Trump's cult is dangerous for democracy.

The millions who voted for Trump didn't care that he:
  • Mocked the disabled
  • Bragged about sexual assault
  • Refused to release his tax returns like every other candidate.
  • Engaged in junior high level name-calling of his primary(and general election) opponents
  • Sued(and settled) for running a sham university
  • Offered no policies or legislative agenda other than repealing ObamaCare, building "a wall" and "bombing terrorists"
  • Had(and still does) one of the lowest fact-check records of all politicians.
  • Started Obama-birther theories.
  • "Lock her up".
  • Wanted reporters locked-up for...reporting.
  • Encouraging protesters be beat up.
  • Calling Mexicans murders and rapists.

After becoming POTUS his followers still refuse to jump ship despite the following:

  • His entire inner-circle is being investigated for collusion.
  • He refused to sell off his interest in his company.
  • Leaked classified info to Russian officials in the oval office.
  • Publicly Argues with a military widow.
  • Fired the FBI director
  • Apparently confessed to obstructing justice(via twitter).
  • Defended neo-nazis

Now, its one thing to support the candidates because of their policies, or political ideology. But other than "undo-Obama" what exactly is Trump's political ideology?

Even IF trump had a tangible political agenda, what does it say about his supporters when they are still willing to follow him despite all of his non-sense and illegal behavior? I find it funny how his supports complain about the NFL protests being disrespectful to the flag, when the man they voted for called America "a dump" and said the world is "laughing at us".

Despite all of the above - 35% of the country still approves this guy. If they have followed Trump this far, why wouldn't they approve of Trump suspending elections and declaring himself emperor?
Even though 97% of your list is garbage, Hillary Clinton's list is still a far longer read. You should be more concerned about her millions of voters.
Naw.. The cult sucks on both sides. The fox news cult was more dangerous 10-15 years ago, but that has changed.
Even though 97% of your list is garbage, Hillary Clinton's list is still a far longer read. You should be more concerned about her millions of voters.
Why? She lost get over it.

BTW how did you calculate that 97% number?
That list is stupid and partisan as hell.

He stated a fact about how women often act towards rich and famous people. I prefer reality over fake media perception control pc b.s.. Women ARE like that, so what needs to change is reality, not perception. Hopefully women who get assaulted, for real, report it. Immediately.

Every very rich person gets sued.

Ted cruz started it.

The left was literally 100x as assaultive and aggressive towards Trump voters. Sorry again about the truth.

The birther crap went on too long, that's true.

There are gangs and violent criminals coming from Mexico. I don't think he said all Mexicans. Sorry again about reality.
She got the majority vote.

Simple Mathematics.
Simple math eh? Let's see there were 19 clams made in OP. Out of all them, you could say one, maybe 2 have a slant and/or are open to interpretation.

That's 10%. 10 does not equal 97.

As far as Hillary, yea she won he majority vote but she still lost and I don't understand why people still talk about her. I can guarantee that a large portion of the people who did vote for her were simply voting against Trump.. Hillary most definitely was not as popular as Obama and you don't really see many people defending every little thing she did or said. Certainly not on the same level as Trump's supporters, and definitely not around here.

The point of the conversation is that we have a significant portion of the population who will valiantly defend their dear leader.... Even if they can't refute the terrible things he has done or said.
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His biggest threat to democracy is nepotism
That list is stupid and partisan as hell.

He stated a fact about how women often act towards rich and famous people. I prefer reality over fake media perception control pc b.s.. Women ARE like that, so what needs to change is reality, not perception. Hopefully women who get assaulted, for real, report it. Immediately.

Every very rich person gets sued.

Ted cruz started it.

The left was literally 100x as assaultive and aggressive towards Trump voters. Sorry again about the truth.

The birther crap went on too long, that's true.

There are gangs and violent criminals coming from Mexico. I don't think he said all Mexicans. Sorry again about reality.


TS and his kaepernick av made a anti-Trump thread so thought provoking. How much violence and intolerance was scene by the opposition. Who needs milk and cookies at colleges at time off from class to get over that Trump won? Hold that L until 2020 when he is re-elected because the D's run another shitty candidate.
Again.. That's how bad Hillary Clinton was.

And we should also think Hillary Clinton's team for propping Donald Trump up during the primaries
Mocked the disabled

Bragged about sexual assault
Just because no one wants to touch you, doesn't mean the same standard applies to Alphas. Believe it or not, some people actually like being touched by alphas. It's likely you would have no experience of this one way or the other. But something to consider.

Refused to release his tax returns like every other candidate.
Untrue. President Trump has promised to release his tax returns just as soon as Hillary Clinton releases her 33,000 deleted emails.

Engaged in junior high level name-calling of his primary(and general election) opponents
Jeb was low energy. Marco was little. Where was he incorrect?

Sued(and settled) for running a sham university
Funny how nearly no one had any problems until he ran for president, then suddenly people started piling on.

Offered no policies or legislative agenda other than repealing ObamaCare, building "a wall" and "bombing terrorists"
You forgot the tax cuts Trump just got through the Senate. Lets not forget the Concealed carry reciprocity legislation that's just left committee.


Had(and still does) one of the lowest fact-check records of all politicians.
Political bias has made its way into polling and statistics, what makes the supposed "fact checker" any less prone to bias?

Started Obama-birther theories.
If one doesn't wish to cultivate conspiracy theories, one must simply be more forthcoming with information.

"Lock her up".
They still should.

Wanted reporters locked-up for...reporting.
Depends on what they were doing. You've made an extraordinary claim, it will require extraordinary evidence.

Encouraging protesters be beat up.
Not everyone in this life is deserving of courtesy. Some people only deserve the same courtesy that they've shown.

