So the Trumps were actually there

Aww, poser caught. But hey, it's ok for loser like you to have goals. Keep on trying. You'll get there one day. And congrats on come out of the closet, btw.

Have fun with your boyfriend buddy
Have fun with your boyfriend buddy

Loser sitting at home waiting for me to talk to you (so you can respond promptly) and also copying my insults towards you, haha.
Not like they couldn't take a break from fleecing the American people to watch two grown men aggressively snuggle. Not surprised they left Pence behind.
I was there last night. Jr’s girlfriend came out first. Looked kinda sexy across the arena, big striking features. I think the Trumps came out right before the Miller Guida fight. I was looking for secret service guys, looking for guys that looked like the Agents in the Matrix lol but then I realized the were all dressed in street clothes cheering Colby on along with the Trumps, it was a funny thing to see. Secret Service were a bunch of serious looking guys tho.

They had did have a big cheer when the were showed, but nothing like the GSP chant that erupted. Georges got all charmed by it, it was cute. GSP also went over to the Trump party shook hands and took pictures for a minute or two. Trumps are good for MMA and it’s great that Colby has Trump tweeting about his fight.

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