::SBBC:: Personal Goals for 2018

What Are Your Goals For 2018?

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You son of a bitch. That sounds disgusting right now.

Took some Tylenol PM and I think it's starting to kick in.
this reads like something senri would write in the upside down world.

I'm going to need the 'bitchin' version of Elle to send you back to the upside down world.

He is slowly secreting in his own way.
Probably fake with coke or root beer inside

That too. Could just be fake.

But even if it wasn't... a 375ml of 35% Jager isn't that crazy. Pretty sure I could do it, I'd be pretty drunk afterward but I'd be fine.

If it was a 750ml (a real bottle)... that would be fucking nuts. Then I'd likely be claiming it was coke like you haha.
Wow. I'll have to send an email to pfp to see what he has to say.

The scary thing is that he only has 3.24sec to run another 40m --- if you're thinking about 9.58.

He has decent speed endurance. Something he needs to work on. Running these times at this time of year means he has plenty time to structure mesocycles to get it all lined up with the early stages of the race.
imagine how bored you have to be to take the time to make this

probably took the guy three days
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Just got a fatass sub from Jersey Mike’s. Prob gonna hit the gym and then proceed to be a massive pile of shit for th ages today. Thanks presidents.
how common dental procedures are done:

i actually despise most of the modern versions of the Anthem, the style it's written in i.e. the tempo and cadence aren't conducive to modern pop style or even worse soul singing. There should be minimal runs and shit, as it destroys the rhythm of the song if not applied like expertly.

I sung it a few times for home games in HS, it's a hard song to sing. If you can't add effortless vibrato and the ability to belt/full chest voice you're gonna have problems haha

this is how it should be sung, at least IMO, the Rocky IV style turn of the MSG crowd is legit
how many of you fellow Americans have today off?

i have no clue how many private businesses, if any, take today off
I legit didnt even know it was presidents day
I’m confused at how this happened. I think the upper pins are for when the weight is racked. The bars in the center of the pic are there in case he can’t put the weight back up. How did the bar get underneath? And he is wearing jean shorts lol. Don’t think this is in the US either. We’re smarter than this lol.
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