GOP bill to end student loan forgiveness for public service

That is the exception rather than the norm. Across the board, you will find that public sector salaries/benefits are generally than private sector counterparts.


I was referring to the US.
I was referring to the US.
Same situation in US, where public sector worker earn significantly more than their private sector equivalents. In general, public sector workers have been riding the gravy train while taxpayers are footing the bill.

As of May 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that on average, workers employed by federal, state and local governments made more than those employed by the private sector. Private sector employees in all industries reported an average salary of $44,600 per year. During the same period, government workers reported an average annual salary of $51,840 -- $7,240 per year more than private-sector employees.
In addition to higher average salaries, public sector employees tend to have more access to employee benefits. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 89 percent of local and state government workers had access to retirement benefits as of March 2013, compared to 64 percent of workers in private industry. Seventy percent of private workers had access to medical benefits, as opposed to 87 percent of state and local public workers. Public workers also tend to get better coverage: public employers covered an average of 87 percent of workers' health insurance premiums in 2013, while private employers covered an average of 79 percent.

It has been a very good program. 10 years of paying off your federal student loans on time each month with no late or missing payments, and working a public service job, and the federal student debt is forgiven.

Aside from the fact that gop is taking away a program that directly helps the middle class, is how bullshit it is to take away something people have spent years planning on? At a bare minimum there should be grandfather clauses so those building their financial future around an established law can still use it. I’m fucked, my little sister is screwed as she’s an elementary teacher. My wife is a middle school counselor. Spoiler alert, they don’t make all that much. Under this program they can pay the minimums faithfully for 10 years and the remainder is wiped clean. We’ve been planning on that. We have not refinanced that loan to lower the interest because it would lose federal status and this program would no longer apply, and we’ve been paying extra at our other student loans towards private or my federal loans. You can’t change the rules in the middle of the game.

If this passes, I’ll hit the fuck GOP point and be voting for trannies in bathrooms all day. The pro-life thing is a farce for votes anyways I’ve decided. Rs hold the house, senate, pres, and have a Supreme Court that leans their way and they haven’t tried a thing to go against the current abortion laws besides their own virtue signaling

Seems woke, and red pilled, might have a new meaning soon.
Same situation in US, where public sector worker earn significantly more than their private sector equivalents. In general, public sector workers have been riding the gravy train while taxpayers are footing the bill.

Thank you for a link to an article that supports the point I have been trying to make throughout this thread. Specifically, for educated workers (those who would likely have loans from higher education which is the point of the OP) the loan forgiveness encourages them to take lower paying jobs than the ycould get in private sector.

"Depends on Your Career
Whether you're more likely to be paid better in the public or private sector really depends on the type of job you want. Relatively low-paid workers typically fare better in the public sector. For example, food preparation workers average $20,650 per year in the private sector, and $23,630 in the public sector. However, many workers with high-paying jobs fare better in the private sector. Lawyers, for instance, average $101,270 in the public sector and $138,950 in the private sector. This is also true of physicians and surgeons, who average $160,080 when working for the government, and $194,660 when working for private hospitals and in private practice."
This doesn't seem like a great idea. I know a few people who have committed to working for the federal government in exchange for getting their education paid for. One of them is a really sharp GS-14 over at DHS, working in their cybersecurity arm. He could easily be making more as a federal contractor (it would be doing the same job, just trading in his government badge for a contractor badge), but he's committed to working for the government instead. The public sector needs more competent people, not less. So losing out on people like this guy is a really bad idea.
oh for fucks sake
You went to college thinking you would have your debt forgiven
Higher education should be accessible to everyone that wants to go that way with their life and students shouldn't be taxed on future earnings.

Education is quite literally the #1 determinant of how prosperous a society is. Gop are all about growing the economy so why are people like you so against investing in public education??? It's contrary to everything we know.
I think better solutions are trying to push back on the loans themselves first. Stop raising the limits a student can take out each year and watch tuition prices stop skyrocketing.
Seems the new bill would exempt borrowers who enrolled in PSLF before the bill was enacted.
Same situation in US, where public sector worker earn significantly more than their private sector equivalents. In general, public sector workers have been riding the gravy train while taxpayers are footing the bill.

hello Orgasmo and good evening,

if you take a look at it, though, public sector workers in high profile positions actually make less (often far less) than they'd make in the private sector. according to the CBO report, they are underpaid.

its low wage workers who are really doing well in public sector - its almost like the old days when rust belt blue collar laborers had a summer home and a boat. i'm not sure the solution is to bump these middle class public sector employees into a lower income tax bracket.

