News Phil Baroni arrested for murdering his girlfriend in Mexico (Facing 30-50 yr)

It does make you meaner tho. I have frontal lobe damage from a TBI and it made me meaner and impulsive. Been in jail several times that I probly wouldnt have been had I not cracked my skull. The TBI also got me outta jail early last time too. Ive wanted to kill people several times but going back to jail stopped me from doing something stupid like that. Hell I dont even carry my gun anymore because its too tempting to just blast some stupid punk when they start shit.
Maybe you are an asshole
In America, if the person pleads insanity and wins, the person can't be incarcerated.

They go for evaluation and treatment.

It's just in very rare cases that the defense actually goes through.
Right, but my point is, the evaluation and treatment aren't voluntary in any way, so it is still custodial supervision (you still get credited time for CBCF's), and in the rare chances that the defense does work and they get that, they often end up there longer than they would have been in jail or prison. So it's a weird gamble people really wanna take because of some A) and/or B) of: getting fooled by the media into thinking it's much better & purely wanting to avoid jail/prison specifically
Maybe you are an asshole
that's fucked up.

I heard my dad had his skull cracked in the filipines, in a bar fight. The story was he even had a metal plate but after he died the autopsy said he didn't. He did have epilepsy and people did say it effected his behavior but the guy I knew was the sweetest person I've ever known, too kind for this world really. It was a shock to me when I heard years later that he was a helluva street fighter, none of us could believe that, but that's what we heard.

As far as brain damage, the stories of guys with strokes either becoming nasty or mellow are common. I knew a guy who was apparently a complete asshole, I didn't know him then, but he had a stroke and everyone said he mellowed way the fuck out. god will fix your ass one way or the other.
Right, but my point is, the evaluation and treatment aren't voluntary in any way, so it is still custodial supervision, and in the rare chances that the defense does work and they get that, they often end up there longer than they would have been in jail or prison. So it's a weird gamble people really wanna take because of some A) and/or B) of: getting fooled by the media into thinking it's much better & purely wanting to avoid jail/prison specifically
If i were facing anything like either prison or a nuthouse, I'd probably find a way to dissapear somewhere, it can't really be that hard but most people are so stupid and needy that they can't cut themselves off from all the bullshit in their lives, they have to be forced to.
that's fucked up.

I heard my dad had his skull cracked in the filipines, in a bar fight. The story was he even had a metal plate but after he died the autopsy said he didn't. He did have epilepsy and people did say it effected his behavior but the guy I knew was the sweetest person I've ever known, too kind for this world really. It was a shock to me when I heard years later that he was a helluva street fighter, none of us could believe that, but that's what we heard.

As far as brain damage, the stories of guys with strokes either becoming nasty or mellow are common. I knew a guy who was apparently a complete asshole, I didn't know him then, but he had a stroke and everyone said he mellowed way the fuck out. god will fix your ass one way or the other.

Baroni chose his way of life.. he chose to be a MMA fighter and ended up killing a woman in Mexico. IDK why people are doing mental gymnastics to find excuses. That was a bad thing to do.

Baroni chose his way of life.. he chose to be a MMA fighter and ended up killing a woman in Mexico. IDK why people are doing mental gymnastics to find excuses. That was a bad thing to do.
I didn't say shit, I just said it was fucked up to call someone an asshole.

I don't think i've had a single incident of tbi but the way people act sometimes I get pretty fucking irate. And.., they sure do ask for it, each and every man thinks he's hot shit when he ain't shit. Eyeing people, egging you on in traffic over shit that you should be able to handle like an adult. The older I get, the more I think the guy who said to me, "it's no wonder why people go crazy and kill people, people are stupid". I used to think my man was a psycho, but the older I get, the more everyone makes me sick. Can we slap the shit out of every person who thinks their hot shit? Of course not, let god handle it, let them be someone else's problem.
Anyway, we had some guy who claimed to be some authority on mexican prisons in here when this first happened, he predicted Phil would be killed inside a couple months, he was obviously wrong about that.
It looks like he went off the deep end as he got more severely impaired. What people describe with these cases is that people's personalities change over time. Having bad associates may have hastened his situation, but the totality of the case shows he changed and went over the edge. Pretty hard to discount the effects of CTE on murder when he was proven to have murder-level CTE.
"Murder level CTE".
Spot on. Imagine you get a pass for murdering someone by saying "oh I was on my period"
I think this kind of thinking only started taking traction in the seventies, the guy who killed harvey milk claimed he ate a twinky or something. The further back you go, the less people took things like that into account, now everyone got an excuse. We live in a very difficult world, that's the main reason people flip the fuck out. Murder is as old as cain and abel but I'm sure the types of murders we see today were rarer and rarer the closer we reach back to tribal societies. Most Indian tribes had no prisons so they'd just exile you and that was pretty much a death sentence anyways, I don't think they had to do that a lot.
Phil Baroni has been a psychopathic shit head since he was a teenager. He's beaten the shit out of every woman I've ever known him to date and I have numerous terrible stories about him over the past 20 years for doing other terrible things to people including spiking a 16 years kid that triangled him on his head.

