Zookeeper Gabe's Animal Thread V7.0

^ That's some Mission Impossible level shit.
The $10k Purple Monster Jawbreaker Mushroom


Good god, what does it look like without a blacklight?
That isn't a black light, you can make them look like that in your tank. There's companies that make led lights with a bunch of different individual colors on them so you can adjust the light to your preference.

flashing light seizure warning


The light in the video can do some crazy things. It can simulate a thunderstorm, a cloudy day, the moon phases at night, etc. You can also set them to turn on at 9 am at about 10% power, then you can have it ramp up to 100% power at noon, and then back down to zero at 5 pm.
Ahh so that's with the lighting or does it look like that without the fancy lights.
Ahh so that's with the lighting or does it look like that without the fancy lights.
LED's really make coral and fish "pop". You could buy a cheaper non adjustable led light that just has blue and white leds to get close to the same thing, the fancy one just makes it easier to tune the colors for maximum eye candy.
It's just like the light bulbs you put in you living room lamp. A "warm" bulb that give off that yellow light is a 3700k bulb, a whiter looking bulb is considerer "daylight" and are 5000k. The lower K you go, the more yellow the light. When you go higher the light turns to a pure white at 10k, above that the light starts looking blue. 20k is about the max and then things start turning purple and washed out.
Reefers target that 10k-20k range because it's more beneficial to the coral.

So if you took that coral and put it under a 6500k light, it would still be colorful but it wouldn't have that "pop"
When I first got one of those fancy lights, I tried it over my Tokay and he looked insane. His colors really, really popped.
I knew the LED lights can make a difference but never realized it was that dramatic. That's impressive.
@Zookeeper Gabe aren't the komodo's saliva deadly to us? Weren't you worried of being bit by that female?

Sidenote camping trip:
The 15-18lber

the 20lber

Doesn't look like it from the camera angle but this guy was over 40lbs and a serious arsehole.

I released them all shortly after, showed them to the kids hanging around the docks. None were harmed. Love turtles, had several as pets(including one snapper) but this bad boy was a giant dick .
@Badger67 yes Komodo dragons are venomous (relatively new discovery 2008) and we just are aware working around her. She's not aggressive in the least, even when I picked her up in my arms all she did was struggle a little bit.
Came across a momma Black Bear today with 3 little cubs, pretty unusual. I also heard some wolves calling today!
We have the increasingly rare Alexander archipelago wolf. They are likely on there way to being declared endangered. i have only seen them once, from a boat, but never up close.
Love frogs, I have four dart frogs in a nice bioactive setup. They are a lot of fun to watch.

@sverre054 thats awesome and I'm jealous you got to see the wolves. Are those the ones that spend most of their time living along the coast?
Yeah they are called Sea Wolves. They live one the islands of SE AK and coastal BC.
So this is both really cool and kind of sad, here's the back story. A female snapping turtle got trapped in our aoudad exhibit and stressed dropping all her eggs and not burying them. Keeper gathered them and I said I would incubate at home. I found a collapsed one and figured I would check one that looked ok. They weren't candling as developing so I cut one open and found this little guy... Felt bad but the good news is I have about 12 more incubating.

I'm deathly afraid of arachnids, but I think jumping spiders are adorable.

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