Social What was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now?

I can't my friends to show up for UFC hot dog parties anymore.

Telling people who are confused about their gender they are idiots and should be locked up in the funny farm.(Instead of pretending it's normal and encouraging kids to undergo life changing surgery when they don't have a fucking clue about anything at their age)
This has war room written all over it lol
Edgelord humor seemed to have like a hopeful vibe back in the day, like the end goal was to break down barriers and be all enlighetened and not police each others' speech and the whole family could sit around and tell fisting jokes cause why not

Related: it's not racist if I say it, etc etc
Telling people who are confused about their gender they are idiots and should be locked up in the funny farm.(Instead of pretending it's normal and encouraging kids to undergo life changing surgery when they don't have a fucking clue about anything at their age)

Perhaps there is nuance between then and now. A gray area between institutionalizing everyone and pretending every delusion has merit.
Since I was mostly away from the US from 2010 through 2020, to me it feels like smoking went from acceptable in public as long as one asked "Mind if I smoke?" to people near them before lighting up to very stigmatized overnight. Nowadays most of the smokers I notice appear really poor or homeless.
I know several smokers who make solid money. I don't understand why people of means, especially younger people, are smoking these days (the numbers are probably small but still). There's so much information about how awful it is