The Old That is Strong does not Wither - Log of Disco

Squat 5x5x102.5

Shoulder / neck to sore to do a anything else

100% sure now it is a sleeping issue not a gym issue
Deadlift 3x4x140kg
Press 3x5x40kg

Made decision not to compete on Saturday due to hips & shoulder
Deadlift 4x3x120kg
Bench 5x5x70kg
Sit ups 40

Happy with me shoulder, hip is the same
Oh hey jaunty - I used to do rotator cuff work but it don't make a difference

When I warm up I'll do some work with the stick, press the bar 10 times. 5x30, 5x40, then into work sets

I have ongoing shoulder problems. I tore my rotator cuff on the right side twice last year, and then did something else to it during rehab. Then early this year started to get tendinitis on both sides, especially the left side once I started trying to learn the Oly lifts and was just using my shoulders a lot more. It stuck around for about 3-4 months and got a bit painful at one point, and then suddenly went away in the space of about one week, when I combined foam rolling them, taking a load of fish oil, icing them and taking ibuprofen a few times. Hasn't been back since. So I guess in my case it was just some inflammation, and it needed a multi-pronged attack to make the inflammation go away.

Of course, shoulders are tricky things, very likely you have a different issue. But thought I would share.
Press 5x5x50
Chins 5x5x75
Sit ups 40
Thanks jaunty, yeah it's not as bad as a torn rotator cuff. After I didn't lift for a weekend, the woke up Monday and it was worse than ever, I knew it was from sleeping funny on it. Lifting aggregates it, but that is the cause.

My hip flexor is driving me crazy it just won't heal. Hopefully will go away now I'm not squatting.

Thanks for stopping by, nice to get a visitor :)
Press 5x5x52.5kg

Hip is coming along
Deads 4x3x120kg
Press 5x5x50
Bench 5x72.5, 4x5x70kg
Chins 5x5x75
Sit ups 40
Deadlift 4x3x130kg
Press 4x5x52kg, 4x52kg
Press 5x5x52kg

Hurt my shoulder on the last, not too bad

Bloody hip is taking too long, will book in the physio tomorrow.
Bench 5x5x70kg
Chins 5x5x75kg
Deads 4x3x120
Press 5x5x50
Bench 5x5x70
Chins 4x5x68. 5x75
Sit ups 40
Squats 3 x5x80
Press 4x5x52.5, 5x52.5
Forgot to add that Friday 21st

Bench 3x5x72.5, 2x5x70
Chins 4x5x68, 1x75

Also went to physio yesterday was pretty happy with what he said. My hip problem is probably caused by my pelvis not being upright enough when I squat, I need to stretch it and my ankles more, and work on my form.
Front squats 3x5x60kg (u)
Press 5x5x50

Deads 4x3x120kg (u)
Press 5x5x50

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