Will UFC 249 be Cancelled?

Fearmongering? Italy is basically closed down. If the rest of the world had acted with the indifference of the US government, it may have been ten times worse by now.

This is so fucking simple. If we act, this may go away in a whimper and we all ask, what did we worry about? Or we don't act and we get a global pandemic that kills tens of millions of people, and then ask, why didn't anyone act?

what is the deal with the corona virus? people are saying that flu kills way more people and I am sure it does, but I never read about someone dying of the regular flu in the papers, or heard about it irl. And hasn't like 500 people died in Europe in just a few months due to the corona virus? If 500 people died of the regular flu in a few months wouldn't that be insane?
2 quick things on this.
1) Very weirdly, it seems children are *not* getting this disease. They don't know why that is. Or if they're getting it they're showing only very slight symptoms. Even the experts are finding that quite odd, and apparently not seen before.
I guess google for links, it was a few days ago when i read that.
Again, not to tin-foil hat, but this makes me wonder if Bio-warfare had anything to do with this current strain/mutation/leak of Coronavirus. They have been working on targeting certain groups of people with viruses like this in the past, and targeting certain age groups wouldn’t surprise me at all. That being said, I’m quick to dismiss most conspiracy talk. I just have a weird feeling about how this whole thing has been playing out. Did you know Italy had single digit confirmed cases literally 2 weeks ago? Scary shit.
The fight will get cancelled.

For whatever reason, God doesn't want this fight to happen. Maybe he's afraid of what Tony will do to Khabib
2 quick things on this.
1) Very weirdly, it seems children are *not* getting this disease. They don't know why that is. Or if they're getting it they're showing only very slight symptoms. Even the experts are finding that quite odd, and apparently not seen before.
I guess google for links, it was a few days ago when i read that.

2) I have friends from New York (up-state, not NYC) who flew in on Sunday. They said Newark airport is extremely quiet. Getting from check-in to the gate took 30mins or less. Never been like that. They said there are noticeable changes in New York in the way people are acting / changing habits. Half the plane passengers wearing masks. Just giving that report from them.

My wife and daughter are heading to NY next week. They are gonna avoid the subway and some stuff will be closed but otherwise it's just gonna be extra focus on washing hands and stuff.
My wife and daughter are heading to NY next week. They are gonna avoid the subway and some stuff will be closed but otherwise it's just gonna be extra focus on washing hands and stuff.
Yup. I heard trains and some transport has been shut down. and SOME of the subway is already closed. Again, this is just from a brief convo with friends who flew out of Newark 3 days ago. They said it is definitely noticeable. I don't know but....I'm not sure how long the rest of the Subway lines are gonna remain open.
An area in California just cancelled any event with more than 1000 people
We should move the event to Iraq and call it: Total Destruction.
At this point I would be more surprised if it is not canceled or in a empty arena
Yup. I heard trains and some transport has been shut down. and SOME of the subway is already closed. Again, this is just from a brief convo with friends who flew out of Newark 3 days ago. They said it is definitely noticeable. I don't know but....I'm not sure how long the rest of the Subway lines are gonna remain open.

They are just gonna take cabs it sounds like. I think they are gonna see a play or 2 on Broadway and aside from that just do some shopping. With less crowds they actually may have a better time.
Fearmongering? Italy is basically closed down. If the rest of the world had acted with the indifference of the US government, it may have been ten times worse by now.

This is so fucking simple. If we act, this may go away in a whimper and we all ask, what did we worry about? Or we don't act and we get a global pandemic that kills tens of millions of people, and then ask, why didn't anyone act?
You don't know anything about the Virus do you?
L.A. seems to be heading the same way as NY so.... *if* they decide to move the venue, i'm sure that Vegas would be their preferred place at short notice.... IF they can convince Khabib on that. Cos he no longer likes NSAC so I would imagine UFC, realistically, are placing phone calls to Khabib's management asking him to PLEASE consider a change in venue to Vegas for the April fight.

The UFC is almost definitely going to need a backup plan considering how fast things are moving on this issue, and at short notice....maybe Texas ? nope, probably not, they cancelled SXSW in Austin.

So Vegas seems the most likely place if they change venue. Maybe they will throw Khabib an extra $500,000 as a "hey, here's your half-mill back".
Lol I don't get this fearmongering talk.

It's almost as if you are covering your
ears and going "LALLALA I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT" because it's not convenient to hear.

Sometimes reality is scary and inconvenient. Death and illness are not hoaxes you know, they are facts of life.
If it was actually a big deal that that threatened my life I wouldn't be saying it, but it's not. It's a virus that kills less than 2 percrent of the people that get it, and most who get it probably will never even know and think it's the flu.
fight will be relocated to abu dhabi. msg tickets will be compensated but not refunded. see you all in the UAE.
what is the deal with the corona virus? people are saying that flu kills way more people and I am sure it does, but I never read about someone dying of the regular flu in the papers, or heard about it irl. And hasn't like 500 people died in Europe in just a few months due to the corona virus? If 500 people died of the regular flu in a few months wouldn't that be insane?

It's a coronavirus. It isnt called The Corina Virus.

And yes, people do indeed die from the flu. Annually (I believe, just in America), an average of about 30,000 people per year. The coronavirus now, however, has a higher mortality rate and thus, if it spread at the rate at which the common flu has, could be a big deal.
If it was actually a big deal that that threatened my life I wouldn't be saying it, but it's not. It's a virus that kills less than 2 percrent of the people that get it, and most who get it probably will never even know and think it's the flu.
Literally none of the reports are saying it’s less than 3 percent, why are you making shit up?
People are really overdoing this whole coronavirus bullshit. I've seen this story before and it ends up being over-hyped nonsense 100 out of 100 times, like killer bees, swine flu, bird flu, honta virus, SARS and any number of other sicknesses that were supposed to wipe out the world. Go outside, get some fucking sunshine, some fresh air, live your lives as you always have and stop being a bunch of frightened pussies.

This public service announcement brought to you by DoopidyDawesome, Sherdog Red Belt and PHD BroScience Institute
It's a coronavirus. It isnt called The Corina Virus.

And yes, people do indeed die from the flu. Annually (I believe, just in America), an average of about 30,000 people per year. The coronavirus now, however, has a higher mortality rate and thus, if it spread at the rate at which the common flu has, could be a big deal.

Sorry, I'm not the best at english and I always go by the principle that words in swedish are always written together and in english they are not, usually works 90% of the time
Flu has .1% mortality rate; Corona is 3.6%. so ~30 times higher. Corona is 4 times more infectious. Also 20-30% of people need to be hospitalized in the ICU, so it's overwhelming and shutting down hospitals.
And this is the reason. I’m glad someone said it plainly. I don’t think the news is reporting this correctly. Things are getting cancelled because the hospitals know they will be overrun. It’s happened in Italy and obviously China. Bayer shut down their campus because of one person with a presumptive positive. These are people who manufacture poison, meds, and your food. And they shut down for one presumptive positive.