This log won't last

I ate something that made me very very sick all day, so all I could muster up was a 1 hour walk around the neighbourhood.

Chin-ups, sit-ups, ITY bands, tricep extensions

Bench Press
8 x 95
8 x 115
5 x 135
8 x 3 x 145

Hang Power Snatch
3 x 65
3 x 75
4 x 3 x 95

4 rounds
15 decline sit-ups
10 x 20s bicep curls

Also stretched out my calves, because for the last two days I've been walking like a gimp because my calves were so tight from the run the night before (shitting out my insides all night/morning afterwards didn't really help with recovery/hydration either).
Everything was superset. Lacking in energy today.

Hanging Leg Raises
5 x 8

5 x 30

Lateral DB Raise
4 x 15 x 15s

Side Bends
5 x 15 x 35

Bent Over BB Row
3 x 15 x 95

Band Glute Kickback
4 x 15 (each leg)
Sprint practice
High knees - 2 x 30m
Straight leg kicks - 2 x 30m
High knee to straight leg kick - 2 x 30m
Butt kicks - 2 x 30m
Bounds - 2 x 30m
Side to side - 2 x 30m
Backwards skip - 2 x 30m
Sprints - 3 x 50m
Sprint starts - 4 x 10m

Chin ups
5 x bw
5 @ +25
3 @ +35
5 x 2 @ +45

Flat Ts (rear delt exercise)
8 x 12.5s
2 x 10 x 5s
Decided to do a quick workout tonight.

Bench Press
5 x 95
4 x 115
3 x 135
5 x 155
1 x 165
1 x 170
1 x 180 (PR)
0 x 185 (failed twice)

Tuck Front Lever Hold
4 x 10s

Not bad. I planned on doing doubles at 155 for a 4-6 sets, but bench was feeling so good I decided to just keep adding weight. I am sure I can do 185 as well - maybe just another day. Psyched myself out. I was lifting alone in the garage and didn't want to be the guy who drops it on his trachea.
Don't remember exactly. 30 minutes focused exclusively on my shoulders.

Hang Power Snatch
5 x 75
3 x 95
7 x 2 x 105

Front Squat
10 x 95
3 x 135
7 x 3 x 155

Tricep Pulldown
4 x 12 x 40

Overhead Tricep Extension
4 x 10 x 30

Band Tricep Extension
4 x 10

Seated Row
4 x 15 x 100
Nothing. Just disc golf. I had the energy to work out, but not the time.

Had the time to work out, but not the energy.

Tricep extensions, ITY bands

Wide Grip Bench
12 x 95
6 x 12 x 105

Hanging Knee tuck to V-sit
6 x 8

Side Bends
5 x 15 x 35

t-t-t-that's all for today folks
Neutral Grip Pull-up
8 x bw
5 @ +25
4 @ +35
5 @ +25
10 x bw

Hang Power Snatch
5 x 75
3 x 95
2 x 105
1 x 105
3 x 1 x 115
Intended on doing six sets at 115, but I was getting some impingement in my neck so I called it.

3 Rounds
DB Bench - 15 x 37.5s
DB Lateral Raise - 15 x 15s
Laying Tricep Extension - 15 x 15s
DB Curls - 10 x 25s
Flat Ts - 15 x 5s
Typical warmup - ITY bands, tricep extension, curls, pull up, etc.

Bench Press
10 x 95
8 x 130
6 x 150
3 x 165 (probably PR)
1 x 180 (failed second rep)
1 x 170
1 x 180
4 x 135
Felt very solid on bench today. Heavy bench also seems to help with my neck impingement as well, so that's nice. Just holding the weight in lockout seems to snap something in place around my right shoulder.

3 rounds
Single Leg Box Squat - 10 x 25 (each leg)
Straight Leg Deadlift - 10 x 135
Glute Kickback w/ band - 15
Side Bend - 15 x 25
Short on time today

4 rounds
Bench press 12 x 95
Band tricep extensions x 20
Reverse curl 8 x 15s
DB curl 8 x 15s
1 minute quad + hamstring stretch
Wrist extensions x 20
Not a great session. Gym was packed. After my typical warmup I tried snatching but my wrist hurt, then I tried squatting but my knee hurt. Couldn't seem to shake either. Eventually I settled on deadlifting.

10 x 135
3 x 225
3 x 275
4 x 4 x 295

8 x bw
2 x 5 x bw
5 x +25
3 x +45
4 x 2 x +55
15 x bw
I was pretty happy with the doubles at 55. This last year of actually working on my arms has really helped my chin-ups. But my lats need some work.

Then I did some lat pulldowns, tricep extensions, and cable curls.
Typical warmup - ITY bands, tricep extension, light bar work, etc.

Power Clean
5 x 95
3 x 145
3 x 155
1 x 155
6 x 1 x 165
Lifts were crisp about 50% of the time during the top set. Timing was off during a few reps. For the first time in my life I'm more comfortable benching than doing power cleans at the same weight.

OH Cable tricep extensions
3 x 15 x 27.5
2 x 15 x 35.7

DB Curls
4 x 10 x 27.5s

DB Lateral Raise
4 x 16 x 15s

Lat Pulldown
15 x 75
2 x 15 x 90
2 x 12 x 105

Single Leg Box Squat
3 x 10 x +25

Side Bends
2 x 10 x 25
2 x 10 x 45

DB Bench
3 x 15 x 40s

Great workout overall. I really need to start doing more ab work though. Maybe one of these days I'll force myself to do abs for an entire workout.
Front Squat
4 x 95
5 x 4 x 115

DB Front Raise
5 x 10 x 30

Ring Rollouts
6 x 10

Laying DB Tricep Extensions (I'm told these are called skullcrushers)
6 x 14 x 15s

S'bout it.
2.5 hour walk. Had some bad impingement in my shoulder and back, likely from the cleans earlier in the week.

2 hour trail ride. Probably the last one of the season, but hopefully I can squeeze one more in. It's incredible out there this time of year. Impingement is better today but not gone. Should be back in the gym, cautiously, tomorrow.
Typical warm-up

Power Snatch
5 x 75
2 x 3 x 95
6 x 2 x 105

Snatch deadlift
5 x 185
5 x 4 x 215
Typical Warmup - band ITY, tricep extensions, band lateral raises, band rows

Wide Grip Bench
15 x 95
4 x 7 x 125
Too much tricep activation and not enough chest. Will need to play around with form and bar path at a lighter weight to get what I'm looking for.

Hanging Tuck to Pike
4 x 10

Side Bends
4 x 10 x 35

Front Raises
3 x 10 x 20+chains
Bench Press
8 x 95
5 x 145
6 x 3 x 155

Then some goblet squats, 10m sprints, curls, pull-ups, leg raises, and tricep extensions.
Everything was superset, 30-60s rest between exercises

4 x 6

Decline Chest Fly
4 x 12 x 15s

Clean Deadlift
15 x 95
6 x 185
6 x 215
3 x 6 x 235
Last night
Ran 5km, didn't time it but my pace was much slower than usual. One of those runs where you start off feeling heavy but by the end I felt like I could have ran another 10km.
Band ITYs, curls, db lateral raises, decline sit ups

Front squat
4 x 10 x 95

Ring Sequence
Pull up, tuck FL, skin the cat, tuck FL, Pike
4 x 3
5k Run - 24 minutes.

Fucking PGO only tracked it as 1.5km :/

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