The Old That is Strong does not Wither - Log of Disco

Friday 23rd October

This morning got up early had a new job to go to. Before hand
warm up (bike and row x 2 ankle was sore so avoided treadmill)
Bench 3 x 6 at 40kg
Deadlifts 2 x 6 at 45kg
Curls 3 x 8 at 10kg each hand
50 sit ups on swiss ball
Busiest week of my life with new job and friends flying up to visit me

Monday - bailed out
Tuesday - privately trained a chick, not much of a workout
Wed - Morning weights
warm up
3 x 6 front squats at 40kg
OHP 3 x 6 at 30kg
Chin up 3 x 5
Thurs run 5km
Friday morn
warm up
3 x 6 bench press 40kg
2 x 6 deadlift 45kg
3 x 5 chin up

weekend beer time
okay so weekend got slightly out of hand, but the good news is I slept for 15.5 hours from Sunday midday, brief food, to Monday morning, that's gotta be good for me, right? Right?

Monday as I wrenched myself from bed
warm up
3 x 6 Front Squats at 40kg
3 x 6 OHP at 30kg
3 x 5 Chin up thing

skipped my evening run, i am still tired
tues 3rd november
boxing session followed by some killer bjj afterwards

wed 4th november
skipped out on mornings weight because i was dead from last night and i have an early meeting friday morning (so i will have to skip then) figured it was easier to do it thursday morn.
thurs back was still knotted so took it easy

warm up
3 x 6 bench at 35kg
2 x 6 deadlift at 35kg
3 x 8 bi curls at 10kg each hand
warm up
3 x 6 front squats @ 40kg
3 x 6 OHP @35kg
3 x 5 chin up
warm up
3 x 6 bench at 45kg
2 x 6 deadlift at 50kg
3 x 5 chin up attempts

also why am i doing this on a thread? i am thinking excel spreadsheet so i can track my gains
hammy is killing me
warm up ride and row for 15
bench 4 x 6 @ 45kg
5 chin ups
bicept curl 3 x 8 @ 10kg each
50 sit ups
stupid hammy

warm up no run
1 x 6 overhead press 35
2 x 6 OHP 30
bike 5 mins
3 x 8 bi curls 12.5kg
bike 10 mins
wed redo stupid hammy and lack of towel day

deads 2 x 6 @ 40
chin ups 15

lots of squats coz i moved gyms and now have A SQUAT RACK!!!
but they were at zero weight.
Wow!! Blast from the past. I thought I might keep this again... I have had a spreadsheet since day 1 that I can read, but it was fun to go back and look at this


A few at 55kg and mostly at 40-50kg. Trying to work on technique. REALLY frustrated how slow my snatch is coming along. About ready to throw it away.

Form felt good that is equal PB. Amazing last time I did this log I was deading 50!!

Damn!!!! Second time I missed the last rep. I think it is obvious I am coming to an end of my linear progression. If I fail again I guess I'll have to drop it and build back up.

Less than normal because my arms were dead from the bench

1 minute 51
Lol... Just a warm down exercise but I can't remember the last time I lifted and didn't get a PB, so that will do.

Weight currently at 98kg
Long game of tennis today

Groin quite sore, might need a few weeks off it
Clean and Jerk skills
Overhead press 3x5x57kg
Back extensions 3x10x15kg
Plank 1 min 55
Gak my shoulder is killing me right now. I think I am gonna shave 10% off my presses.

Also my strict press is really sets of 4 because I have allways allowed a knee bump for the first one. I'd like to change this but I'd mess with two years worth of records... Lol
Squat 3x5x107.5kg
PB and my hip flexors right groin was killing me! I had front squatted without hurting the same injury on Monday which gave me the confidence to go fo it. I will take a week off tennis to settle it down... But if I can get a PB while I injured I think there is a lot of growth in my squat to come.

My shoulders were sore so I skipped my bench and did some rotator cuff work with 2.5kg plates.

Back extensions 3x10x15
Still wears my back out but I'll have to go up to 20 soon
4 weeks ago I squatted 3x5x100kg for the first time

Today I did 3x5x110kg!!

Damn it was painful and scary. I have not failed before (other than to practice) and I didn't have a spotter. I will have to keep it at 110kg next week I think.

My shoulders are still sore so I just did rotator cuff light work.

Back extensions of 3x10x20kg. That's a PB too.

I couldn't plank because my back had had it at this point.

I wish I could more assistance but they all need my shoulders.
Clean skills
Rotator exercises
Back extension 3x10x20kg
Plank 1 min 48

Tomorrow off and back to my press work
Squat 3x5x110kg.... Or so I thought

I was wondering why I was doing so well at them, when I went to unpack I I realised my maths needs work... So today

Squat 3x5x105kg
Bench 3x5x70
Back extensions 3x10x20kg
Plank 1 min 55

Hopefully my shoulders feel good I can start pressing again. I think actually the shrug is what is causing it, not the bench/ohp

Will see...
Deads 2x3x140kg - PB
Feels great though I think I'm starting to get to the end of my double overhand days...

Press 3x5x50
Massive deload due to shoulders, but felt okay

Chin machine 3x5x75
Again, far less than normal

Back extensions 3x10x5kg
Tried it holding directly in front instead of at my chest, loved it. Felt like more weight in my back and less on the hammy

Have decided my shoulder pain is from all the pinching together I am doing... Bench, OHS, snatch, eh... Will see how they go for the rest of the weekend
Thanks to jester for the name change

Yeah, I've given up on the dream of having at least one boxing, Thai, and mma match, so the title 'train hard fight easy' didnt really apply.

I like the phrase 'the old that is strong does not wither' from the poem in my signature

I'm 30... Not that old, but I'm not that strong!

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