Trump Calls Female Senator "Used" In Provocative Tweet

Want? No

Care? Even bigger no.

I can't believe you haven't had this account banned yet.

They way you troll is so lazy.

Low life confirmed lol... It is clear you relate to dotard in chief. As long as you know you and people like you are being laughed at daily
Depends on how accurate the statement is.

Depends on how you define permissable, what actual violations have taken place, what punishments you feel are fitting.

Also depends on what standard you hold this employee to. Is it a special set of standard that you've made up because you just don't like the employee?

Or is it derermined by the precedent of nearly all the people who've previously held the same position (as well as nearly all of their colleagues) being lying, stealing, pieces of shit?

Also, your analogy isn't a great one.

Upper tier employee and colleague...yeah.

How about just ask what I think of the president doing this. And I've already answered that question.

So to you it's a 'Yes' then. Interesting, I'm not aware of any company where that wouldn't be grounds for dismissal. But of course we're speaking about government here rather than private enterprise, so it's ok to apply much lower standards on behaviour.
Yes or no question:

Is it permissible for an upper tier employee to tweet to the whole world that one of his lower tier colleagues would "do anything" to get a promotion?

No it would not. and if she worked for the Trump organization she would have a pretty good case for a lawsuit.
To be fair I'll explain myself. Who said women NEED us to defend them? They can do a fine job on their own. It's just that decent men CHOOSE to defend them because maybe we have mothers, sisters and daughters and we have this strange thing called respect. Something Trump voters certainly have none of
so do women trump voters have no respect for themselves? other women?

that sweeping generalization train is never late!
Trump is an embarrassment to the office and country. Disgusting.
....I hope one day you're able to read that sentence and laugh as hard as I am right now.

You're not laughing, you're butthurt about me mopping the floor with you on a topic you thought would be an easy win. We both know it. The more you bring it up, the more obvious it is. But you can keep pretending all you'd like. Shit amuses me, although it's a bit annoying having you tug on my pant leg, like a child in need of attention, every thread you see me in. I'm going to have to pay you no mind soon enough, for your own good.


Where did I say he should be impeached for tweeting? You said I did, so quote it. Here let me help you, I can see you need it....

That response implies you believe I said trash-talking on twitter is an impeachable offense. So by all means, show me where I said or even implied that. Should I wait for you to fail at doing that, or should I explain why you can't now? You can't because I never said that. I said your attitude towards a president's job is stupid and dangerous. Because it is.

Get a new mop, you've apparently shoved the one your working with so far up your ass it hit brain....

My post:

If it's just trash talking other politicians on twitter? Until his term is up. This is just a part of his personality that people are going to have to learn to live with.

Your response:

No. That's not how leadership works. We didn't make a system where we pick a leader and then "aw shucks" it for 4 years if it turns out they're completely fucking terrible. And the idea that some Americans like you even think that way is frightening.

Clearly you failed to comprehend my post, given your response claiming "No. That's not how it works."

Except that it is, with regards to impeachment, which is what my conversation with @zebby23 led to (which evidently you weren't properly following, probably because you're still butthurt about the Bigfoot thing).

If it's just trash talking on twitter
, as I specified in my post, you'll have to live with it until the end of his term. Now STFU and kick rocks, for you own good. My rent-free existence in your head is hurting your ability to follow threads and comprehend posts.
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so do women trump voters have no respect for themselves? other women?

that sweeping generalization train is never late!

They clearly don't. How could they vote for a guy who admittedly treats women like shit? The other explanation is simply being uninformed which I find to be the case quite often
They clearly don't. How could they vote for a guy who treats women like shit? The other explanation is simply being uninformed which I find to be the case quite often
the same reason people that aren't ideologues vote for the left...b/c it directly benefits them

If youre a women w/ a military husband, why wouldn't you vote for the party that actually gives your family a pay raise and doesn't downsize the forces consistently?
"(and would do anything for them)"

Mother fucker has about as much subtlety as you a punch to the balls

lost it at 'indisputable fascist creep' hahahahahahahahahahah

Italy must call itself lucky it had to deal w/ Mussolini and not the supreme Fascist in chief

I actually agree.

Mussolini and Trump are extremely similar both in policy and social behavior in that they're unprincipled and anti-ideological opportunists who crave power and political expediency. But Mussolini was far more intelligent and measured, although that could be said about just about every politician compared to Trump.

Trump isn't just a fascist: he's a certifiably stupid fascist.
So to you it's a 'Yes' then. Interesting, I'm not aware of any company where that wouldn't be grounds for dismissal. But of course we're speaking about government here rather than private enterprise, so it's ok to apply much lower standards on behaviour.

Societally I feel it should be a maybe.

