The Simpsons™ Destroyed By PC Goons. #ApuToo


I absolutely remember the few Indian kids in my school being called Apu, and having their voices mocked (even if they were 100% American) using his accent. If it was my character, I wouldn't be too thrilled with that result either. That's not being PC, it's just not being an asshole. Most decent people don't want that to happen.
One of the worst ways to try and protect kids is to try and shield them from all teasing and being introduced to anything even slightly mocking.

You do not do your kid nay service in bubble wrapping them against anything even mildly potentially challenging or mocking or insulting.

That little girl who has few male influences in her life and is told every day how beautiful and special she is is the first to melt down when some young boy calls her a name. That little girl with brothers and uncles and a dad who teases her every once but not with malice learns how to not take herself seriously and how to respond in positive ways.

society is on a dangerous path here trying to seek out and expunge any and everything that COULD POTENTIALLY offend anyone. And funnily enough I would bet it was no Indian people complaining in this instance and instead a bunch of Pooboo's (People Offended on Behalf of Others)

this seems to be the rebirth of the Self Esteem movement that was such a failure in the school systems and that damaged young kids but n ow being weaponized against adults.
can rednecks complain how the Cleon character is a stereotype??

Or scottish people over GroundsKeeper Willie
Seriously? If so, I'm probably not the one to educate you on the current state of PC censorship. No worries.

Should we bring back every watermelon eating racist character Disney has put out in the past and later done away with? Was that censorship or just times justifiably changing?

Lol at calling this censorship. That’s hyperbole. This is an insignificant carton character whose one shtick was based off stereotypes going away after decades. Now there’s stuff like Twitter yeah people who don’t like Apu’s shtick can speak on it. That’s fine, nothing wrong with pointing out his flaws. No one is making the actor quit, there is no great threat to him if he doesn’t. He knows the character is kind of BS too. So Apu is probably going way. This isn’t some new millennial political trend, it’s just what happens in media. It’s been happening forever.

The sky is not falling.
I guess I just see this as an absolute whereas you see it as sometjing that is relative. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re Indian or black or Chinese. If something is malicious I don’t need to be personally affected by it to fight against it, and if something is innocuous, I am confident in my judgement in calling it so. You can’t undermine the validity of my judgement based on whether I am emotionally invested in something or not.

If you have a persuasive argument you can change my opinion but telling me I can’t voice my opinion about what is right and wrong unless I’m personally involved doesn’t hold any sway over me. My race and my involvement have literally nothing to do with my ability to say this is right or wrong.

I hope you're finally noticing the hypocrisy of your argument?

You are confident in your judgment of calling something innocuous and I can't undermine the validity of your judgment based on whether or not you are emotionally invested in something of not.

But the entire time/thread you are undermining the validity of Azaria's judgment based on your assertion/perception of him being emotionally manipulated. :confused::eek:

Do you see it now?
One of the worst ways to try and protect kids is to try and shield them from all teasing and being introduced to anything even slightly mocking.

You do not do your kid nay service in bubble wrapping them against anything even mildly potentially challenging or mocking or insulting.

That little girl who has few male influences in her life and is told every day how beautiful and special she is is the first to melt down when some young boy calls her a name. That little girl with brothers and uncles and a dad who teases her every once but not with malice learns how to not take herself seriously and how to respond in positive ways.

society is on a dangerous path here trying to seek out and expunge any and everything that COULD POTENTIALLY offend anyone. And funnily enough I would bet it was no Indian people complaining in this instance and instead a bunch of Pooboo's (People Offended on Behalf of Others)

this seems to be the rebirth of the Self Esteem movement that was such a failure in the school systems and that damaged young kids but n ow being weaponized against adults.

This is all fine, but it's an argument for why parents shouldn't try to get Apu off the air or something. It's not an argument for why a particular person who has contributed to the character shouldn't have a negative reaction upon hearing how the character is used.
"apu in English

IPA: /ˈɒpu/; Type: noun;
  • dad
    { noun masculine }
    informal a father
    informal a ''father' "

This is a clear attempt by the radical right to destroy the family unit!

Jokes aside, the alt-left is turning into what they used to fight against - the humourless authoritarian right. Lame.
can rednecks complain how the Cleon character is a stereotype??

Or scottish people over GroundsKeeper Willie

Sure they can. People will probably point out there’s hundreds of other same color characters who don’t portray those stereotypes on the show but only one Indian character who is all the stereotypes rolled into one. But they can tweet whatever they want.
Should we bring back every watermelon eating racist character Disney has put out in the past and later done away with? Was that censorship or just times justifiably changing?

