Crime Shooter on Ohio State University

Something tells me this university shooting will bring far more anger now we know he is somali rather than the usual white guy who does this. No he cant be mentally disturbed no this guy is a terrorist who knew what he was doing.

But the shooter WAS a white guy! Christian too. And he definitely knew what he was doing.
Strict immigration controls, monitoring of mosques, expulsion of imams, etc : 'they' lose, and we win. Our freedoms are not affected

Well, we already have all those things over here (depending on what you mean by "strict immigration controls").
You also have the TSA searches and the Patriot Act though... so yeah, your freedoms were affected.
woow he sounds like a normal person even talking about how the media portrays his faith and doesnt blame others for having certain picture......wonder what happened for him to do this. Anyway if its really him I hope they put him down

No one kowtowed to his religious preferences.
He was socially isolated on campus.
Found comfort and community with the message preached by radicals online.
Made the decision to commit an act of jihad as a result.

He was an useless cunt
attacker identifies as a "scared muslim"

see, dont you ignorant bigots understand. they only attack us because we arent tolerant enough.

Well, we already have all those things over here (depending on what you mean by "strict immigration controls").
You also have the TSA searches and the Patriot Act though... so yeah, your freedoms were affected.

freedoms are affected because everything is done in a politically correct fashion... targeting the religion of peace is verboten. Trump might end this madness.
attacker identifies as a "scared muslim"

It may sound like a joke, but it is absolutely certain that the University admins will now apologize to the Muslim community and will make Muslim prayer rooms available for the Muslims traumatized by these events.
Waiting for the 1st criminal defense to be Trump induced psychotic break. Due to the overwhelming fear, anger, depression, confusion and just general feels engendered by the election of Trump, the defendant felt they had no other option for making their pain felt. When the safety net of safe spaces, playdoh and coloring books simply wasn't enough. When privilege simply would no longer be checked. That, that is when the defendant felt they had no other choice but to go full snackbar.

that is actually what happened. he said he was scared to pray on campus because hes muslim
It may sound like a joke, but it is absolutely certain that the University admins will now apologize to the Muslim community and will make Muslim prayer rooms available for the Muslims traumatized by these events.
Not exactly an underdog bet
Depending on where you're situated on the map, that could be because Gadaffi was the buffer between you and the Islamofascists. Thanks to left-wing war-mongering (another supposed trait of the right that the left has adopted during the Obama administration) and meddling that buffer no longer exists. With the influx in unknown Islamic refugees, a percentage (however large or small) of which is determined to kill you and others, and numerous reports of active cells, it's probably something to start worrying about.

I've lived in Indonesia and Malaysia in a compound of Christian missionaries. I'm not concerned.
Yet while he was scared to pray, he did and nothing happened to him...
woow he sounds like a normal person even talking about how the media portrays his faith and doesnt blame others for having certain picture......wonder what happened for him to do this. Anyway if its really him I hope they put him down

Yeah, he's dead. Thankfully it looks like he's the only one.
that is actually what happened. he said he was scared to pray on campus because hes muslim
I wonder why he would have reason to be fearful to show he belongs to a group with many members doing high profile attacks on random, innocent victims?

Bitching and moaning about public perception is a useless tactic, especially if you contribute to that negative image. Fucking derp.
It may sound like a joke, but it is absolutely certain that the University admins will now apologize to the Muslim community and will make Muslim prayer rooms available for the Muslims traumatized by these events.

Fuck a Muslim.

So, what do you figure? Serious, or is this the new #ThanksObama ?