Law South Korea aims to ban eating dogs by ‘27 *Update: Parliamentary committee passes bill

The moment Koreans had domesticated dogs as pets, they should have had enough sense to stop eating them. It is barbaric and disgusting. Asia in general needs to ban wet marktes, but it will never happen. There are some animals that are not only morally wrong to eat, but cause health risks.
Another push for eating worms and crickets, eh?..

P.s. the Swiss have been eating dogs for centuries. I don't see much news about the Swiss in the media.

P.p.s.s. As a former vegetarian and, hopefully, future resumed vegetarian I am all for banning any animal meat consumption, i.e. mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, AND insects.
It is illegal to commercially produce dog meat, or slaughter dogs for food for sale in Switzerland. Consumption is rare and it is mostly farmers in extreme rural areas that still consume them. When I was there, I didn't see it at all.
I see nothing wrong with eating dogs, cats, or horses.

I have never eaten any of these things. I would try horse meat if I had the chance. Then I could be jacked like the Reem.
Lol at waiting 3 years they could do it immediately if they wanted to.
Similar to the new FDA standards for food in the US (2035?) I guess? They couldn’t roll it out immediately due to all of the stock we already have. I’m guessing South Korea has a back log of dogs they need to get rid of?
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Now if we could only get China to follow suit.
I see nothing wrong with eating dogs, cats, or horses.

I have never eaten any of these things. I would try horse meat if I had the chance. Then I could be jacked like the Reem.
The problem is they torture the animals before killing them because for some reason they think it'll make the meat taste better.
I see nothing wrong with eating dogs, cats, or horses.

I have never eaten any of these things. I would try horse meat if I had the chance. Then I could be jacked like the Reem.

Horse is great. Tried a sliver of dog in Vietnam, was not good. Wouldn't order it but it doesnt bother me that people eat it.
I lived in S. Korea on and off between 2010 - 2018 and I only saw a dog meat restaurant one time (didn't try it). It went out of fashion a long time ago.

I remember Fedor had boshingtang (dog soup) when he visited S. Korea, saying he always wanted to try it.
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There are some animals that are not only morally wrong to eat, but cause health risks.
Dogs are definitely one that pose a risk. The guy from this xray only ate dog twice and the results were devastating.

It is illegal to commercially produce dog meat, or slaughter dogs for food for sale in Switzerland. Consumption is rare and it is mostly farmers in extreme rural areas that still consume them. When I was there, I didn't see it at all.
Is it legal to commercially produce dog meat in South Korea? Is dog consumption not rare?

Sounds like a swiss excuse-ism to me.

Double standards, eh?
The moment Koreans had domesticated dogs as pets, they should have had enough sense to stop eating them. It is barbaric and disgusting. Asia in general needs to ban wet marktes, but it will never happen. There are some animals that are not only morally wrong to eat, but cause health risks.
What a load of BS!!!
How is it any different from eating domesticated cows, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, etc?

You sound very much like an asian-hating racist.

Drawing a line for moral/immoral animal types? Are you fucking delusional?
Don’t really see the big deal with people eating dogs over other animals. People argue they are more intelligent but then what about pigs? Then people will say it’s the methods that they die from that are cruel. Well, what about factory farms which are incredibly evil? I hate this hierarchy people have created. Either eat everything or be vegan. I chose the latter because it just aligns with my beliefs better and I hate being a hypocrite
One less animal off the menu is absolutely a good thing.

It's pretty hypocritical to single out one species, though.
Their country their rule and laws. Not sure what all I have eaten as far as animals. Never knowing ate dog, cat or horse and I'm not going to if I have any choice especially dog.

I'm am going to make judgment on how I feel about it and them doing it. I'm sure Hindus makes the same judgment on us eating cows.
The moment Koreans had domesticated dogs as pets, they should have had enough sense to stop eating them. It is barbaric and disgusting. Asia in general needs to ban wet marktes, but it will never happen. There are some animals that are not only morally wrong to eat, but cause health risks.

Why is it immoral to eat a dog? I bet you are fine with eating pigs yet they are more sentient than dogs.

I eat animals but I understand that it is immoral.

The problem is they torture the animals before killing them because for some reason they think it'll make the meat taste better.

Do you think the animals we eat are not tortured? Have you not seen how they live?

You must live in a delusional world.
Is there an available list of dog types that are best for consumption?

There has to be a list, with it being on the menu for so long.