Reinventing SM's Fat @$$

How's the weight loss going anywho?
How's the weight loss going anywho?

During my time of not posting, I put on about 10 pounds and was up around 268 or so. Then I got down to around 255, and then hung right there even though I thought I was eating really well. That's the main reason I resurrected this log, to figure out what I'm doing wrong. My assumption is that in my effort to eat the right stuff, I ate way too much of it, particularly at night. I'd try to keep calories down during the day, skipped breakfast a lot, then after dinner I'd go too crazy on cheese sticks and bacon and what have you.

How many Cadbury's Creme eggs today?

None. None Cadberry Creme Eggs, and it's killing me.
If you're concerned about calories in the morning just eat a piece of fruit or two.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7:15 am - probiotics with water
7:45 am - fiber with Greens+ Wildberry
8:00 am - 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, plus 2 slices Canadian bacon
9:00 am-3 pm - 2 cups coffee with sugar free creamer
3:30 pm - pork roast au jus with green beans
7:00 pm - Training
8:30 pm - Rotisserie chicken
9:30 pm - thick slice of fresh mozzarella w/ diet orange soda+cream

Today was nuts. I was running around all morning afternoon trying to miracle a motion out on time. Somehow got it done, but I forgot to eat until it was out, including forgetting to drink the protein shake for which I brought in all the dry ingredients.
Thursday, February 18, 2010

7:30 am - probiotics with water
8:00 am - Protein shake: 1 scoop rice protein, handful of spinach, 1 tblspoon flax, 1 cup water, 1 cup almond milk
9:15 am - coffee with sugar free creamer
Thats alot of sugar.

Just in case you're not familiar w/ probiotics, I was kidding.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

7:30 am: probiotics with water (low sugar water)
9:15 am: 3-egg omelette with spinach and cheddar, side of 3 bacon slices
9:00 am - 12 pm: 2 cups coffee with cream
1:30 pm -3 pm - big steak and spinach salad with blue cheese, red peppers, hard boiled egg chunks and some bacon + balsamic vin
8:00 pm - sliced turkey with gravy + 2 pickle spears, handful of Cape Cod chips
9:00 pm - 2 bologna and cheese rollups
10:00 pm - diet rootbeer and cream
Right around 255, little to no change. I have been mixing days of perfect eating with days of 6 bowls of cereal.
What?! Cereal is not good for you! Even if its made with whole grain?

It's got vitamins in it too!
Man, the new Wheaties "Fuel" cereal is like crack. I can polish off a box in about an hour.
Man, the new Wheaties "Fuel" cereal is like crack. I can polish off a box in about an hour.
I wouldnt waste a cheat meal on a bowl of that -- but, to each his own. Btw, I dont know if I asked you this before, but, are you a lawyer?
I wouldnt waste a cheat meal on a bowl of that -- but, to each his own. Btw, I dont know if I asked you this before, but, are you a lawyer?

Yeah, I can't honestly say those were limited "cheat meals," it was more like cheat days that included cereal. And came 4 times per week.

Yes, I am.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

7:30 am - probiotics w/ water
9:15 am - organic Gala apple
Mostly insurance coverage. How about you? How long have you been practicing?
I'm licensed in Mass. I work for one of the largest firms (if not #1 then #2 or 3) in the US. I do general litigation in their satellite office here in Boston. I started in 2007. How long have you been practicing?

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