Tim Kennedy joins Infowars

None of that bullshit you attributed to me actually applies to me

All of them apply.

Difference being they're totally anti religion and say similar things about them all. They hate religion and guess what?! They profit off of speaking their mind this way. They appeal to people like you.

^That quote above is a lie. From this thread:

Christian terrorists do exist and Christianity, as followed as written, is problematic. You're reaffirming what I already said.

Me saying the Bible advocates violence, which it does, is not an indictment against Christians as individuals.

The original Klan was very representative of large swaths of Christians during the period. The Ku Klux Klan is more representative of the Old Testament than cafeteria Christians, that's for sure.

And from outside the thread:

He would be a better person without Christianity, honestly. So would the world as a whole. By Christian standards, Jon isn't all that bad. [...]

No, the Bible and all the absurdities contained within it. The authors of the Bible are the greatest trolls to ever live.


You tried to keep up this narrative that I ignore Christianity because you thought it would make your argument easier to make.
All of them apply.

^That quote above is a lie. From this thread:

And from outside the thread:


You tried to keep up this narrative that I ignore Christianity because you thought it would make your argument easier to make.
For the tenth time,I'm not arguing with you.
Thread was closed, so I'll respond here.

Admittedly, I'm no expert on Yazidis and Zoroastrians. But if they're not on equal footing, doesn't that explain why they aren't able to 'return fire'? Isis and other extreme Muslim factions are pretty well funded and motivated. Not sure how many Yazidis keep explosives and automatic weapons in their homes.

No, it doesn't. ISIS may be a wealthy terrorist group, but that doesn't mean the ethnic groups they're persecuting don't have access to more rudimentary instruments of violence, like your average Palestinian terrorist. The reason you don't see or hear about these groups committing terrorism is because they don't have a terrorist culture. You don't hear about Yazidis, Zoroastrians, and Coptic Christians beheading Muslim children in response to something done to them.
Thread was closed, so I'll respond here.

No, it doesn't. ISIS may be a wealthy terrorist group, but that doesn't mean the ethnic groups they're persecuting don't have access to more rudimentary instruments of violence, like your average Palestinian terrorist. The reason you don't see or hear about these groups committing terrorism is because they don't have a terrorist culture. You don't hear about Yazidis, Zoroastrians, and Coptic Christians beheading Muslim children in response to something done to them.
Or maybe you don't hear about them committing 'terrorist actions' because whatever kind of defense and return fire they can muster is looked at as just that: self defense and return fire. There is a lot of propaganda surrounding this shit from all sides, just like in Israel/Palestine, and those kind of semantics just kind of confuse outsiders looking in.
Or maybe you don't hear about them committing 'terrorist actions' because whatever kind of defense and return fire they can muster is looked at as just that: self defense and return fire. There is a lot of propaganda surrounding this shit from all sides, just like in Israel/Palestine, and those kind of semantics just kind of confuse outsiders looking in.

That's a bullshit excuse. When the Kurds commit acts of terrorism, we hear about it and it's not chalked up to 'war'. There's a distinction between traditional acts of war and terrorism. Cutting off the head of a 4mo baby girl is not war. It's terrorism. Blowing up an airport in Turkey and Belgium is not war. It's terrorism. The excuse that Muslims are simply reacting to what's been done to them is nonsense. Those Charlie Hebdo artists didn't murder any Muslims. They drew cartoons. Why aren't the members of the other religious groups assassinating cartoonists? Charlie Hebdo ran very similar cartoons about Christians and they never experienced a violent reaction to it.
Alex Jones goes full retard but infowars has some great journalists. I am NOT right wing at all. I come from a very diverse family and enjoy a few people there.

Could you please enlighten the rest of us on the "racism" at infowars? I mean something legit too, not some sjw microaggression nonsense....
Yes you are right wing you disingenuous idiot. That was a pathetic attempt at hiding your true colours.

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