Lol at calling this censorship. That’s hyperbole. This is an insignificant carton character whose one shtick was based off stereotypes going away after decades. Now there’s stuff like Twitter yeah people who don’t like Apu’s shtick can speak on it. That’s fine, nothing wrong with pointing out his flaws. No one is making the actor quit, there is no great threat to him if he doesn’t. He knows the character is kind of BS too. So Apu is probably going way. This isn’t some new millennial political trend, it’s just what happens in media. It’s been happening forever.

The sky is not falling.

You've made your position clear to me. I was trying to help you understand that of others, since you seemed to be having trouble. You're clearly unwilling to entertain opposing viewpoints. Again, no worries. Have a great one.
Is he caving to their liberal nonsense, or is he just being honest?

My guess is that he's just being honest. He has no motivation to pretend. I definitely have no reason to assume he's lying just to cave to the small amount of criticism the show has gotten.

I think people spend too much time caring about this stuff. You guys seem just as outraged that Hank Azaria said this as the few outraged people were that Apu was stereotypical.

Who cares?
If he was just being honest, then he wouldn't have waited until after all the backlash to speak his mind. Sounds more like PR control to me.

I liked the Simpson's response. Don't have a cow, man. And they even bitched about that!
I hope you're finally noticing the hypocrisy of your argument?

You are confident in your judgment of calling something innocuous and I can't undermine the validity of your judgment based on whether or not you are emotionally invested in something of not.

But the entire time/thread you are undermining the validity of Azaria's judgment based on your assertion/perception of him being emotionally manipulated. :confused::eek:

Do you see it now?

Only if you consider emotion and being offended the same as having good judgement.
Hey limpwrist liberal progressives, this is what you've done and enabled. Go drown in hotdogs.

@HomerThompson This one's for you!

But it's been like 30 years. Do you just see it as a coincidence that now in the ultra PC everyone is an offended culture of the past few years is when he comes out with his brave new moral stance?
exactly lol.

The usual libs here damage controlling like mad.
This is all fine, but it's an argument for why parents shouldn't try to get Apu off the air or something. It's not an argument for why a particular person who has contributed to the character shouldn't have a negative reaction upon hearing how the character is used.
he should be proud of contributing to the character.

This is like those now looking back as shows like All in the Family and Friends and so many others to now claim offense and tear apart or the recent Molly Ringwald apology.

Again these complaints almost never come from the minority being represented and almost always from Pooboo's who are offended on their behalf.

As a minority family i can tell you All in the Family was always on our TV. Archie Bunker was the best race relations ambassador ever because he exposed how silly and laughable his views were. You deal with these things by toughening people up to them, not trying to shut everything down so that nothing offensive is ever said or heard.
You've made your position clear to me. I was trying to help you understand that of others, since you seemed to be having trouble. You're clearly unwilling to entertain opposing viewpoints. Again, no worries. Have a great one.

Everyone gets this point of view but in our culture lately people apply to too many situations it doesn’t actually exist.

Apu has been doing the same stupid stereotypical gag for decades. Now it’s grown old on lots of folks including the actor. That’s not censorship.
Liberalism destroys everything it touches.

Now they'll set their sights on South Park for Cartman being a poor example of fat kids.

South Park would counter with an entire episode of satire telling them to fuck off and theyre full of shit. And by satire, it would be showing those people being fucked and shitting out their mouths.
What's "this"?

It's a movie. No relevance to my point--that the reaction here is driven entirely by Azaria having heard people tell him stuff rather than some kind of campaign. As he mentioned, the show's reaction was kind of "eh, you guys might have a point but we're fine with it."

This is #1 Bullshit. Hank Azaria is about to leave the role of Apu because of PC backlash.

"The idea that anybody, young or old, past or present was bullied or teased based on the character of Apu, it just really makes me sad," Azaria said. "It was certainly not my intention. I wanted to spread laughter and joy with this character and the idea that it's brought pain and suffering in any way, that it was used to marginalize people, it's upsetting."


There was some lame documentary about this a bit ago that I caught 15 minutes of. I don’t watch the Simpson’s that much and by the clips I’ve seen it seemed like something minimal to bitch about
Nobody has ever gone to American School, and have people make fun of them because of how "Homer" they are since they are a working class American.

Here's the thing, you dumbasses fail to realize.....Lots of assholes in school and in public, use the APU character to make fun of Indian people...That's the fucking truth, specially kids in elementary school thru high school.

Maybe as a compromise, they should only have "white" characters on these shows.

It's still okay to shit all over the white guys, right? They're in a position of power, and can't feel insulted by stereotypes. So just have TV shows with nothing but white people again, since representing POC characters properly seems to be so problematic.

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