I haven't seen him in about 5 years. He definitely has cognitive problems from fighting but he was an asshole before that.

He was getting mopped by 145lb amateurs last time I trained with him. I refused to do rounds with him. He barely made sense when he spoke.

He got stuck in Mexico because he beat the shit out of his ex gf and she snuck out at night and took his passport, ID and wallet and jumped on a plane back to the US to escape him.

Then he wifed up the poor Mexican girl that he beat to death. Fuck that dude.
sad to say, he sounds like so many other guys in that world, honestly. I've even read a story that Royce Gracie took a beginner and slammed him as hard as he could because he succeeded in a way that offended him. It was an online story from some kid, no telling how true it was but I would believe it. These people love to throw words like "discipline", "honor", "respect" "character" you only have to say stuff like that when you're covering up something.
Eh, not so much.

Encephalopathies have numerous causes, many unrelated to external trauma. Imaging shows extent of damage but not cause.
A girl at BU made a statement and the agents and the NFLCTE crowd and the mindless American press ran with it.
Typical actual CTE progression is towards end-stage Ali. Towards tomato.
There is no substantive indication that actual CTE contributes to violent behavior. There are a few anecdotes, but anecdotes are always statistically meaningless until they occur in statistically significant proportions. Actual CTE does not develop in a vacuum. It develops in a functioning mind capable of chronic frustration and fear caused by realization of deteriorating function. Those symptoms always cause some types of people to lash out, but they definitely do not always cause all people to lash out.

Regarding suicide, manifest depression is the most common cause.

Societally, what was needed was a vehicle to assign victimhood to a deceased ghetto star, and they found it. Whatevs. No one cares. Hernandez stopped making headlines a long time ago.

Hernandez is not the model fronted by the CTE complainers.

By far the most probable causes of Hernandez's behavior were a lack of intelligence, a lack of fruitful social values, a personal need to cultivate street cred (which no millionaire actually needs), and a history of substance abuse.
Athletic ability, stardom, and tons of money were not enough for that young man. He was so personally insecure that he also needed to develop "street cred" in order to feel truly "accepted."

IOW, he was a moron.

But carry on. Whatever floats your boat.
"experts" lie whenever it suits them. I just saw a docu where they some "experts" decided George Floyd died from acromegaly, heart disease, covid, drugs and not the police. And there is a crowd that will lap that right up. None of us should just suspend our own intelligence and judgement for anyone and we should always be suspicious and skeptical because human beings are flawed.
Being a fight fan is being a degenerate, but there are levels of degeneracy.

Watching multimillionaires like Floyd and Pacman give each other CTE is not the same as watching Mandingo fights. Pretending that they are equivalent serves only to enable more exploitation.

As UFC fans we are little better than bumfights fans. Proper scumbag degenerates. We are watching an extraordinary level of exploitation - people putting their bodies through hell to not even make a living wage while filling the pockets of billionaires.

Many UFC fighters end up with nothing to show for it. Completely broke. A few more end up with some money, but basically the equivalent of what they could have earned with a regular job and without the CTE and other life-long injuries. Only a select few have earned enough money that could even begin to justify the tradeoff.

What we need in the sport is legal mandates ensuring a strong union, high pay, and lifelong health insurance. This would significantly reduce the exploitation involved and the moral culpability of fans, even if some level remains.
no, the fighters need to use their heads. We all have choices, I said no a million times. Sure, I don't have the high or lowlights on youtube to show for it or anyone patting me on the back but I also don't have much damage. And don't say they aren't warned, I've told people, "don't do it, think about it, don't trust anyone". And, they go off anyway with stars in their eyes making those thousand dollar purses. At some point, we have to let them do what they want and just hope there is a special circle in hell for all the trainers, managers, promoters etc..,
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You are actually mistaken. Aaron Hernandez had one of the worst cases of CTE ever found; his brain was wrecked. They did a brain autopsy after he died.
he sure did sound pretty insane didn't he? I though it was interesting how he put up illuminati images on the wall before he killed himself. He was also deluded enough to think that his girl would be rich after he killed himself. I saw the docu, he reminded me of some of the guys I knew in so many ways. I don't think many of them were that into some thug image though, he would be pimp walking in handcuffs, I don't think the guys I knew were that into the same shit. I do think taking unstable people with poor parenting, not even meaning abusive per se, just hyper patriarchial, and giving them all sorts of encouragement to be dominant and violent, not everyone can handle that and stay sane. Our ideas of manhood period are fucked up.
In 30 years it will be common knowledge that there is no free will. Lets see how society will adjust justice system.

