Who won the wrestling match between Cruz and Tj Dillashaw ?

This thread could end up archive worthy if it goes on as it has for a good couple pages.

So nobody won the wrestling battle even though Dominick landed more takedowns lol ? What kinda logic is this caveman logic ?
Why do you keep asking a question that was already answered several times?
you can be as aggressive as you want. but looking like a fool like tj did 1-3 is different. dom made tj look like a fing fool. stop ur self

TJ was trying to fight while dom was backpedaling. The striking was fairly even. The round goes to the guy pursuing, not the one evading.

Avoiding fighters turning mma fights into a game of "tag, you're it" is precisely why that is in the ruleset in the first place. Its to encourage fighters to actively engage their opponents as opposed to avoiding them.
I don't think TJ was faster at all...he could hardly catch Dom. He did, obviously. But it wasn't easy. Then I highly doubt TJ let himself get taken down.

Dom will only be better in a rematch.
I just thought looking at the 2 of them striking TJ looked like the faster guy, he obviously didn't let himself get taken down Cruz just caught him off guard a few times but TJ always popped right back up to his feet

I like Cruz and not a big fan of TJ, personality wise....But I think TJ is a bit more talented of an athlete at this stage, not a knock on Cruz he has been through a ton of stuff injury wise he should be a little behind in the athletic department. He makes up for it in fight IQ though
Why do you keep asking a question that was already answered multiple times?
I'm just trying to try to see how you justify making sense of the stupid stuff you say lol. Again so no one won the wrestling battle even though Dominick landed the greater takedowns at a better percent lol ?
Extensive knowledge of what lol ? So far you have talked a bunch of nonsense lol.
I know what MMA fans have been discussing and arguing about for the past decade. Why can't you understand anything I say?
I'm just trying to try to see how you justify making sense of the stupid stuff you say lol. Again so no one won the wrestling battle even though Dominick landed the greater takedowns at a better percent lol ?
You just asked the same question again. I've literally written paragraphs in response to this already.
Cruz always gets the better of the wrestling, its his key to winning all these close decisions
after reading some of the b.s in here. the hate comes from
1. butt hurt tj fans.
2. ignorant fans who cant appreciate the fighter IQ dom shows in and out the ring
3. other ignorant fans who dont understand how important defense is.
cruz blessed you all with a symphony and you should all praise that man. who in ANY OTHER SPORT has went through what he has. the guy took a fucking dead mans ligament to get back in to entertain us faster "it failed" then he had it reconstructed. the dude is a fucking hero. and such a great guy. i honestly cant see how any one does not love this guy. true legend. heart of a warrior. maybe not the heart of a killer. but no fucking doubt that he is "bushido" hespect this man.
No, I didn't want you to believe TJ outwrestled Dom when I said this:
Saying that you "it shouldn't be scored at all" is not the same as saying no one won.

I mean, Weidman's KO of Anderson wasn't exactly "scored"...

It was, however, still a win. And as odd a scene as it was, Weidman still won the striking.
I know what MMA fans have been discussing and arguing about for the past decade. Why can't you understand anything I say?
So MMA fans have been arguing that takedowns should not be scored lol ? What MMA fans have been saying this lol ? Don't speak for the entire MMA community for your stupid beliefs lol. No MMA fan is arguing takedowns should not be score that would essentially make MMA Kickboxing and that makes no fucking sense lol.
I love it when Rav posts a lot in one thread. It's like seeing that cool guy that used to go to all the local parties but then stopped & now only shows up when you least expect it.
Saying that you "it shouldn't be scored at all" is not the same as saying no one won.

I mean, Weidman's KO of Anderson wasn't exactly "scored"...

It was, however, still a win. And as odd a scene as it was, Weidman still won the striking.
Also its pretty stupid to say it shouldn't be scored at all considering this is fucking MMA LOL.
TJ was trying to fight while dom was backpedaling. The striking was fairly even. The round goes to the guy pursuing, not the one evading.

Avoiding fighters turning mma fights into a game of "tag, you're it" is precisely why that is in the ruleset in the first place. Its to encourage fighters to actively engage their opponents as opposed to avoiding them.
all tj did the first 3 rnds was fan dom and pout and throw a temper tantrum. so if thats aggression. i am ok with not scoring that as points. vitor vs wandy was aggression. what tj did was ignorantly throw air at our champ
cruz blessed you all with a symphony and you should all praise that man. who in ANY OTHER SPORT has went through what he has. the guy took a fucking dead mans ligament to get back in to entertain us faster "it failed" then he had it reconstructed. the dude is a fucking hero. and such a great guy. i honestly cant see how any one does not love this guy. true legend. heart of a warrior. maybe not the heart of a killer. but no fucking doubt that he is "bushido" hespect this man.
Saying that you "it shouldn't be scored at all" is not the same as saying no one won.

I mean, Weidman's KO of Anderson wasn't exactly "scored"...

It was, however, still a win. And as odd a scene as it was, Weidman still won the striking.
I guess all those combat sports people who said so-and-so scored a knockout win over the past 50 years were wrong. You should set them straight.
Everyone will just be further Cruz blessed by then, bud.


Avi worthy

no, no you don't.

no one with any martial arts training - be it striking or grappling, will ever talk the way you do with regards to the ability that someone like Cruz possesses. The way Cruz moves, the angles that he attacks from, the timing of his counters, his ability to seamlessly mix striking and grappling into a single combo.

Cruz is a surgeon inside the cage. Everything is precise to the inch. You dont make a world champion miss like an amateur, but Cruz does it to his opponents time and time again.

You dude, not only do you lack training and the tacit knowledge that comes with it, but you're soundly bitter. You keep saying "point fighter" like it is something embarrassing? You think Conor catching Aldo with a flash ko is more impressive that Cruz making TJ miss for 5 rounds? each to his own I guess.

But one thing is for sure, you do not train. And not only that, you dont appreciate the 'art' part of mixed martial arts.


To someone like you, that's not highlight worthy. To someone like me- Holy fucking shit, he dodges the left and as he dodges the right he's already return-firing mid-step. TJ is really fast, he's truly elite. Cruz however, is an actual "once ever".
Pretty much all of this. Cruz is peerless.


I love these two:



Among others.

He landed 8 less total strikes and more significant strikes than Tj. He was lighting Dillashaw up did you see his face lol ?
He landed 8 less strikes and TJ probably threw at least 100 more.
all tj did the first 3 rnds was fan dom and pout and throw a temper tantrum.http://
Actually he landed virtually the same amount of strikes as Dom.