For me, it's a firm no fucks given.

So, let's just say he is right though?

Or anyone in his position for that matter.

What would the actual problem be?

And not to get sidetracked from that question, please explain to me what standard most national politicians hold themselves to? Aside from the fact that some are more polished than others? And go ahead and explain to me what exactly holding these politicians accountable looks like.

You can only hold someone accountable if you have power over the situation or if they actually care enough to be held accountable.

Aside from the once-in-a-lifetime impeachment which literally did nothing, and the extremely rare recall vote, the bar for holding powerful politicians accountable is posting something on Twitter or Facebook. They are insulated and they don't care.

And call me crazy but I don't think you'll be changing that anytime soon.
the same reason people that aren't ideologues vote for the left...b/c it directly benefits them

If youre a women w/ a military husband, why wouldn't you vote for the party that actually gives your family a pay raise and doesn't downsize the forces consistently?

Over the last 30 years there is very little difference in military pay raises by party. Jimmy Carter in fact handed out the largest raise so maybe this is a case of conservatives being misinformed... AGAIN
"(and would do anything for them)"

Mother fucker has about as much subtlety as you a punch to the balls

I actually agree.

Mussolini and Trump are extremely similar both in policy and social behavior in that they're unprincipled and anti-ideological opportunists who crave power and political expediency. But Mussolini was far more intelligent and measured, although that could be said about just about every politician compared to Trump.

Trump isn't just a fascist: he's a certifiably stupid fascist.
odd that working for the main combat branch of the US military we haven't gotten any Memos or notices about our Fascist ruler using the military as literally every other Fascist ruler in history has...

Quite odd
Low life confirmed lol... It is clear you relate to dotard in chief. As long as you know you and people like you are being laughed at daily

You are literally the weakest of sauce.

You're basically 3 week old mop water at this point.

It won't be long before a mod finally dumps you in the sewer.
Over the last 30 years there is very little difference in military pay raises by party. Jimmy Carter in fact handed out the largest raise so maybe this is a case of conservatives being misinformed... AGAIN
8 years of Slick Willy and Obama say otherwise. The bases being closed during their tenures and not W, his Dad or Trumps say otherwise. The downsizing of the forces under both last Democratic Presidents says otherwise....

Not like people here actually worked for the government under both administrations and can notice the clear and stark difference in support.

oh wait
You are literally the weakest of sauce.

You're basically 3 week old mop water at this point.

It won't be long before a mod finally dumps you in the sewer.

haha It took you 3 sentences to say the exact same thing. Blowhard confirmed lol
8 years of Slick Willy and Obama say otherwise. The bases being closed during their tenures and not W, his Dad or Trumps say otherwise. The downsizing of the forces under both last Democratic Presidents says otherwise....

Not like people here actually worked for the government under both administrations and can notice the clear and stark difference in support.

oh wait

Meh... The military is right leaning. They are not the ones to go to for objective stats on anything really.

Besides we need our forces downsized
odd that working for the main combat branch of the US military we haven't gotten any Memos or notices about our Fascist ruler using the military as literally every other Fascist ruler in history has...

Quite odd

Man, your understanding of the definitional components of fascism is about as nuanced as I would expect from someone reflexively defending Donald Trump. To be clear, you believe that fascism can only exist to the the point that it defends itself by way of martial law?

What if a guy who is "literally Hitler" (and in the actually literal sense, not the deflecting the issue sense) is precluded from establishing martial law by a series of institutional checks and balances? Does he then not succeed in being a fascist despite his deepest desires?

Also, I am unsurprised that a person who would cite to military service would simultaneously boil all politics down to self-interest. Believe it or not, there are millions of people in the military and in the top 1% of earners that don't vote Republican because they're not shit bags and have some loyalty to things like sustainable policy, the welfare of future generations, the welfare of international citizens, a general respect for intelligent thought in the areas of economics, etc.
Man, your understanding of the definitional components of fascism is about as nuanced as I would expect from someone reflexively defending Donald Trump. To be clear, you believe that fascism can only exist to the the point that it defends itself by way of martial law?

What if a guy who is "literally Hitler" (and in the actually literal sense, not the deflecting the issue sense) is precluded from establishing martial law by a series of institutional checks and balances? Does he then not succeed in being a fascist despite his deepest desires?
is your last paragraph a serious question?

there were laws and rules implemented in the Weimar and post Republic Germany, they literally burned the Reichstag down less than a month in power, suspended civil liberties for large portions of the populace and did it all w/ the help of the military and paramilitary organizations...

As to your first post, can you illustrate for me examples of Fascist rulers that HAVEN'T used their military to gain more power or navigate around checks and balances?

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