified for the "wrong" candidates. it wont even take a week before the courts tell those losers at mohave county to sit the fuck down. after being fed the same kind of chuddery by the same groups of people so long and being taken for one ride after another, nothing makes logical sense in their heads, so theres gotta be some kind of conspiracy behind it, and if that conspiracy doesnt end end up proving true, then theres surely another conspiracy theory holding water behind that one!

its easier for these people to cope by making up conspiracies and lies and living by it, rather than accepting reality. and for the most part their catch-all stolen election sore loser excuse works and their candidate who loses can still save face just because theres enough people out there who are stupid enough to believe it without ever needing to see any evidence of it being proven in court.
See how all the #blueAnons just happy to check in to say njothing wrong with AZ election, and it is all about shitty Trump candidate. LOL.
See how all the #blueAnons just happy to check in to say njothing wrong with AZ election, and it is all about shitty Trump candidate. LOL.

hi again buddy. have they found that fraud yet? have they stopped the steal? has the crackhead pillow salesman and the ghost of JFK constitutionally reinstated president trump?

its been 748 days now since the election and hundreds of millions of dollars was grifted...eerrr raised to find the fraud and stop the steal. surely by now they would have found something!

that 2020 election was stolen right? cool! whats the docket number for that one case where donald trump alleged fraud and then proved it? in a courtroom of course, not in a parking lot across the street from the dildo shop.

i'll make it even easier for ya. so whats the docket number for that one case where donald trump alleged any type of fraud pertaining to the 2020 election at all?

aww fuck it, what am i saying,this one shouldnt be hard to find, considering the evidence has also been coming in so fast that once again we can barely keep up. whats the docket number for that one case where donald trump, or any of his endorsed candidates have alleged any kind of fraud pertaining to their elections they lost?

its still real though, and you're here to discuss facts and not fanfiction, fantasies, and fairy tales right?? whats next? are you going to try to tell us that the tooth fairy exists without ever actually trying to prove to us that the tooth fairy exists? complete with all of the evidence that only a crackhead pillow salesman is allowed to look at, but it will surely be released within the next 2 weeks....get your donations in....yada yada. totally not a grift. #StopTheSqueal #MAGAGAGAGAGA
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nothing legitimate about counting votes for a week after an election ... leaves too much room for shenanigans .. there's no good reason to be counting votes for a week after an election if it's legitimate .. one day ? maybe .. a week gtfoh .. only reasons are incompetence, faulty system, or fraud .. it's election day not election week ... every single one of these elections that took that long to finalize all look funny in the light .. every single one
Why? There’s plenty of time between the election and inauguration. Why specifically is it a problem if it takes a week to count votes?
Bring on the bamboo fiberz!
Someone get me a magnifying glass, we're going in hard!

the ghost of hugo chavez dont care about your magnifying glass sherbro, he's still going to steal the elections and then vanish without ever leaving a trace.

its time to just start embracing the steal and rubbing the fraud in the faces of the election fraud flat-earthers and just roll with it just to further mock the maga muppets even after all these years and their stolen election conspiracies are still falling flat on their faces.

"yeah we waited until the clock struck midnight, fired up them italian satellites and obama's microwaves, cranked up the chinese thermostats, turned off them lights, cameras, and water pipes, summoned the ghost of hugo chavez through a ouji board, harvested suitcases full of democratic ballots cast from illegal mexicans and dead people, brought in bill gates, bill barr, and mike pence to sabotage the voting machines, and then we stole the election. yeah bitch, whats up? you ain't got no evidence, whatcha gonna do about it? ya gonna go call up them cyber ninjas and have them go find some more votes for brandon? jokes on you pal, we got them working for the deep state too!"
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if they look deep enough into those waters, they could probably find suitcases full of kari lake and donald trump ballots which those election workers anchored off at the bottom while everybody else was distracted by the MyPillow ads and punching in their promo codes to save a couple bucks on a $140 pair of MySlippers.

if you ain't cheatin' you aint tryin'!
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i dont see why kari lake could ever lose an election when she based her campaign off nothing more than trying to deny people their constitutional rights to vote and fixing hypothetical problems that nobody has ever proven to exist. whats not to like about her? i mean come on. look at how gracefully she vaccuumed the carpet for diaper don. hopefully they will do whats right and throw out democracy and ignore the will of the people all because kari lake is mad that she lost the election because she couldnt get enough votes to win.
She would have more credibility if she didnt take CNN's bait

CNN just destroyed Kari Lake

@cottagecheesefan is it really wise for you to take on this conspiracy battle when you have your hands full still trying to produce evidence of the 2020 election fraud?
The facts are that some of the printers in Maricopa malfunctioned and they're trying to figure out why. Which is good. But those votes were still counted.

Why you're a complete joke is all the bullshit CT commentary that you immediately latch on to and proudly post in threads like this only to have all of them fall apart immediately. This is deja vu from the 2020 election but you've clearly learned nothing from repeatedly embarrassing yourself in all those threads, because here you are doing the exact same thing again.

Instead of learning something from last time he’s just gotten 10x dumber and more obnoxious. I guess that’s what happens when you’re fundamentally incapable of introspection.