Kevin Lee doesn't lift weights

gymnasts don't lift weights either and they have the best physiques in the world

He's not lifting free weights but he is lifting body weight and other peoples weight in grappling and that's more functional strength training, He already has enough muscle adding more muscle would only hurt him at 155 so it's more conditioning and functional strength that he works on which is smart and efficient.
Functional strength training wouldn’t make you look like a mini body builder like Kevin lee though would it.

Look at him here for fuck sake:


If he don’t do weights then he’s up to something
See the pimples in his stomach TS?

Thats how...


I was wondering how long everyone was going to avoid noticing those haha.
I don't understand why people are ever surprised by this.

Lifting human beings in the air, doing push ups, pulls ups, running, core training, striking, etc. will build muscle.
I can't say for sure but I'd bet the house he's full of it. Its really hard to have that much muscle and that low body fat % without stero... I mean weightlifting. I'm sure allot gym rats can attest to this, but having allot of muscle in a sport like MMA without WL is extremely hard to achieve - unless you have some other kind of help
I don't lift the weights, the weights lift me.

I bet he still does strength and conditioning... with weights.
Just because you're not lifting barbells doesn't mean your not moving against resistance that strengthens your muscles.
Kenny here,

I am taking a class at SMC and pretty much what happens is that your body has muscles underneath fat so if you lose fat you will look like a UFC fighter.

I asked my teacher if I do 100 situps a day will I get a six pack. He laughed at me and just told me to watch what I eat and my fat will disappear. I googled it and pretty much that's true that you cannot "spot reduce" fat.

Yeah so I if someone just starves and runs all day he will look muscluar.

So that's why marathon runners look so jacked.
this just in - moving people is harder than moving weights, most of the time

Maybe, but Ben Askren and plenty of other elite wrestling and judo guys don't have huge, ripped physiques.
Nutrition is 90% of your physique. Chicken breast for protein. Fresh orange juice for vitamins. Broccoli for the win.
Herschel Walker was the epitome of this kind of training. Tons of push ups, squats, lunges and other core exercises using his body weight as the resistance. Not to mention playing their respective sports.

You forgot that he did all that while eating a soup (sometimes even threw in a salad) a day and sleeping like 4 hours per night.
is that really what he said he does?

I do 40-50 push ups, 100-200 sit ups, 50 squats, and like 5km running 3-4 days a week and I have a fatter Shogun body composition
That's probably just his warm up though. You gotta add training and sparring, 3-4 times/week, if not more. Plus a very healthy diet.
He said he hasn't lifted weights since his college days and still looks jacked, probably one of the most impressive physiques at LW actually.


So how does it work? I loathe lifting weights, it's boring af.
Guarantee he worked out like a mad man during high school thru college. Now just maintaining it thru strength training. No way in hell he’s natural.
He’s just a jacked black boy, deal with it.

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