Calling Mexicans murders and rapists.
Nope. Disparaging a subset of illegal border crossers is in no way disparaging all of the Mexican people. The left's desperate attempt to make that leap was the beginning of the American people no longer taking Trumps critics seriously.

His entire inner-circle is being investigated for collusion.
Is anyone really that shocked that a Witch Hunt is going to turn up a few witches. We all know witches aren't real, yet a Witch Hunt always seems to turn up a witch.

The problem is with a mob desperate for witches, not for the "witches" being hunted.

He refused to sell off his interest in his company.
I voted for him knowing full well this would be the case.

Leaked classified info to Russian officials in the oval office.
It's up to the President's discretion to decide what is classified and what is unclassified.

Publicly Argues with a military widow.
Past Presidents would simply allow lies to be told about them, and never respond to them. President Trump is not like past presidents.

Fired the FBI director
That was one of the best things he's done thus far. It helped earn him my vote in 2020.

Apparently confessed to obstructing justice(via twitter).

Defended neo-nazis
Fake news
That list is stupid and partisan as hell.

He stated a fact about how women often act towards rich and famous people. I prefer reality over fake media perception control pc b.s.. Women ARE like that, so what needs to change is reality, not perception. Hopefully women who get assaulted, for real, report it. Immediately.

Every very rich person gets sued.

Ted cruz started it.

The left was literally 100x as assaultive and aggressive towards Trump voters. Sorry again about the truth.

The birther crap went on too long, that's true.

There are gangs and violent criminals coming from Mexico. I don't think he said all Mexicans. Sorry again about reality.

OK, I'll replace 2 points with:

Accusing Ted Cruz's father of assassinating JFK.
Alienating our allies.
Pardoning of "Sheriff" Joe.
Asking the FBI director to drop an investigation.
Accusing Obama of wire-tapping.
Spending $30 million dollars of taxpayer money on golfing and vacations to trump-owned properties
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I agree his winning was bad for USA if you look purely at the reaction of those who will constantly condemn every policy good or bad. Every pres does some stupid shit but with trump there isn’t anything he could do to win any favours to the detractors. He could have outright banned firearms right after the Vegas shooting and still the Democratic Party would still see fault.
The really bad thing is even with what dumb shit Trump might have done we are still better then if Hillary had won.

We have a VP I have no problem with taking over if Trump step out.

I don't think the left will be happy if they drive Trump out the the VP takes over.

Some of these (not here) liberials still believe Hillary will get to be president if Trump is forced out.
The millions who voted for Trump didn't care that he:
  • Mocked the disabled
  • Bragged about sexual assault
  • Refused to release his tax returns like every other candidate.
  • Engaged in junior high level name-calling of his primary(and general election) opponents
  • Sued(and settled) for running a sham university
  • Offered no policies or legislative agenda other than repealing ObamaCare, building "a wall" and "bombing terrorists"
  • Had(and still does) one of the lowest fact-check records of all politicians.
  • Started Obama-birther theories.
  • "Lock her up".
  • Wanted reporters locked-up for...reporting.
  • Encouraging protesters be beat up.
  • Calling Mexicans murders and rapists.

After becoming POTUS his followers still refuse to jump ship despite the following:

  • His entire inner-circle is being investigated for collusion.
  • He refused to sell off his interest in his company.
  • Leaked classified info to Russian officials in the oval office.
  • Publicly Argues with a military widow.
  • Fired the FBI director
  • Apparently confessed to obstructing justice(via twitter).
  • Defended neo-nazis

Now, its one thing to support the candidates because of their policies, or political ideology. But other than "undo-Obama" what exactly is Trump's political ideology?

Even IF trump had a tangible political agenda, what does it say about his supporters when they are still willing to follow him despite all of his non-sense and illegal behavior? I find it funny how his supports complain about the NFL protests being disrespectful to the flag, when the man they voted for called America "a dump" and said the world is "laughing at us".

Despite all of the above - 35% of the country still approves this guy. If they have followed Trump this far, why wouldn't they approve of Trump suspending elections and declaring himself emperor?

Why would you say people don't care about it? There were multiple things I didn't like. I just disliked Hilary more. I voted more for scotus picks.

Also you may not like "But Hilary" but when she is the other candidate it is a legitimate response. But you should also call out your candidates flaws. Anyway to the top part of this post.

He didn't mock the disabled. He mocked a disabled persons the same way he has mocked numerous others without disabilities. Regardless he shouldn't mock people.

"Let me" and there are so far zero credible claims that he assault someone. It was still a stupid and bad thing to say but it was a private conversation and I'm sure many people have horrible sounding statements in private.

You are right, I don't care whatsoever about his tax returns.

All candidates were slinging mud. Hilary included. He sounded like an ass at times. I would have preferred him not to do that.

His uni stuff did bother me.

He offered his tax brackets and commitment to help small business. Something that affects me. There were other things he laid out as well but it would have been nice to hear more potential policies.

Yes bothersome.

He didn't start them but it was stupid to pursue it.

As she should be locked up. People have been locked up for less.

Don't really remember that but I'm sure there was more to it.

Meh shouldn't have said it but you are right, not high on my list of give a shit. Especially when the "protestors" outside were rioting, assaulting people, burning and destroying property, false imprisonment(restricting free movement).

He didn't call all Mexicans those things. He called some illegal aliens those things and it is true. Murder, drug trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping, rapists, general crime, etc.

I found his comments (pow) on John McCain absolutely despicable.

I find many of his Twitter ramblings to be face palm worthy.

I'm not a fan of him but I feel your post is a bit disingenuous.

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