Mayweather vs McGregor undercard

Floyd had zero respect for Conor. He looked old tonight, but he certainly didn't look like he felt challenged. I thought he was starting to suss him out after a couple of rounds. The result was really never in question.
I liked watching the old boxer take it to the young UFC destroyer.

That's a good way to put it. Maybe I expected too much, as a boxing fan.
He probably didn't. Floyd sr was telling him in the corner to keep working him and he be done after the 4th and he was basically. It really was their gameplan. I do believe Conors jab shocked Floyd a bit.
Yeah, if anything, I was surprised by Conor's jab.
I guess we do agree on all but your last sentence, which is subjective.
Absolutely true, I mean basically I just liked seeing something different as a nice ending to Mayweather's pro career, and his not-giving-a-fuck approach to McGregor as a challenger, but then objectively it was a shit performance and for those looking forward to Mayweather putting on a clinic and showing the skill disparity in a way that would be blindingly obvious to casuals, it was disappointing on that end.
Floyd walked him down since round 1. Made him get tired, and showed his punches don't mean shit.
The broadcast I was watching was infuriating to listen to. They had a boxing guy, and MMA guy, and a main commentator guy was a brain dead moron who didn't know anything about fighting. He kept talking about how Floyd was too defensive and making it a boring fight while Floyd was walking forward and throwing straights to the body as he spoke. The boxing guy didn't say anything probably because he knew this was a shit show anyway. The MMA guy was the one making insight comments once in awhile. Korean commentators are some of the worst. Would much rather listen to Joe Rogan's pot head analysis.

Yeah, if anything, I was surprised by Conor's jab.

yeah same here. A typical novice mistake is not throwing the jab but he threw a lot in the beginning which made Floyd take a tad bit longer to figure him out.
Absolutely true, I mean basically I just liked seeing something different as a nice ending to Mayweather's pro career, and his not-giving-a-fuck approach to McGregor as a challenger, but then objectively it was a shit performance and for those looking forward to Mayweather putting on a clinic and showing the skill disparity in a way that would be blindingly obvious to casuals, it was disappointing on that end.
I feel that Mayweather was either showcasing his chin or/and not respecting Conor's power, but maybe I'm reaching. He did move like shit, though.
I feel that Mayweather was either showcasing his chin or/and not respecting Conor's power, but maybe I'm reaching. He did move like shit, though.
Yeah I agree in terms of not respecting McGregor's power, and basically not respecting him as a serious threat. I feel like it's an ego thing, like he didn't respect McGregor's game, and it was more appealing for him to stand in front of McGregor and prove that he can't do anything to him even as Mayweather's standing toe to toe, rather than giving him the respect of actually Mayweather working him out and playing it slow and picking him apart more sensibly. I get that sense too from Mayweather's sparring videos they'd released over the last several years where he's just beating people up, that in those he doesn't give enough shits to actually put the effort in to move around properly, like he won't give those guys that much respect and would rather just show he can boss it from wherever as a matter of pride and ego.
Stoppages like that aren't and never have been rare. The guy was trapped on the ropes eating clean shots. The ref has to stop it.

How was he trapped on the ropes if he went off 3 different ropes. Or the fight before it where the guy is literally bobbing and weaving. Defend it if you wish but boxing has gone soft
How was he trapped on the ropes if he went off 3 different ropes. Or the fight before it where the guy is literally bobbing and weaving. Defend it if you wish but boxing has gone soft
You sound like you don't really know but are assuming this.
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I guess we do agree on all but your last sentence, which is subjective.
I watched it in HD today and not low quality stream, under the clear light of day, and I take back what I said and now I agree with you completely, lol. Earlier I said that Mayweather took risks in fighting like how he did even though he was never in real danger, but there was 0 "risk" whatsoever as McGregor was clearly dead in the water from the 4th onwards and only threw pitter patter slaps from then on. Mayweather obviously had no respect for him and felt he could boss it just literally walking towards McGregor, while grinning and winking at people in the audience, and letting McGregor wing punches while hardly throwing himself, and he dominated the fight even with that shit. Even still just doing that, if he'd at least thrown more punches and combinations and brought more intensity to it, he could have definitely gotten the job done two or maybe three rounds sooner.

I laughed watching the press conference or post fight interviews where McGregor talks about his switch hitting and catching Mayweather out with it. To my count he tried it four times in the fight, this big exertful movement, even tried it when he was stumbling around during the 9th I think, he missed badly three times, one time he was countered with a flush right hand, and the one time he caught Mayweather out with it was to land an absolutely tiny jab with no leverage to Mayweather's midsection when just the effort on McGregor's part probably took as much energy as the jab took from Mayweather. And then he's talking about it like it's some intricate special thing he managed to do.

I'm glad that casuals seemed to have enjoyed it at least and that it's now firmly in the past.
Floyd showing his class in the ring.

I have to say, I thought Floyd's game plan was stupid but it worked like a charm.
Respect to conor. Showed heart and looked pretty good at times against a legend.

IMHO, this was the best (realistic) scenario Conor could've gotten.

Got to win 1-3 rounds, fight lasted way longer than many expected, and I'm sure he's gonna start saying every day that if it wasn't for the ref stopping it "early", he would've gone the distance with Floyd.

Not too bad for an 0-0 guy.
What did the Showtime or Sky Sports or whoever etc boxing analysts say about the fight and McGregor's performance? I watched a Dutch broadcast.

Sky Sports shat all over him, taking the side of boxing with very little entertainment of the fact McGregor could win.

For that, they had Dan Hardy on the commentary team.
Bullshit, sky were noshing off Conor as if he had a chance. Well, we know now how that turned out.
Didn't need to watch the fight to know how it was going to turn out :)

They were patronising him, saying what he may be able to bring and may be able to do to win, but always reverted back to Floyd being better.

As the fight went on that dropped more and more. It was hilarious at the end when they tried saying he did well, but Froch just wasn't having it.
Result was never in question, but Mayweather looked shot. It was interesting how McGregor didn't throw a punch with any leverage all fight, as well.

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