We keep seeing lockdown on Sherdog. Khabib now using it. How many of you are going into work?

Still on the job over here...
I am working at home, doing kind of a training measure/school.

Of the people I know in Germany only essntial jobs are still going to their work like truck mechanics, therapists, doctors, people working at grocery stores, gas stations....and TV reporters.
Most other people, are at home either in home office or "Kurzarbeit"(transl. short work) which means that the state is giving you 60% of your wage for the hours you don´t work (some employers give you an addition so you get closer to your normal wage, but not all)

So nearly everyone working in non essential manufacturing or stores is at home (e.g. BMW, VW are closed as are stores for clothing, hardware, electronics...)

Dude... hearing the govt giving 60% of your wage is fucken amazing... What the Australian govt is giving would be like a day or 2 days work for me for a fortnight... I can't survive on basically $500 a fortnight.
Woah, that's a crappy deal if you ask me. Where are you based? The US? Europe is much more protective of its workers and their income.
Yeah I’m in the U.S. I work for a supply company and our main clients are libraries and schools. Most libraries and schools are closed, and we literally have thousands of orders that are in transit and can’t be delivered, or waiting to be shipped and we don’t know if they can be delivered. To make things worse, people who are open and can accept deliveries aren’t getting them because shipping companies are assuming they’re closed and not even trying to deliver.

The employees that report to me would be dealing with all of this normally. But our state governor has us on a Stay At Home order. None of my direct reports can work from home, so they are laid off. All of this work still needs to get done, so I am doing it. Good times :)
Its not a lockdown.

Public transportation is still running.

The post office is still running.

These are not essential during a lockdown in the year 2020.
Both are essential. And not just the post office, but shipping in general.
I am self employed and have two different businesses. The provincial government mandated both to close for 14 days since the 25th so I had no choice. But at least one I still run online. I still go in to do some work every for a bit. While all my local competitors closed around the 15th-20th, I stayed open right till the government said shut down.
cock fighting is not essential work TS ...
Idk about where you live but where I am the list of essential businesses is massive. Liquor stores are essential ffs. Almost any form of construction work is essential (even shit like putting up casinos). Also almost any factory that can get away with it is still in operation.
Working from home, my state on lockdown thru April 30. I'm in the auto industry, we've been shut down for two weeks but trying to reopen partial production soon with employees keeping distance. This is all subject to state approval.

Spending more time on Sherdog than usual. At least I'm not going crazy on Amazon or Ebay.
Yeah I’m in the U.S. I work for a supply company and our main clients are libraries and schools. Most libraries and schools are closed, and we literally have thousands of orders that are in transit and can’t be delivered, or waiting to be shipped and we don’t know if they can be delivered. To make things worse, people who are open and can accept deliveries aren’t getting them because shipping companies are assuming they’re closed and not even trying to deliver.

The employees that report to me would be dealing with all of this normally. But our state governor has us on a Stay At Home order. None of my direct reports can work from home, so they are laid off. All of this work still needs to get done, so I am doing it. Good times :)
EU countries are paying 40 to 80% of the wages of ppl who can't work due to the COVID lockdown. I'm still working and so is my team but some of my friends are furloughed and need this gov support.

I know that Trump just signed some bill granting paid sick leave for COVID victims... but it only works in small firms (below 500 ppl) apparently? Not trying to shit on the US but there is something deeply worrying about the lack of social funding / support there.
chael just put on a show 4-5 days ago.

its not impossible.

unless your champion is a diva and is hiding in a different country.
The core of my work is face to face talk but I'm still in phone contact with everyone in the org and I'm planning the comeback, as workers will need to be extra productive and the whole experience is stressing as fuck.
So yes I'm working but no I'm not being paid. Nice.
Both are essential. And not just the post office, but shipping in general.

Dude, there are 100s of buses riding around empty.

There are thousands of people sorting mail, most of it junk mail, side by side and not wearing masks.

Surely the amount of busses running could be cut in half, at least ...and junk mail can be left right where it is till this ends.

There is Fed Ex, UPS, DHL etc for the emergency deliveries.
I saw Khabib's instagram post recently about how whole countries are in lockdown. Celebrities and famous sports athletes are in lockdown.

Khabib isn't the only one to talk about country lockdowns
What does that really mean?

I am making this thread while I am at work.

I haven't stopped working since the virus came into the media's sight.
I will continue to have to go to work.
Millions and millions of people still have to go into work, from country to country. Not work from home, but actually go into work.

People make it seem like no one is going into work, which is false.
I know many others personally that are still having to go into work.

I live in Wisconsin and work in a homeless shelter.
I still have to go into work just like my boss and co workers.
I go to the grocery store the same as normal and there are people working there.
I still go to the gas station to get things like normal.
Pizza is still being delivered to people's houses.
I have friends that are still going into work.

People act like the word lockdown means absolutely nothing is in operation. That isn't true.

If you don't want to fight and you fear for your safety then just keep it at that, but don't go about it like if you fight you'd be the only one going into work.

I’ve been laid off, as were thousands in my city alone, all in one day. First school was cancelled. At the same time all the non private child care facilities were closed. That meant teachers no longer had a job to go to. Same with day care workers. Next was all the bars, restaurants, casinos, etc. How many thousands lost their jobs that day alone? Even then I still had a pre planned ski trip that wasn’t cancelled until a week later when they shut down too. I mean it’s freaking skiing... outdoors...on a mountain. What about sports? Do you have any idea how many people lost their jobs the minute sports of all levels got shut down?

