RR blames Meisha for fighter missing weight?

It's also funny that almost without exception the people who emphasize "being real" are often the biggest phonies you'll ever meet

Every person that I've ever met that said, "I'm just being real" used it as an excuse to say something F'd up. Just sounds like an excuse for being an asshole, so understandably used by assholes.
this isn't the military bro, lol, no one has signed their lives over to team tate.

what a shit example. this is a grown adult who quit, his team tried to get him to keep going, he quit. it's on him.

only a rr nut hugger to the extreme would try to blame tate.

Where did I blame Tate? I said she tried her best. GTFO of here with that nut hugger crap. If you think its a shit example, thats your opinion. I'm not forcing it on anyone. Just my opinion. You know, like everyone else gets to spew all over the message boards?? Anyways, I've said my piece, and read enough pages to know what everyone thinks of the situation.
Every person that I've ever met that said, "I'm just being real" used it as an excuse to say something F'd up. Just sounds like an excuse for being an asshole, so understandably used by assholes.

Yup. I translate "real" as "real selfish."
Where did I blame Tate? I said she tried her best. GTFO of here with that nut hugger crap. If you think its a shit example, thats your opinion. I'm not forcing it on anyone. Just my opinion. You know, like everyone else gets to spew all over the message boards?? Anyways, I've said my piece, and read enough pages to know what everyone thinks of the situation.

you are a nut hugger, i deem you as such.

thus you are a hugger of teh nuts.
what was it ronda said, something to effect of you can choose between team two face and team "real me"

lol. i thought that pretty telling. but i was drunk watching it so i could be wrong.
No offense, but Ronda is right -- Meisha really should have held a gun to Cody's head or got some of the team to handcuff him in the sauna. I mean what kind of coach let's her No.1 pick fuck up like that?
No whiteknighting around here, its actually the opposite we are bashing Ronda because of her awful behaviour every single week.

Unless you are talking about the random idiot once every 10 posts that feels the need to defend her, I guess those are the WKs.

He quoted an Apostle post in his request.
Only coach I've ever seen do her hair up like that to go corner a fight, get into full makeup like she was going to a cover shoot. Pathetic.

95% of us were talking weight cutting & blame & he came in with that
Miesha never said that Cody's pathetic. She said that it's pathetic that he quit even trying to make weight. It's not the same.

Ronda as usual was spinning shit trying to create heat on Miesha. Talking shit behind Miesha's back like a jealous woman.

Honestly, I haven't seen Ronda show any ability to motivate her fighters close to Miesha.
Her team does that work for her. Ronda's a child herself.

And no, that's not her philosophy at all. She just said that to paint Miesha in a negative light.

How often have you seen Ronda spend some personal time with the fighters? Miesha came early (before shooting hours) to push Cody to make weight.

She visits them in the house with gifts and stuff.

Has Ronda even been in the house? I only see her interact with her team in the locker room.

Miesha was in the fucking sauna with Cody pushing him to lose weight.

RR came in for Fathers Day with gifts
I think a big difference is, we see RR a few times trying to get her team to rally behind her against Tate, but Tate never doing that.
That is there personal issues & the fighters have enough to worry about
No offense, but Ronda is right -- Meisha really should have held a gun to Cody's head or got some of the team to handcuff him in the sauna. I mean what kind of coach let's her No.1 pick fuck up like that?

Unfortunately, due to legal reasons they can't physically push Cody into the salt bath as he sits on the side of the tub trying to shed 5 lbs of tears.
i'm curious if people would even be mentioning anything tate said to dana if ronda hadn't ran and told her team the slightly skewed version of the gossip.

People hear what they want to hear
so starting a discussion about something that happened on TUF 18 in the section where you are supposed to discuss tuf 18 is blowing it out of proportion?

and people aren't defending miesha for the sake of defending miesha like you white knights are doing with ronda. when we defend miesha it's because usually ronda is in the wrong and tate is in the right. so we point out that ronda is in the wrong and tate is in the right(maybe not always in the right, but she's usually not doing anything wrong) that's the difference between people defending tate and you defending ronda. you blindly defend ronda because you have a hard-on for ronda, when we defend tate we do it because she hasn't done anything wrong.

The discussion was going great & kept on track (weight cutting) until someone named Apostle came in & started talking about Tate's hair looking too good as a coach lol
Then when people reacted to his post, he says look at the little girls
there is one part of the episode where meisha is walking in the gym and ronda is mad dogging her, like a crazy person, and meisha just gets this sly smile on her face, like yeah, she got to. lol.

cracked me up, anyone else see that?

I missed that, but Miesha plays the smug up a lot
Blame the ice cream and Julianna's delicious cooking for making Cody miss his weight cut not Miesha.
I missed that, but Miesha plays the smug up a lot

ronda is mad dogging the heck out of her, and her reply is to smile, which is flat out pissing ronda off even more lol. and that is more than fine by me. if ronda is going to be a bully i have no problem with meisha clowning her. she deserves it. seeing ronda fume like that is a crack up to me. either start swinging or stfu, but the constant hate is just beyond annoying.
ronda is mad dogging the heck out of her, and her reply is to smile, which is flat out pissing ronda off even more lol. and that is more than fine by me. if ronda is going to be a bully i have no problem with meisha clowning her. she deserves it. seeing ronda fume like that is a crack up to me. either start swinging or stfu, but the constant hate is just beyond annoying.

Oh i get it
I am just pointing out Tate has her smirk down pat
Maybe I missed that part, but I think what was said was this:

"Wow did Meisha ever throw Cody under the bus for missing weight"
"If that happened to any of you I would accept responsibility"

First statement is true, Meisha did throw him under the bus and Dana did really go off on the kid badly, I mean so many fighters...big name fighters...great fighters have missed weight at one point or another, it was Obviously Cody's fault and no one elses but I think him losing his oppurtunity for the contract and being a father, husband so no...was enough. What Meisha and Dana did to him for ratings imo, was overboard and can cause some people to crash into a depression. I said too much i know, but RR was right in saying this.

Second statement I dont think is far off, but I am sure RR would have been very pissed as well, maybe not have said all the shit Meisha did as RR seems to have more respect and honor when it comes to those within her team, but I still think she would have been really pissed about it as it counts as a loss to the coaches team.
Maybe I missed that part, but I think what was said was this:

"Wow did Meisha ever throw Cody under the bus for missing weight"
"If that happened to any of you I would accept responsibility"

She said to the camera
"it is a head coaches responsibility & she failed to do that & instead of admitting that she threw it all on her fighter"

That is why I made the thread. I wondered if others thought that was a true statement or not
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