Stop looking at mass killers as unique murderers... How to really stop this..

But they are a unique, USA phenomenon when you consider the rest of the world has close to zero problems with school shootings. I don't see why you would completely ignore the homicidal nature of their crime.

That's not true though. They're global - just more frequent in the US.

Apparently, they've been declining in the US since the 90s. So, wait a while.
Any type of DV. Even minor.

I think the age of ownership and purchase should be raised to 21.

Any history of violence initiated by the purchaser.

Purpose as well.

Also, current gun ownership.

No more than 3 guns per home.

Why not just move to North Korea. Might be more your style.
Why not just move to North Korea. Might be more your style.

I'm advocating for a change in what the background checks are even checking.

I'd be OK with allowing convicted felons who have served their time without incident to purchase guns, but I think we need to crack down on people with mental health and juvenile records purchasing them.

Wait, what? You are ok with convicted felons owning firearms? There are loopholes if the felony is like check forgery, but any drug related or violent felony should be no guns period. You may say “wait, drugs are violent offenses” but I will tell you 100% that drug traffickers are violent people in most cases, and will defend their turf and drugs with violence. For example: every major and minor city in America. It’s everywhere, even smaller cities because the trash from the bigger cities move in to sell drugs and be big fish in a small pond.

In my area, we have a bunch of smaller cities-under 30,000 people, get we have drug dealing felons with records a mile long moving in and setting up shop. Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, philly, nyc, all in this area. Primarily Cleveland and Chicago, and I fear the day they clash for turf.
You think this will just blow over?

They are global, but close to zero incidents in Europe. It's not something you need to worry about here. Like, at all.
I am as well, but I don't see the current situation as permanent yet. For all the bitching and politics, Mueller is actually crushing some pretty high level corruption with this investigation. Also, I'm surprised someone worried about Authoritarian creep would've voted for Trump. Especially with his constant attacks on the free press.
It’s funny that you mention permanence. My view is that all of the attempted erosion of freedoms under Trump is done in a really obvious, resisted way. I hypothesize that we will look back at this Administration as an isolated instance in American politics. However, the civil rights that were eroded under Bush and Obama were met with cheers, and those things aren’t coming back.
Do you really not understand the clear classification distinction in the literature between suicidal and homicidal ideation??
I would be surprised if he can take a piss without getting his dick stuck in the toilet seat.
In order to understand mass killers, we need to stop looking at them as a unique phenomenon. They are simply suicidal young men.

That's right - suicidal.

The mass killing is merely a fantasy, an ideation concocted in order to bring about the ultimate desire... their own death.

I'm not open to any new gun laws, but I am open to refining the ones we already have, and here's my idea.

#1 - Flag anyone who ever self-harms, or expresses suicidal ideation as unfit to carry or own a firearm. This would require a trial by a jury of peers if the person losing their right demands it.

#2 - Lift some of the HIPAA laws when it comes to mental health. Gun vendors should see flags if a person has any suicidal marks in their record.

#3 - Lower or remove the idea of "Sealed Juvenile" records. If you are committed to a mental hospital at 16, that should stay on your record. It shouldn't magically disappear when you turn 18.

All of this, in combination with arming and hardening our schools and other soft targets, will go a long way towards making a safer America.

Why would someone who wants to die put down his weapons and try to blend in with escaping students and then offer to accept a plea deal if the State takes the death penalty off the table?
What about gun shows? Many people who sell there don't have an FFL, as it's not required for private sales. I want to ban all private sales of firearms.

What about gun shows? How many sellers at guns shows are selling guns without a license? Seriously . . . I have never once seen any stats.

Again, how would you police a private transaction? We can't stop people from buying dope on the streets.

Dude just spammed nope for a page.

You reap what you sow mother fuckers.

It's even more ironic that I'm using a gif of the Republican President from an actual Presidential debate, but you want to criticize me for lowering the bar.

For a page? Dude it was a response to a stupid post . . . in another freaking post.

A whole page . . . right . . . stop trying to control gun rights and limit what someone can buy even further and put your efforts into removing soft targets and getting rid of idiotic "gun free zones".
I agree with that. Waiting period to take a safety course. You have to do that to drive, to boat, to Jetski, to bar tend, to trade stocks, to get an ins license, to get married. You should need the same for guns. Now if you already have one and already went through the process, there is no need to wait.

Nothing wrong with folks taking some sort of safety class . . . the NRA offers several for kids up through competition level folks.
Now this fucking guy thinks he knows more about mental health than mental health professionals. Yeesh.

Not very different than folks who don't have a clue about firearms pushing for gun control.
Why would someone who wants to die put down his weapons and try to blend in with escaping students and then offer to accept a plea deal if the State takes the death penalty off the table?

Addressed it earlier.

I think the stats show that successful suicide attempts are 1/200 for young people.

One of the appeals of mass shootings for these sick freaks is that there typically isn't a way out. They're "locked in" to die.

I think Cruz bitched out and saw a chance to try to escape, and in his juvenile simple mind, thought he could live.
But they are a unique, USA phenomenon when you consider the rest of the world has close to zero problems with school shootings. I don't see why you would completely ignore the homicidal nature of their crime.

"Just" suicidal people don't go around shooting up schools.

Give all countries in the world the same abundance and availability as the US and let’s see just how “zero problems” they have.
Why would someone who wants to die put down his weapons and try to blend in with escaping students and then offer to accept a plea deal if the State takes the death penalty off the table?

According to the best data, only about 38% of mass shooters take their own lives by their own hand. Another 10% are killed by law enforcement.

So less than 50% actually end up dead at the end of the homicidal event.
Give all countries in the world the same abundance and availability as the US and let’s see just how “zero problems” they have.
I agree. Availability of firearms is a major factor.
it really is comical to me that OP wraps himself in Hitchens imagery. Lmfao. Dude is the clearest example of a dumb shit pretending to be an intellectual