Media *** Random Tito Ortiz Videos MEGA THREAD ***

Sounded like he said Tito Ortiz’ed but this is hardly bad for Tito, seems some of you are reaching for those grapes and wine

I'm generally a big fan of Tito fukup threads but this one is very underwhelming. Having to listen to slow mo replays of him kind of vaguely sounding like he says a D after his last name is nothing compared to literally watching him almost cutting off his own fingers while cutting onions.
Man, if this guy couldnt fight. Where would he be in life?

As in a contraction of "Tito Ortiz is uncaged"?
Or, as a possessive, like, "The uncaged of Tito Ortiz"?

I don't buy it. I think the long history of Tito's tongue-slips is pretty overwhelming evidence that he meant to say "Tito Ortiz, uncaged" but just added the "-ed" from "uncaged" unnecessarily to his own name.

Sadly, it's not even close to the biggest slip up he's made.

It's too bad, because not everyone is gifted with locquacious verbal abilities and it can be very stigmatizing if someone isn't great at expressing themself. Some people are unfairly seen as mentally incompetent and/or uneducated/unrefined if they cannot speak comfortaby and fluently. Part of me feels bad for castigating Tito for his brutal language abilities.

On the other hand, he absolutely is a total moron, so it's completely fair. I just feel bad for people who aren't morons but sometimes trip over their words, being lumped in with Tito and painted with the same brush.

Homie just went 200 words deep because Tito included 2 extra letters.
The tubby little guy did ask for it, but when he tapped heaps & Tito kept going, it reminded me of rousimar palhares & him being a prick. Tito has a bald head, but with a whale hole on top of it spirting out the very little brain matter he has with his low picked fruity, violin balls. Fukin Richard Cranium.
I liked the chest compressions when the dude went out. Thats some pure Tito shit right there.
Tito learned CPR from watching Dumb and Dumber