I am sure we will see movement like BLM around brain damage and traumatic experiences.
In 30 years it will be common knowledge that there is no free will. Lets see how society will adjust justice system.

I am sure we will see movement like BLM around brain damage and traumatic experiences.

Determinism is about 200 years old. Its advocates have always said, "In 20 years, everyone will know they have no free will." They are at strike 10 and still hoping ...

Climate changelings have been on for about 60 years, same gig. They are at strike 3 and just getting warmed up. "Warmed up." Get it?
If we have an ice age, they will blame it on climate change.
They don't get that climate changes.

Anyway, BLM arose from a segment of society that has a crime rate 20 times higher than the rest of society.
Their base complaint is too many interactions with law enforcement.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than 99% of those interactions were lawful.
So the movement is purely emo, zero substance.
The only thing they have accomplished so far is less law enforcement in their neighborhoods, which has not helped them.
In fact, it has demonstrably harmed their segment.
Funnily, the vast majority of black lives lost are lost to black criminals. It's been that way for decades and it will be t hat way next decade.

I'd suggest that rich people voluntarily and willingly and repeatedly smashing their heads for big money and fame will not ultimately lead to a social movement wailing about the poor head bashers.
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In 30 years it will be common knowledge that there is no free will. Lets see how society will adjust justice system.

I am sure we will see movement like BLM around brain damage and traumatic experiences.
Society will be fine in the long run. The places that maintain law and order will thrive and the others will follow

Trauma and brain damage will be solved eventually. Less people will believe in ‘no free will’
I recently watched an Eric Dickerson interview where he talked about a golf game with LT and two other retired players,

The interview setting was a million dollar home with three people wearing expensive clothes and watches.

The golf story was about a journalist who asked ED how he felt about the NFL. Then he asked the other 3 retired NFL players.

They all said, "Fuck the NFL. What the NFL wants is for you to play for 20 years and then go away and die."


Why do people think that they can work for Company X and get rich and retire, but then after that, Company X still owes them something?

They didn't have to work for Company X.
They didn't have to pursue wealth.
They didn't have to sweep the bathroom or block the huge guy or catch the ball or do the accounting or do whatever the job was, because they didn't have to take the job. They could have done something else.
Also, they didn't have to accept the Company X contract.

If you work 16 years, buy all your cars and boats and homes, and save 5 million dollars, and retire at 38, the sky is the limit.
You never have to be poor or hungry. You can do anything you want. You can start a biz, play golf, write a book.

Yet here they are, complaining about health problems caused by their personal job choice, and blaming the company.
There was no science 25 years ago proving that football caused CTE in X percentage of players.
NFL didn't know anything for certain. They knew Ali was punch-drunk, and that's about it.

Football causes CTE in some players, but not the majority of players.
What if Football CTE odds are higher among weed smokers?
Football CTE is not the most common outcome among retired players.
In fact, Football Not CTE is the most common outcome.
How common is weed?

Don't cry about weed. You don't know the longterm outcomes associated with weed any more than anyone else.

Anyway, maybe NFL only needs to make one change. They need to tell everyone on the planet, "Here is how we work: we pay shit tons of money to players. The players are expected to get rich and save money for retirement. We don't keep paying shit tons of money to every player for 50 years after they retire. Don't play NFL Football if you don't like these terms."

If we had a time machine and we went back and convinced NFL to say that on TV during every televised game, we'd have less whiners crying about nothing today.

Football is dangerous. What is the most popular high school sport in America today?

Do high schools have concussion baseline testing and field tests? (Yes, they do).
Because everyone knows that football players get concussions from bashing their head.

People want to play football. Other people want to watch football. Only whiners want to whine.
he sure did sound pretty insane didn't he? I though it was interesting how he put up illuminati images on the wall before he killed himself. He was also deluded enough to think that his girl would be rich after he killed himself. I saw the docu, he reminded me of some of the guys I knew in so many ways. I don't think many of them were that into some thug image though, he would be pimp walking in handcuffs, I don't think the guys I knew were that into the same shit. I do think taking unstable people with poor parenting, not even meaning abusive per se, just hyper patriarchial, and giving them all sorts of encouragement to be dominant and violent, not everyone can handle that and stay sane. Our ideas of manhood period are fucked up.
he was taken out. Definitely wasn't a suicide.

Probably retribution for the Odin murder.

Or who knows

but he was basically In fear for his life the last few years

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