The GOP wants the US to be like it was in the 1700s. Ruled by a few aristocrats and everyone else is a serf or a slave. Education is a threat to that because a poor person with intelligence and a good work ethic could become socially mobile and potentially take money away from them or their families.
You went to college thinking you would have your debt forgiven

Because there was a law that specifically spelled out the contract provisions for when debt would be forgiven:

-Work a shittier paying job for us for ten years, and we'll forgive the remaining debt.

It was an agreement that both parties were onboard with. Now the republicans are fucking the people who thought that they would uphold their end of the bargain. They didn't expect that the government only gives a shit about their donors, so they agreed with the banks who didn't want this loan forgiven within 10 years, but rather that they could bleed the middle class loan-holders longer for a greater return.

How about instead of just poking fun at others (people who you assume are on the left because they went to college) you actually explain to us why you think this bill is a good one?

Come on sport, defend it on the merits.
teachers benefits tend to come from property tax. of not entirely from property tax depending on where you live.

increasing property taxes for the children used to be a good tradeoff, but now i think you can make the argument that the token has been abused. unions get involved and the next thing you know school admins are getting paid a quarter million while education remains poor.

and because the salaries go up we need to keep taxing home ownership? (arguably the most productove aspect of our society?)

less people are owning homes, more people are renting, rental proces are through the roof.

i think we need to explore the dark side of these "selfless" services.

many public teachers around my area are seen as upper class now, above welders and plumbers even...

they can damn well pay for their student loans themselves.

How much exactly do you think a senior school administrator, like a superintendent, should make?

250k is not even competitive with what a quality leader of the same status of a superintendent would make in the private sector.

Hell, I know programmers at tech companies with little or no leadership responsibilities that pull 250k
Culturally, I often agree with Conservatives, but the GOP knows their true masters are the very rich.

Most could care less about culture and certainly about "morality" or even a healthy society as long as the "donor classes" support them with connections and elite doors being opened.

Not in the way a Trump supporter by in large may understand it... and Trump has done almost nothing to elevate the simple truth: that American society has devolved into a consumerist cult of materialism.

That Trump, Hillary, or whatever witch doctor is in charge, they can all agree on what comes first: that they protect their interests and give very little economically to really help society.

What will the GOP give you? Shut up and learn "computers" to make it in this economy you welfare bum...

What will the Democrats give you? Small hand outs for ever greater control of your lives.

There are some intellectuals on the left and right who understand the whole system of finance, and life, are changing, but instead of pursuing positions that will help those who can be helped, the GOP will blame the poor endlessly, the Democrats will align the poor against the middle class, and both can make sure the exorbitant wealth of the top stays systematically at the top.

(Not that a lot of the poor are not too proud, stupid, and negligent to be of worth to society, but that is no excuse for the elite. Good followers need good leaders, and that our underclasses are mindless or belligerent is the fault of who they look to as guides - financial kings who do not care, or wish they would disappear, left, right, and center.)
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Eliminate student loans, or at the very least make them 0% interest rate, i.e. no usury.

If parents are dead-set on sending their children to college then they should set aside money for that. If they don't think ahead, then there's no shame in vocational training and working a trade.
Eliminate student loans, or at the very least make them 0% interest rate, i.e. no usury.

If parents are dead-set on sending their children to college then they should set aside money for that. If they don't think ahead, then there's no shame in vocational training and working a trade.

Most Americans do not need a college education as well.

Maybe 40% of Americans really gain something out of higher education, and yet 90% are investing incredible money for that education.

But it is a way to inflict a sense of status on people and raise a veneer of education for financial purpose.
Because there was a law that specifically spelled out the contract provisions for when debt would be forgiven:

-Work a shittier paying job for us for ten years, and we'll forgive the remaining debt.

It was an agreement that both parties were onboard with. Now the republicans are fucking the people who thought that they would uphold their end of the bargain. They didn't expect that the government only gives a shit about their donors, so they agreed with the banks who didn't want this loan forgiven within 10 years, but rather that they could bleed the middle class loan-holders longer for a greater return.

How about instead of just poking fun at others (people who you assume are on the left because they went to college) you actually explain to us why you think this bill is a good one?

Come on sport, defend it on the merits.
They are not proposing to take it away from people already in the program. They just want to do away with it for future students. It certainly needs to be changed from what it is now.
GOP keeping that war on the middle class alive and well.