Gyms, theatres, dining in restaurants, all non essential crap is shut down in my province. Even the church at the end of my street has cancelled services indefinitely. The oil companies have laid off personnel. And that’s what drives the whole economy where I live... OIL. The whole workforce owe their jobs directly, and indirectly to oil in my province.

My wife still has a job, because she works in a hospital. Oh goody. Like that’s completely risk free, right? In this instance it’s impossible not to insult your narrow minded stupidity. You clearly have no idea of the economic impact of what’s going on right now. Most people did not have a choice of whether they wanted to still go to work or not. At least you have that CHOICE you arsehole.
Only people working in most of the country are essential workers. Pretty much anyone else who can't work from home is s.o.l. My previous job has been laying people off like crazy to try and save money.

Your job is considered essential which is why you are working. Food, groceries, and medical care cannot be shut down for obvious reasons

If this was true, you would be correct. Unfortunately, it's not. I live in Pennsylvania and the number of "essential" businesses still open here while we are under a statewide lockdown is absurd. Our governors former business, which is a kitchen and bath cabinet company, is still up and running. My buddy works at a warehouse that produces pallets, and it's still up and running.

Like always, it's about your pull and connections.
This is one of the busiest times I've had in IT. Honestly sucks. I'd rather chill for a while since I have plenty of savings, but people are more demanding than ever right now.
Only people working in most of the country are essential workers. Pretty much anyone else who can't work from home is s.o.l. My previous job has been laying people off like crazy to try and save money.

Your job is considered essential which is why you are working. Food, groceries, and medical care cannot be shut down for obvious reasons

I do IT work for a variety of businesses and almost all are extremely busy and up and running. There have been some layoffs, but only one has closed down completely that I know of out of 80-90 clients I handle, and it seems most places are open. People have bills, have to buy food, etc.
EU countries are paying 40 to 80% of the wages of ppl who can't work due to the COVID lockdown. I'm still working and so is my team but some of my friends are furloughed and need this gov support.

I know that Trump just signed some bill granting paid sick leave for COVID victims... but it only works in small firms (below 500 ppl) apparently? Not trying to shit on the US but there is something deeply worrying about the lack of social funding / support there.
Oh I won’t take it personally if you shit on the U.S. for this :)
We do a terrible job with social safety nets. I feel that it’s more the fault of one political party in particular, but my views on that are more appropriate for the War Room. :)
The U.S. did add an additional $600/wk to a person’s unemployment benefits if they are out of work because they’re sick, caring for someone who’s sick, or if their workplace is closed due to COVID.
Example of how that works: if I was out of work because of the virus. I could apply for state unemployment. Based on my income, I’d get the maximum benefit: a measly $370/week. But under the federal stimulus plan, they add another $600 to that, so I’d get $970/week, which would be livable for me.
I saw Khabib's instagram post recently about how whole countries are in lockdown. Celebrities and famous sports athletes are in lockdown.

Khabib isn't the only one to talk about country lockdowns
What does that really mean?

I am making this thread while I am at work.

I haven't stopped working since the virus came into the media's sight.
I will continue to have to go to work.
Millions and millions of people still have to go into work, from country to country. Not work from home, but actually go into work.

People make it seem like no one is going into work, which is false.
I know many others personally that are still having to go into work.

I live in Wisconsin and work in a homeless shelter.
I still have to go into work just like my boss and co workers.
I go to the grocery store the same as normal and there are people working there.
I still go to the gas station to get things like normal.
Pizza is still being delivered to people's houses.
I have friends that are still going into work.

People act like the word lockdown means absolutely nothing is in operation. That isn't true.

If you don't want to fight and you fear for your safety then just keep it at that, but don't go about it like if you fight you'd be the only one going into work.
The difference is you have a place to do your work. Khabib and Ferguson do not have a place to work. See the difference?
I do IT work for a variety of businesses and almost all are extremely busy and up and running. There have been some layoffs, but only one has closed down completely that I know of out of 80-90 clients I handle, and it seems most places are open. People have bills, have to buy food, etc.
I have 2 friends in IT. One is working. The other isn't. Guess it depends on the company
I have 2 friends in IT. One is working. The other isn't. Guess it depends on the company

Yeah I'm self employed and have a large variety of customers, which I knew would be best for stability. I'd never ever go to work for a large corporation again. They are soulless and eat people alive until there is nothing left. I can imagine doing IT for a service or manufacturing based company wouldn't be very stable right now.

Also, I hear NO is getting hit extra hard? The humidity and warmth probably doesn't help to stop transmission rates.
Dude, there are 100s of buses riding around empty.

There are thousands of people sorting mail, most of it junk mail, side by side and not wearing masks.

Surely the amount of busses running could be cut in half, at least ...and junk mail can be left right where it is till this ends.

There is Fed Ex, UPS, DHL etc for the emergency deliveries.
I agree that public transport could be cut some, and maybe some post office functions. Essential personnel must be able to get to work, and that means public transport needs to function in a reasonable capacity. Post office does more than deliver junk mail, they partner with FedEx and UPS for SmartPost and SurePost deliveries. These have to occur; businesses are hurting as is, we can’t have businesses hurt further if they don’t have shipping capability. Also, people stuck at home need supplies of all types.